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Papa & Daddy 2 (Taiwanese Series)

I had quite liked the season 1 of this series, despite some hiccups, and the way that season was ended, it was very obvious that a follow up season will be soon coming our way. I have to say that the sequel is definitely a step up and in no way compromises on the things it wants to talk about like challenges & issues of a gay couple trying a raise kids in a society which has its own perception f of what's acceptable and what's not. Navigating through social norms, with their own personal issues and loving kids forms the crux of this beautiful follow up. This season is 8 episodes of about 30-35 minutes each.

The story continues from the bombshell ending of season 1 when Damian's son from his first marriage shows up. A devastated Jerry moves to his parents town with their son Kai unsure of what to do. Meanwhile Damian is trying to get used to his new life with teenage son Jimmy while trying to win back over Jerry. Thankfully Damian and Jerry talk things out and when Jerry sees how genuinely Jimmy cares about Kai, his younger brother, he finally decides to go back home to Taipei to be with his family. His parents in the meantime, pressure Jerry to have a biological son of his own as well for ancestry reasons which cause another point of contention. We also meet Jerry's best friend from school who used to have a huge crush on Jerry. Seeing them so close to each other makes Damian realize how much he likes Jerry and agrees that it was not right of him to hide the truth about Jimmy form him. Thankfully the four of them are now living a happy family life. Jerry even starts YouTube channel about them which can help other gay couples come out and maybe start a family. But when the popularity of videos threaten Damian's restaurant's investor pulling back, things become tense. The couple have a few disagreements and they need to re-evaluate on where they stand. Damian is struggling on what's the right thing to do. Jimmy comes up with the suggestion on why doesn't Kai take up Jerry's last name which can solve the lineage problem. Damian proposes to Jerry in a beautiful proposal scene and at the end of season we see a beautiful family with support of very loving friends and family completing their family of four.

First thing that you will notice is that the actor playing Jerry is not the same from first season. Thankfully since its been a while I saw the prequel, I didn't miss him much. Plus the new actor does a great job in continuity. He also make a better couple with slightly older Damian. There were quite a few good things about the show. Lets Strat with diverse characters: lesbian couple friends with their gender questioning child, gay friends, Jerry's crush from high school, nagging parents who are trying to be understanding and supportive but also can't help being old school when it comes to family lineage and can't help being nosy and thankfully no random weird BL tropes. The people felt genuine and real. Sure the makers bring up a few LGBTQ issues but never really dares them in detail. The makers talk about people are treated in the society and how they react but somehow never come to a satisfactory ending, which is ok in my opinion, since the show is primarily about this family and the couple. Also the issues of the gay couple were slightly more realistic, with of course some usual drama. As individuals you feel both Damian and Jerry are right in their expectations of each other and they both think they are being supportive of one another, but at the same time also see how the other person is not supporting. Damian wants Jerry to stop youtube channel and Jerry not showing up at the restaurant opening giving priority to interviews were both wrong. So, I liked the fact that we had flawed characters and it is ok.

Bringing in jimmy as Damian's son was a good addition. The kid has charisma and his character arc was done nicely. Plus he handled himself quite well in adjusting to this gay couple, taking on to Kai as his brother. You feel for him and you want hug him. He just fits perfectly in the family and his final speech at the wedding was too beautiful. Kai had fewer scenes but is cite and charming. It was good to see the scenes with this friends. Talking of improvements, we really absolutely did not need that cliched plot twist where an employee of Damian hits on him and Jerry sees it. Come on, I thought we had successfully moved away from such cliched plot points and the show was doing too well. In fact, I was happily surprised that they didn't show any weird romantic track involving Jerry and his high school crush. It was good to see that the individuals had matured. Also, I feel when a couple has been together they would be good at communicating and in my opinion, most of the issues that Jerry and Damian had could all easily be resolved by just talking. Also, the off and on supporting parents of Jerry just tarted to touch a nerve for me, but I guess I can ignore it.  Despite these flaws, I still very much enjoyed the show and would highly recommend it. It gives you a warm, fuzzy and cozy feeling while you watch the show, and honestly, such feel good shows come only once in a while. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Like first season we watched it as a couple and quite liked it. This time I knew what I should expect so I was pretty satisfied. The couple had nice interactions. First the Jimmy incident isn't eluded easily and Dalian had to work hard his way back at Jerry. Then they bring some unsual subjects you face as gay marents and I loved that.
First the gender questionning child. It can seem stupid but that's something I feared, like: would my child being raised by gay parents have an altered vision of society. Hard to explain, but it's like would she consider being gay is the norm and she'd feel bad if she is straight. I know it's stupid, but it's conforting to see the lesbian couple having the same interrogation.
Then the blood lineage problem. It may look old school but it's actually very important to discuss this as a couple of course but also with your family. (them having a kid and not teling their parents was one of the most stupid things from season 1).
Jimmy was such a nice addition to the show. Our only complaints would be it was too drama heavy at times (unbelievable lack of communication in a LTR couple and most of all that stupid and unecessary "kiss" from Damian employee). But in the end it was really a nice second season to enjoy!
Golu said…
I would agree on three points with you 100%
1. The lack of open and hoist communication between a LTR couple was just so lame. You cannot survive so many years of a string relationship if you didn't have string communication
2. The whole idea of a child questioning gender, especially with gay parents is very interesting. I never thought of it, but your question is valid and makes sense. Maybe an interesting topic to talk with my gay friends who have two kids.
3. Blood lineage - I see why that could be important for some people and certain cultures. Personally I could care less.
Sailor Maan said…
For the child questioning gender, it was only me, and before our baby was born. Watching her and our gay friends'children grow up it's not even the beginning of an interrogation now ^^. The next big question is how she will face the dreaded "you have no Mom" at school. For now all she is so proud she has a papa and a (super) daddy (me lol). But she is just 3. Some friends whith older kids have different experiences so we'll see...
Blood lineage was not very important for us as well (after all we went for adoption at first, so no lineage at all). But it was for my parents, even if they never ever told me anything like Jerry's parents. I just knew it. So it was decided I would be the biological dad but my husband wanted to have an egg donor that looked like him. In the most wonderfull turn of fate, our daughter looks exactly like her egg donor and many people think my husband is the bio dad XD
Sorry I'm telling you my life lol.
Golu said…
oh wow!! That's such a beautiful story and you can always share your stories with me. One of my closest gay couple friends have a son and daughter of 4 and 1 and its such a pleasure to watch them grow and visit them and play with them

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