I have a lot of movies to catch up on. I am not too happy that after such a long gap, this is the film that I saw. Although quite a few people might disagree with my review of this film, specially people who are actually familiar with the case, I will still say that the film was draggy and a little too stoic. I cant find the right word to describe what was it that I was missing in the film. Based on true story in 1920's the film follows life of Nathan and Richard (Dick) known to people as Leopold and Loeb. Their relationship has been going on strong for a long time now. They seem to be bored with life. Out of this arises the lust for kidnapping a young boy in the name of ransom. This act goes horribly wrong when they end up killing the boy and the police finds a trail of them. The film follows how they get captured and ultimately what happens to them in prison and after. The men's demeanor throughout the interrogation and trial suggests a complete lack of, not only remorse, bu...
Started in 2007 to keep a track of gay films that I watched, this blog has come much further than I had planned. There are tons of movies that I need to watch and review here. Through this blog, I want to give you genuine, my personal heart-felt review of the films that I see. These are my personal thoughts and opinions about the films and I would love to hear your thoughts on these films as well.