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Showing posts from August, 2018

Play Dead

Whenever I see movies like this, I do question myself, why do I waste my time on so many bad gay films. And the answer is always the same. I need to review all queer cinema that I possibly get my hands on and review them. Hopefully not many others will have to waste their time like me, if they could read my views and thoughts on a particular film. A cute high schooler Dale has come to baby-sit 7 year old Dustine, whose mother Darlene is in the middle of a divorce and man-hunting. She doesn't leave any opportunity to flirt with Dale, despite knowing he is gay. Dale has a huge crush on Raymond who is the high school wrestling team captain. Dale invites him to this home hoping to seduce him with vodka but is completely snubbed and he leaves. While hanging out with Dustine, his best friend Violet walks in scared. She has accidentally incinerated a truck that rear-ended her car and she ran away assuming that the driver has also burned. After deliberation, the trio decide to go chec...


I have a lot of issues with this film and I will talk about it in details soon. This is a film that is supposed to focus on friendship, close friendship for that matter; but rather it seems, as stereotypical it can be, its about the guys trying to ultimately get into each others pants and wondering why they haven't thought of it earlier. There is a lot of chatter, no real depth to the conversations, and the acting is average. David is a middle-aged, successful, gay man. For a weekend he invites only three of his best gay pals - Paulo, Roger and Virgil to hang out and chill. They all wonder what it is about, and why not a bigger group but go along with the drill. All these guys are unattached. They all question each other on their relationship status and also questioning in one on one conversations on why they didn't get together sexually or romantically! In between there is a wait for the pizza boy which takes forever, who eventually turns out to be a crush of one of the e...

About Him : Season 1 [Web Series]

I wasn't aware of Signal 23 TV and a huge range of LGBt shows that they have on their website catering to primarily men of colour. But as you know I am always looking at newer content, I was quite excited to see the first season of this show. The show came with 13 episodes total out of which the first 12 were about 20-25 minutes each and the season finale was 90 minutes. Yes, almost the duration of one single film. The story is actually simple and straight forward. The central character is Damien, who is spending his last summer at home before going to college. He is gay but has never been with a man and is completely obsessed with his older brother's best friend Vincent. He is shocked when Vincent makes a move on Damien one night saying he is bisexual and suddenly Damien gets his first blowjob. Damien, now even more obsessed with Vincent misses him but Vincent is dealing with his own shit with mother finding out about him. Meanwhile, Damien's distant cousin arrives in...


Firstly, the title of the film is not a relevant title. Yes our lead actor makes footwear out of leather, but a more appropriate title would probably have drawn more audience to he film. This film in summary shows us bond of friendship, of love, commitment in a weird way and bitchy city queens by focussing on the values country living over city living. It also values rugged, hairy manliness over soft, smooth effeminacy. Its about making 2 people realize that they maybe in love but never realized it; so now they can be together and give each other a chance in life to be happy together. When old man Walter dies, Birch starts taking care of his home and his leather work in Catskills. Birch is a well-built, handsome bearded mountain man who very much lives off the woods and who specializes in crafting things like leather sandals. Few weeks after his father dies, his son Andy comes down to the summer home with his city queen boyfriend Kyle. Apparently the father-son had a falling out 1...

Gay Short Films : 58

Mario, Kike y David (Spain) [Mario, Kike & David] Mario and Kike hook up on a dating app. What initially was never meant to be more than a sex date, turns into monthly encounters and both open to being bisexual but one day Mario disappears after meeting a girl. Few months later Kike meets him on the pride day when he finds that his real name is David. Intrinsic Moral Evil (Netherlands) Three dancers play a game about coming of age, losing friendship and exploring bisexuality. Bridge (Australia) Dan, a supposedly straight guy confronts his darkest secrets at a lake under the bridge, which is a cruising spot for gays. This short film was a bit confusing and didn't make much sense to me. Sports (USA) When Zach brings along his obviously gay roommate, Eduardo, to his basketball pick-up game with his straight best friend.. the outcome of the game takes an unexpected turn when Zach has to confront which team he is really on and ultimately come out to him. Heavy Wei...

Bromance: My Brother's Romance (Filipino/Tagalog)

After some really bad movies, it was nice to watch a mindless screwball gay comedy film. And because it is from Philippines, it makes it even more exciting. I mean the reactions of the actors in most scenes are just priceless and over the top and I love it. I need to look for more comedy films. At least after a long day at work, they make you chuckle a little. Brando and Brandy are twins, except one is straight and the other is gay. Brandy, gay brother is friendly and ore successful and has a career plan. Brandon gets attracted to Brandy's best friend Erika but she breaks up with him after realizing that Brandon has no ambitions from life. He leaves home to try and do something for himself. 8 years later, Brandy is a successful interior designer but Brandon is still struggling to make ends meet. The twins continue on separate paths until one day, their mother begs them to set aside their differences and reconcile. So Brandy sets off to look for his brother but meets an unfortu...

Nuo Lietuvos Nepabegsi (Lithuanian) [You Can’t Escape Lithuania]

This film for some reason is being promoted as a gay film, which, to be honest, is wrong in my opinion. One of the main characters is gay but the film is actually about friendship and what you will do for your friends. It shows the complexity of personal relationships between family members, friends and lovers. Also, this is the first film that I am seeing from Lithuania, so I was quite excited to see the film and see what their cinema has to offer. At the outset, let me mention that this is slightly an abstract film, especially the ending. Rich and gay film-maker Ramos is now with his boyfriend Carlos, whom he met in Mexico when he was showcasing his last film. His best friend an actress of his films Indre comes one morning and explains him how she accidentally ended up killing her mother. She is terrified of jail and Ramos comes up with a plan to help her escape from Lithuania. Carlos reluctantly agrees to help, knowing very little about what exactly is going on. A road trip beg...