Finally, a small yet a very powerful film on the stories of trans people. There are so many goods about this film that, only if you watch it, you will be able to relate and feel it. Inside us all is the person we need to be, and this beautiful film about a transgendered teen helps us become aware of it. Not for ourselves but for everyone around us. The best thing about the ilm is never at any stage does the film get over dramatic. Handled with grace, sensitivity and delicacy, this subject is gender dysphoria needs to be seen by a wider audience. And the best thing is that it i snot just Charlie’s story but also about struggles that people around him are. Charlie is a young football star with a strong chance of moving into premiere league. His father, Paul, whom he has always been very close to, is over the moon, especially he never could achieve this position in his younger days because of his injuries. But Charlie has a secret. He feels he is trapped in a wrong body and constantl...
Started in 2007 to keep a track of gay films that I watched, this blog has come much further than I had planned. There are tons of movies that I need to watch and review here. Through this blog, I want to give you genuine, my personal heart-felt review of the films that I see. These are my personal thoughts and opinions about the films and I would love to hear your thoughts on these films as well.