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Showing posts from August, 2007

9 Dead Gay Guys (UK)

Kenny and Byron are from Ireland and trying to stumble through the streets of London in search of gainful employment. In their first visit to a gay bar, they find that a gay guy called Queen was found dead previous day. And the story behind that is that he was a bitch of a conservative Jew guy who has a big bed which is rumoured to be full of money and thats the reason they never left the bed. Kenny and Byron get their "employment" giving blow jobs to old desperate men in the bar. However in one of these encounter, Kenny shags Jeff, an old guy so hard that he dies. So he is dead gay guy 2. And then starts the whole story that since their employer is dead and they need money to survive, they need to find out the money from the bed termed in the movie as 'The Bread in the bed'. A series of funny incidents follow thereafter resulting in death of 9 gay guys and 1 lesbian. FInally Byron and Kenny manage to get the money. The movie I found to be pretty hilarious at times. I...

Group Therapy

For starters, this one should not even be under movies. It is in fact plain soft porn. I don't understand why this one would be marketed as a movie. This revolves around bunch of guys getting together weekly for similar sexual dysfunctions: exhibitionist, confused, solo sex, ashamed, and thrill seeker. Here they simply talk about their sexual problems. They try to help one another get over their 'issues', usually by having sex with one another as homework between sessions. I mean I don't even know what else to say. There was nothing in this movie except cheap sets, full nudist with complete erections, intimate one on one sessions. The only saving grace was that the guys were good looking and had nice bodies. Even if you like seeing nude guys, we all have seen better. An hour and a half hours of my life wasted. (1/10)

Gefangen (german) [Locked Up]

When you read the synopsis of the movie you feel like this movie would be worth a watch. Dennis is a new inmate. Mike is an older black inmate. Together the two face hostile prison officials and inmates in their attempts to become a loving couple. Sounds interesting; doesn't it? But the overall result is a disappointment. The movie is dark and comes straight to the point. Dennis come to prison for credit card fraud. The good looking young guy that he is, the prison inmates star harassing him and a group of 4 wanting to get into his pants. But Dennis has his eyes on an American prisoner Mike who are in separate cells on different floors. The story shows how Mike and Dennis try and sneak into enjoying each other's company. How they against odds try and be together. There is whole lot of frontal male nudity and man to man sex. It can be easily termed as a soft porn including a gruesome rape scene in prison. The performances are very ordinary. Overall the movie just did not leave a...

Queer As Old Folk (UK)

I was thinking whether it even makes sense to write a mini review of this documentary which was aired on Channel 4 in UK, but then I thought at least it will help me keep a record of gay based movies or short films that I have seen. This one primarily talks about lives of some old gay men who came out when it was illegal to be a homosexual. It primarily talks about 3 couples. First one have been together for 44 years and are looking to get married in a months time now that gay marriage has become legal. Second is about this guy who is married, out to his wife for past 2 years and claims to have had sex with about 800-1000 men in this time ever since he came out. He still lives with his family, has excellent relation with his son and talks to him about his dates etc. He is not looking for any steady gay partner and is happy with his flings. The third couple is a old 50+ guy living with a young 20s student. Odd couple because people confuse them as father-son but they are very much in l...

Making Love

First a few facts. This movie was made in 1982. So we need to remember how conservative the society in general was at that time and how easy or difficult was it for being to accept their sexuality. Zach, the doctor and Claire, a successful TV producer are a happily married couple for 8 years. Their is such an amazing chemistry shown between the couple that they seem just perfect. This is until Bart, a novelist walks into Zach's office and arises in him the long-repressed feelings of attraction towards other men. Zach kepts getting drawn to Bart who for some reasons want to keep a distance from him. As Zach starts spending more and more time with Bart, Claire starts assuming him haing an affair with a woman. Not being able to handle it anymore, Zach comes out to Claire and after initial shocks and fights, they both get used to it. Bart was never meant for Zach. In the end its shown that both Zach and Claire and happily settled with thier respective partners. Story sounds so simple b...

La Ley del Deseo (spanish) [Law of Desire]

The movie starts with a film director shooting for a scene with full nudity. Wonderful start but did it carry on with the films progress? The answer is No. Pablo and Tina are siblings who have a troubled relationship. Tina is a transsexual while Pablo is a play/movie director who deeply loves Juan. Juan likes Pablo but doesn't really love him. He wants to be friends but thats about it. Meanwhile Pablo meets Antonio. Antonia instantly faal sin love with Pablo and cares about him. Atthe same time he is jealous about Pablo's love for Juan. Antonio seek's Juan and ends up killing him. When Pablo finds ouot, violence leads to Pablo's grief and a temporary loss of memory. When memory returns, he learns that Antonio has taken up with Tina. He needs to now save Tina and himself. FInally Antnio makes love to Pablo and kills himself telling him that he did this all because he loved Pablo from his heart. The performances were strictly ok. Some of the characters were not flushed ou...

Sex, Politics and Cocktails

Now this is one movie about which I am confused as to whether I liked it or not. The movie has been directed in a very unconventional manner. The story is very simple. Unable to marry his girlfriend, Filmmaker Sebastian finds himself 30-years old and never in love. On his quest to finding..."The One!", Sebastian turns to friend/tour guide Daria who introduces Sebastian to her sandbox of gay co-horts and the adventure of his life! Here starts the the movie going into flashback scenes about every individual friend of Daria talking about every possible gay sex form. They all go to a big Hollywood party and our straight Sebastian finds himself navigating through the uncharted waters of Hollywood, sexual politics and getting trapped between Mr. Big Time and...Toilet Man? Ultimately Sebastian and the Nig Hollywood man are shown making out together for looooooooong time and being happy. The movie wasn't bad but there was nothing very special about it either. It didn't bore m...

Long Term Relationship

Glenn is tired of one night stands and is looking for something meaningful in life. He has his group of friends and they hang out together. He answers to an ad in newspaper put in by Adam who is looking for LTR. Glenn answers it and the guys start going out together. They seem to be completely into each other and look perfect until one day Adam tells Glenn something about him. (Now this was the most funny scene for me in the movie). Anyways, issues keep coming one after the other but both of them look forward to making the relationship work. With all odds creepipng in, they finally manage to be together with support of their friends and close ones. Overall I found the movie was funny and romantic. Considering the fact that it was made on a low budget, this one turned out to be a good treat. Both the lead actors I thought were very good looking and made a good couple. It was a little cliched to show Glenn's straight girlfriend supporting him at all times but then I guess every gay g...