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On Cloud Nine (Thai Series)

This series had the most convoluted, confusing story plot that I have ever seen. I tried, I really tried to stay focused to try and understand what is really going on, but Just couldn't. The series tries to cover itself in shrouded mystery hoping to entice viewers but it left me so bored and confused. I am guessing the storyline was also non linear and that combined with some bad editing made this 6 episode series of 25 minutes each, feel even longer than the usual 14 episode Thai BL shows.

I will try to see if I can explain the story here. Mork is a young boy traveling in wilderness and mountains. A mysterious stranger dressed in all white suddenly appears and asks to be his travel companion. Every time the stranger appears things start. Going missing from Mork, but reluctantly he allows the Sanger to accompany him on his journey. Story goes in flashback. Mork works in a store and is visited by the stranger in flesh named Tiew. The duo soon become friend sand even start a relationship, but somehow we see Mork's twin Mon (is he a twin or figment of imagination, I could just never understand) and Tiew is now dating this two guys who can sometimes remember and sometimes not these things. And then there is this cafe owner , a mysterious man who just sits outside collecting dew from leaves, starting in open mountains, giving random shit on how spirits stay alive for 99 days or something like that. My understanding is that somewhere both Tiew and Mork died without actually culminating their love. Tiew remembers it but Mork doesn't and somehow in these 99 day period Tiew tries his best to being those memories live for Mork.

My understanding of the show could be completely different from what it actually was, but I am so shocked that even after having seen the whole thing I still can't say for certain what the show was really about. The transitions between past and present or between real and fantasy were just not there. Also the editing is so bad that it feels random scenes are joined here and there for no reason at all. I am still stretching my head on whether Mork really ha a twin or not, how did they die (not even sure whether just one died or both), what was the whole flirtatious thing about, what was the reason that Mork/Mon play this weird game with Tiew) etc etc. The show tries to give a lot of emotional sentimental feeling, but as a viewer when I am so confused about trying to make sense of whatever is unfolding in front of me, I really stop caring about good scenic location or cute guys, simply because nothing at all makes sense to me. I checked and read online, hoping that maybe something will make sense, but it just doesn't. I am not sure who really are these people who are going crazy over how amazing this show is. This is one weird confused puzzle that cannot solved. I hope at least the storywriter knows what he was trying to tell. I'd recommend to stay away from this, unless you have seen it, you understood it; in that case, please explain it to me, because I have no clue. (2/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Whoops, suddenly I feel terribly bad I was the one to recommend it to you... Please don't hate me. Because I'm one of those guys who genuinely liked it ;) But I'm also aware I may be a minority because of how atypical and confusing and absolutely unique it is. I feel you either love or hate it, there's no in between. In a way it reminded me of Mulholland drive for the complex approach and that you have to see it several times to fully understand everything and be even more amazed. To which some will tell you you shouldn't have to watch a movie several time to understand it, else it's just the movie is bad. Some consider it a masterpiece other one of the worst thing they have seen (you know on what side I am...)
Back to on cloud nine, I found it captivating, moving, and with an obvious refined aesthetical cinematography. The story went from strange to deeply touching (and not that messy in the end imho). Especially the last episodes when everything falls into place and finally makes sense. The fact Tiew waited in death for 99days for Mork is poetic and romantic as hell. And the pain of the twin brother still alive broke my heart. I won't argue that some parts needed more development but even so,the feels of this series just left me with a WOW.
Golu said…
Aha !! So I can say I finally know someone in the percentage of people who actually loved this show. To be honest, I read many reviews online after I finished watching it hoping that maybe it will make sense to me, but it just didn't. I am glad you enjoyed it and trust me, I am all about people loving or hating a film or something like that. I have seem Mullholland drive and actually liked it.

Similarly there is an Indian film (I won't bore you with details) which I absolutely loved and started recommending to my friends and till date they give me a hard time on how can anyone love such a bad film. lol

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