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Oh my god! I haven't laughed out loud so much in single movie in a really long time. This may also have to do with the fact that I was watching the film on the big screen, so definitely, the energy of my fellow viewers was infectious. But, you know, that aside, this film was genuinely VERY funny. A story of two men who struggle with commitment issues falling for each other may sound cliche but it uses so many references from  history of rom-coms and almost every single scene is identifiable in the film. Needless to say that the film set in my hometown of New York has added points for me. Also, the film is said to have primarily all LGBTQ primary cast and has ben backed by a major studio. No wonder it is doing well here in cinemas.

Bobby is a single man in his 40s who runs a popular queer podcast and is the curator of New York City's first LGBTQ history museum. He is fine just having random Grindr hookups and has a decent group of friends. One night at a club, Bobby meets Aaron, a bro-jock lawyer who hates his job and keeps disappearing whenever Bobby tries to make a move on him. The connection between the mismatched couple is immediate, yet their disinterest in commitment makes it difficult for them to get close to each other. As these two get to know each other and start to form something close to a relationship, they start to see the pros and cons of getting together. They become friends, they have great sex, they go through their misunderstandings, they support each other and they go through all the expected drama, within the garb of two men who were always supposed to be emotionally unavailable.

You have to trust me, when I say that there are so many scenes, so many dialogues and so many sequences that will make you laugh so hard because they al hot so close to home but are also in some way slightly embarrassing to watch yet hilarious. The many instances of 'Hey! Whatsup!' Or the Grindr hookups, Bobby's hilarious friend, the entire museum board and the quirkiness they bring to the table, the constant jabs at lesbian and bisexual, their supposed threesome scene and the extremely hilarious scene when they try for threesome with a guy that Aaron has a crush on and an unexpected fourth one joins (I can't tell you how hard I laughed there) and my favorite reference to Schitt's Creek. It felt as if the film just can't go wrong and there is no denying that this has to do with an excellent writing and screenplay and some very sharp, sassy and witty dialogues. All the scenes that involved the museum board discussing what should be the exhibit in the main hall brought the whole theatre down with the funniest gags and very talented actors. Debra Messing (Grace form Will & Grace) has the most extended of several amusing cameos in a movie that worships, mocks and sometimes casts a slew of LGBTQ audience favorites. There are also several references to Hallmark's sudden interest in gay romantic films around Christmas time, which is extremely funny.

The two actors are the perfect leads for this romantic story of two seemingly incompatible individuals. Bobby gets to show his vulnerability, his brashness, his romantic side, the sad reality of growing up gay, and, hell, he even gets to sing too. And in contrast, Aaron's jock straight-is character is equally charming, a bit more closed off and uncertain about what he wants, but always delightful and a character we always root for—even when he’s questioning if he wants a relationship with our lead. The electric chemistry they share is simple scenes like walking around in New York City just getting to know each other were some of my favorite scenes. They fall in and out of love as the season change in New York City. The sex scenes are steamy, frank, refreshingly playful and a couple of them very funny too. Their personalities are different but we see reasons behind it. Aaron is open about his sexuality, but he maintains a steady commitment to not rocking the boat but Bobby is opposite. In a beautifully written and acted beachside monologue, Bobby talks about having been instructed all his life to constrain his queerness, by everyone from bigoted authority figures to his own supportive parents. His refusal to compromise any longer is, for Aaron, a challenge, an eye-opener and a source of genuine admiration, which starts to make things clear on where he is coming from. 

Even though Bros is playing in a fairly well-trod formula, it still manages to feel new thanks to the refreshing angle that is shown here. The film constantly reminds us how how queer relationships are wholly different from straight relationships, but eventually love is love. I am not saying that the film is perfect by any means. It has flaws and plenty of them if you start to seriously dissect the film, but the fact that the writers and director of this film have managed to capture the compassion of its characters so real, that you constantly have a smile on your face which you can't let go off and also makes you laugh out hard in todays world which is normally full of stress, the job is very well done. The audience also gets a satisfying romantic ending that you hope for while watching the film. Go watch this one NOW. I may go watch it a second time too. (9/10)


ILHiker said…
My friend I want to give you a big hug right now. You were so right--I loved it. I laughed, I cried. To put it in my gay-of-a-certain-age way: it killed me softly with its song. I've never felt myself on a screen like that before. You have a good day now.
Golu said…
Yay !!!!
I am so so so happy that you got to see it and also you loved it. Its amazing isn't it!!
Sailor Maan said…
Thank you for the recomandation Golu, we really liked it even if we have a little different opinion in the end.
You were right though, we laughed out loud more than once! And I feel I'm missing half the references (never been on grindr, never watched Schitt's creek...). And I couldn't see it on big screen. And they talk to fast in english for me to get everything of the wonderful sharp dialogues (subs are helping, but it's not the same). So I'm sure you had an even better experience!! Mismatched couple / commitment issues couple may be classics but the characters somehow feel new to me in that they picture them in a totally free gay world.
However that's when things got a little less amusing for us, especially because of Bobby. He's got well reasoned arguments (on how gay people have been treated in the past etc...) but he is too strident and condescendant, and hisconstant angry monologues and refusal of compromise become tiresome after a while. Don't know how to explain it but feels like he becomes the exact opposite double of the things he pretends to fight. He wants people to respect his open gay life but criticize gays living a "straight life" (boy do I hate this expression...), or anything out of gay life actually, on first occasion. And that made us feel increasingly uneasy, up to let's say condescendant ourselves in the end. It could have been an invite to celebrate all kinds of relationships, and ended up been lectured by gay extremists. Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I think that's more personal perception from us here (as we do live that "straight life" thank you f*ck you). Cause in the end I'll still thank the movie for the good laughs we had and wind of fresh air it brings!
Golu said…
I understand your viewpoint. If you start looking at things more closely in the film, there are many issues, but I remember I just wanted to have a good laugh and this film helped me do exactly. that

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