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Los Agitadores (Spanish) [The Agitators aka Horseplay]

Historically now, I have started to look forward to Marco Berger's films since they have a certain homoeroticism in it and a language of it own, which is hard to describe in words. IN that sense, this film felt like a spiritual successor to one of his earlier films Taekwondo, in the sense that he once again focuses his eye on on the sexual dynamics of a group of straight men. Like his earlier films, this one is also verrrry bold, queer and homoerotic with penis shots and ass shots and all nudity in your face, but at its crux it is yet another look at how sexuality works.

The premise is very simple. A group os straight friends have been invited by Artur to spend Christmas and New Years at his country luxury villa. We spend a lot of time observing the men sleeping, sunbathing, fooling around and, crucially, engaging in increasingly sexually charged pranks on each other, but all under the guise of heterosexuality. They record and take photos of these suggestive acts and share on chat, sometimes even with their girlfriends. In a deceptively light and humorous way, they are always trying to push each other's limit. But what starts as consensual friend-on-friend teasing eventually escalates to something more antagonistic. The more reserved Poli tries to keep his distance (he is secretly gay and not out) but constant push by ringleader Nico is making it hard. Poli has been having a secret affair with one of the guys, who admits that he is just horny all the time and that this was always their arrangement, but somehow this also bother Nico, who himself might be hiding a secret about himself. And then things become all the more chaotic when a group of women arrive at the villa, putting the childish behavior of the men in sharp contrast. The film is essentially a ticking time bomb of toxic masculinity.

Marco plays with the whole homoeroticism angle with aplomb even though a lot of homophobia runs between these playful exchanges amongst these men. The increasingly sexual game play and homophobic ribbing all adds to a curious and volatile atmosphere of sensuality, which surprisingly leads to violence towards the films end. From a story perspective, there is not much happening here, but if you are used to Marco's films, this is sort of given. In this film, we see how sometimes the straight masculine and homo queer desires can sometimes overlap and where and how to decide to draw the lines. This tension is heightened by the refreshingly uncoy camera, which continuously lingering on the men’s toned and muscular bodies that are often in a state of undress. But none of this is ever vulgar. The talented director just knows how to present his men with class and eroticism. My god!! if I was part of this group , I would not have an idea of how to keep my hands to myself. There is so much great skin in this film! Some interesting plot lines are developed although these were not fully explored and a lot was left to the imagination. Maybe too much time in the film is devoted to the horseplay between the men rather than the underlying serious plot lines, although the horseplay is very easy on the eye. 

No whether you enjoy this film or not, totally depends on what generally your reactions have been to Marco Berger's previous films. The scenes sometimes feel repetitive and sometimes you may either get bored or very turned on by all these handsome young men naked bodies. But the director focus on sensuality and eroticism and sexual tension is very much prevalent here as well with the camera capturing every furtive and suggestive glance. Poli's gay angle gets a bot of story towards the end, but that was somehow inevitable and I saw it coming. Having said that, this is not really a gay film per say, but oh man! I have not seen many of these amazing homoerotic films. And I can't imagine that us gays would not wanna see something like this. (6.5/10)


edward said…
I am a fan of Marco Berger, but I do appreciate his more plot driven films like the Blonde One and Hawaii. I think my favorite is still Plan B. The guy does know how to build sexual tension!
Golu said…
I agree. 'Sexual Tension' is his middle name :)
edward said…
Ugh, this movie is all build up of tension with no pay off. What a terrible ending! Too bad because I liked the underlying menace of the "horseplay".
Golu said…
I agree that it really does not have a "pay off"
ILHiker said…
I watched this this morning. At first I thought he was somehow remaking Taekwando, but that's definitely not the case. This one is much tighter and more tense. It was hard to really like any of the characters, but I don't think empathy was the point. I wouldn't say it was disturbing, but it was a bit uncomfortable. I thought it was very good though. The ending made sense to me and didn't surprise, though I might have thought the other guy of the two would end up the victim.
Golu said…
In the first 1 minutes, I thought I have already seen the film and eft double checking only to realize I have not. The brutal ending was indeed a surprise
ILHiker said…
Not GTM, but I watched the series Impastor. It's a comedic series about a guy in a lot of trouble who somehow ends up taking on another's identity as the new pastor at a parish. Then he finds out further that the person he's supposed to be is gay, which he isn't. There's the assortment of odd or mysterious local characters, one of them a gay man who is fond of the pastor, and dangerous people from his past who seek him out. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but once I accepted the outlandishness of his consistent narrow escapes I liked it and it made me laugh out loud several times.
Golu said…
The premise sounds familiar. Maybe I have seen it (unless there isa similar themed film as well where a conman pretends to be a pastor who happened to be gay)

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