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About Youth (Taiwanese Series)

Another series about teenage gay romance, I was actually looking forward to watching this one for two reasons: First that Taiwanese shows have more often than not sprung a present surprise and secondly my friends here on my blog had recommended as potential watch. The show does have all the right ingredients to make it popular among its target audience like rich visuals, cute young actors and even some good songs, but did I enjoy it, is something we will analyze a bit later.

The show starts with unlikely meeting between Ye Guang and Qi Zhang on a rainy night. They were both sad but somehow Ye Guang felt for the first time there is another individual whose sorrow seems larger than his and so he offers him his umbrella as a gesture of kindness. A year later, the two boys are in same school. Qi Zhang remembers the kind gesture and like many other people harbors a secret crush on him. Ye Guang is the popular boy of school being rich, handsome, top grades and has a queue of admirers looking for his attention. But at home, things are different. His parents have set very high academic expectations of him at school, so much so that even on his birthday the parents don't give him a break or spend time with him. He goes out for a walk and has a small accident and Qi Zhang comes to his rescue. A couple of similar incidents happen and before you , the two start becoming good friends. Eye's loving mother and happy atmosphere gives a good feeling to Ye Guang. Qi Zhang is a big music lover and performs in a band as a lead singer and xx is amazed with this side of Qi Zhang. It turns out all husband mates, especially his closet friend has known about Qi Zhang's crush on Ye Guang but he hasn't confessed yet and he is scared of doing so. There is a parallel track of both of their closest friends also getting together after one of them helps the other nurse a heart break from a previous abusive relationship. When Ye Guang's parents find out about their son's friendship they reprimand him about not focussing on studies and he finally rebels telling them how he has never been loved and all that. The parents finally see things clearly. Meanwhile, one day Qi Zhang gets an opportunity to perform live in front of the whole school making him popular and helping him in school's heady elections. And that is all the right the two friends finally kiss and confess their love for one another.

As mentioned above, the show has a cute couple who share a great chemistry with one another. They look really adorable together. In fact, even the other couple was quite nice. It shows us a sweet adolescent romance when you are trying to discover yourself, what you lie, what you don't; so in a sense this is also a coming-out story. The visual are rich and glossy, the soundtrack seems bubbly, but despite all this, I am sorry to say but overall the series left me wanting more. And this is due to the fact that the show tried to bite off more than it could chew. It took on the whole family drama a little too much. The whole head boy angle, multiple tutors, parents being almost savages, was a little too over the top in my opinion. I know I am thinking too much , and I should focus on the romance; which, by the way felt cute and genuine. The slow friendship which grows over everyday down to earth interactions makes it feel real. The more time they spend with each other, the closer they get. It builds up with the right pace and the show has a winner in its two male leads that try to take on the show on their able shoulders. The problem is all the surrounding drama which lets down the storyline and focus away from the leads. The whole angle could have been interesting but a clumsy characterization and no background on why Ye Guang's father behaves the way he does, made absolutely no sense. The other big lets down, was the rushed finale. Just when things started to stir up between the two cute boys, they have a kiss and the series comes to an end. Ideally I would have loved to see the kiss someday in middle of the show and see focus on their romance rather than the friendship, which is what it seems this season focussed on. Maybe there will be a sequel in the making.

At 8 episodes off about 25 minutes each, its an easy watch, but too many subplots and randoms characters showing up missed the fun for me. And at some points, my brain kept telling me that the show is cringe worthy, but my heart balanced it because who doesn't like two cute little teenage boys, with love filled eyes, pining for each other. This show could definitely have been so much more better. (6/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I loved it for the fluffy feeling it gives from the main couple (I feel the second one was a bit rushed). The romance builds up really nicely. And that smile Ye Guang gives when Qui Zhang confesses his love was just magical.
I had a friend (many) years ago wo had similar extremely strict parents and Ye Guang totally reminded me of her. I hope she can smile his way too today. Maybe a reason why I could somehow relate to that part of the story. I also like how Ye Guang felt miserable but realises and helps Qui Zhang obviously having a way worse situation.
Music was pretty nice too. "I want to see your face in slow motion" stayed in my head for a long time.
Golu said…
oh yeah! I totally forgot about music. It was actually very nice and almost every episode had a different song.

And all these personal connections, like knowing someone from the past or something always help connecting more with a show or a film
Miisu said…
Thank you again, Sailor Maan for recommending this series, it was exactly what I needed at that precise moment :) The scenes with the two leads were so delicate sometimes that I held my breath (and probably lost some of the scenes later just because I was focusing on my own breathing again :D ). It was really nice to see so many natural elements - the homes looked like people actually live in there, the clothes were not straight from the manufacturers etc. The umbrella scene was especially endearing and switched Sting's "Fragile" on in my head. THIS! It's exactly what I'm looking for since I'm learning to feel again.

P.S! The "I want to see your face in slow motion" still frequents the jukebox in my head. Not daily, but every other day.

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