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The Boy Foretold By The Stars (Filipino/English)

Religion and masculinity are usually the true antagonists in gay films across the world but here, in this Filipino romantic comedy film, they are as presented as “Side Characters”. It a movie about two senior high school boys who, through the help of a fortune-teller, find each other at an optional school retreat called Journey with the Lord. The story does sound simple, as yes, it is, but something about it was also innocent and charming with its ups and downs, which we will all talk about later.

The setting of the film is an all boys catholic school. Dominic is gay and out , except not to his family and wants to be in love. As with most schools, the straight boys make fun of gay boys calling slurs, despite, a surprisingly tolerant teachers who try to educate students about homosexuality. One day his best friend takes him to a fortune teller. Dominic is skeptic but joins the fun just for that. THis fortune teller tells Dominic that he will meet the love of his life, or potential love of life about a week's time and also gives three different signs that may happen over the course of next few months to know exactly of indeed that is the person. Dominic has a crush on a fellow school boy and he hopes that it is him. A week later, in a school retreat called 'Journey with the Lord', he meets Luke, a straight lad, basketball captain and firm believer in destiny. He has recently broken up with his girlfriend Karen and to distract himself he has joined this retreat. Eventually, the two bonded with the little similarities and huge differences they have. As they formed an unlikely friendship, Dominic starts to believe that the fortune teller may have been right with her predictions. Love is in his future. Luke also starts to become more tolerant towards gays, despite him getting mocked by his friends for befriending a gay boy. Very confused of his feelings for Dominic, despite a kiss, things get weird, when Karen comes back in Luke's life and wants to get back together. A heartbroken Dominic doesn't know what to do, and meanwhile Luke is very confused on what to do. He thinks he still likes Karen but he also cannot deny his feelings for Dominic with whom have has this undeniable chemistry. Eventually love will win.

The lovely cute love story between the two boys is the core of this story. The film tries to keep itself simple, focussing on the blossoming romance between two seemingly polar opposite personalities who find a connection with destiny and with one another. The film is not trying to say anything earth shattering, but is only trying to celebrate love and its essence in its own unique way. Thankfully with its two leads, their job is half done. The duo have a good chemistry. Dominic is definitely the main lead of the two and does a decent job. Luke, is definitely more handsome of the two and also does a decent job of a teenage struggling to understand his sexuality and also what does love really mean. Although, I did feel that his personality was a little passive aggressive (but I could be wrong). Also it was interesting juxtaposition of religion with a gay love story although thankfully no preaching was happening at any point. That would have messed things up. My one big issue with the film is its ending. At one point Dominic is ready to hand over Luke to Karen, but then also at the same time, literally outpours his love to him and forcing him to make a decision. This premise made no actual sense to me. Dominic is not weak, more prone to bouts of hysteria so why depict him this way? Love doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong. So, watching the most original and reasonable character in a BL movie ever, being reduced to this level was certainly disappointing!  The last 15 minutes were very rushed, for whatever reason and I think it spoiled the easy going charming film that it was going on so far. Sure, it was a happy ending, but I think treatment needed a little more  and maybe a slightly different approach. It just felt too convenient. Also, the love comes too late in the film. For a long time it feels Dominic is happy adoring this straight guy from far and then suddenly he is confessing the love. It got slightly confusing there.

This film could have been a lot better of not for the weird climax and some rather half baked unnecessary side plots. It was beautifully shot, had amazing characters, and was wonderfully written until the end of it. But still, can be watched. (6/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I enjoyed this little movie and its sequel. The fact it concentrates on more "feminine" gay brought something new. And I liked the fortune teller signs, added some romantic fated love magic. The characters change of personality was a bit odd though. Not amazing but enjoyable.
Golu said…
There is a sequel to this film? What's it called? I should look for it soon
Sailor Maan said…
It's called "Love beneath the stars" :)

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