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Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japanese Series) [Senpai, This Can't Be Love!]

This bubbly romantic, fun and cute comedy is exactly what I needed to watch to cheer myself up. Even though the plot maybe basic, full of loopholes but the funny characters and their enthusiastic acting had some endearing quality about it. With a good mix of shy and coy, this workplace drama tries to put forward a feel good story that most of us would be able to relate to. This endearing story lasts for 8 episodes of about 20-23 minutes each. Trust me, its a very easy breezy and fun binge watch.

Kaneda is a new employee at a design agency. Kaneda has been assigned a mentor Yanase, who used to work in Canada and has a famous film to his credit. Yanase has a warm and easy going personality and is very eager to mentor Kaneda and pass on his knowledge. But Kaneda has almost serious bashful behavior towards Yanase asking him to not touch him while teaching. Kaneda has expressed his discomfort with the boundary issues on multiple occasions. Everyone in the workplace has the impression that Kaneda and Yanase do not get along. But the truth is that Kaneda has been harboring a secret crush on Yanase for a really long time. He admires his older coworker and sees him as an idol. Kaneda only seems unfriendly towards Yanase because of his nerves. He’s unable to concentrate when they have close body contact. One night, when they both are drunk at a company party, Kaneda confesses his feelings and Yanesa kisses him leading to a very awkward moment and next few days. When the company gets a nw project, Yanase gets to lead the project and he asks Kaneda to join the team. They both try to avoid the kiss talk and continue to work. Slowly a nice warm and respectful relationship starts to develop and before you realize Kaneda becomes a motivation for Yanase to improve his work despite his popularity. Clearly there is love between them but so is awkwardness where neither wants to make the first move, despite them both getting some good opportunities. When Yanase gets an opportunity to go abroad for one year he reluctantly takes it and Kaneda says that he will wait. Year later hen Yanesa returns, Kaneda is now a mentor to a new employee and Yanase gets a feeling that maybe there is something going on between them. After a few awkward moments, the duo just never get time to spend time alone or talk, but eventually honestly and love succeeds in a final kiss.

Despite the slightly goofy story of this series, the cheeky humor, quirky characters and very to the point focus on the main story keeps the proceedings with engaging and warm. The playful mischief by duo or even their colleagues, the amusing sequences, the awkwardness of both guys when they are forced to spend a night together, the light jokes; all these things would put me in such a good mood after every episode. This is the kind of show where you root for characters because their innocence and purity connects with you. Its like a warm hug in cold winter days. The show compensates for its simplicity with a lot of silliness. It derives humour from putting the two ordinary leads in eccentric scenarios with exaggerated reactions and heightened ridiculousness. I find the comedic moments charming and genuinely funny, something that I have no w started to expect of Japanese shows. Their humor may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is something endearing .As actors both of them do an amazing job. Yanase has this mature yet idol like quality where I can see employees wanting to be him. He radiates heartfelt sincerity with a bright smile, kind eyes, and relaxed mannerisms. Kaneda was mixed on the other hand. When he is smiling and comfortable he was very good, but in the scenes when he is supposed to be tense and awkward with Yanase, he genuinely felt awkward and not in a good way. The added complexity in the last two episodes, even though random was necessary to bring the couple together and force them to confess their true feelings for one another. It took them a long time to come together, which could have been avoided by taking being in control of yourself, but sometimes love makes you do strange things.

I am not sure of this series got popular or not but for me, overall this was a very very pleasant watch. I am not refusing that the plot has many loopholes and some questionable decisions, but the amazing chemistry between the leads and the light hearted feel of the show keeps it engaging throughout. The kiss almost happened at the end but did not. And also, the song in end credits was also quite catchy. Go, watch this one. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
It has nice warm feelings japanese style but it definitely wasn't my favourite. I liked the idea of the first episode (Kaneda seemingly so cold when it's actually the opposite). But then I felt it dragged forever. They kiss but don't talk about it? And then there is the 1 year apart where they promess to wait for each other but don't even talk during this time? That was too stupid/unbelievable to make sense and make me really feel for them. The series still has a very very cute adorable kawaii feeling. Maybe too cute, I doubt if they will ever have sex...
If you're looking for a japanese gay (not BL) series, can I suggest you really really go for "More than words". I think this series is a gem, just don't be fooled by the not gay beginning.
Golu said…
I am adding that to my list right away. I am starting to appreciate Japanese BL. There is one I just started to watch and I am really enjoying it. So keeping my fingers crossed.
Coming back to this one, that no talking for one year apart made absolutely no sense. It was clearly done to add more drama but felt a very impractical thing to do.
Golu said…
I couldn't find 'More Than WOrds' on the usual website thats my goto place for all gay content. I will keep looking.
Sailor Maan said…
I watched it on dailymotion, if that can help.
I think japanese BL are my favourites, something always hit the sweet spot with me. looking forward to reading your review on your next one :)
Golu said…
I will look out for it there

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