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You're My Sky (Thai Series)

It is good to see a sports based BL drama after a while. There were a few of these that I have seen before, but it's been sometime now. After a shaky start, the show finds its groove soon and actually becomes quite enjoyable. Normally we see the focus is on the main couple, which is the case here too, and the other couples are there as fillers. But here the other two couple do get almost equal prominence and as audience we do get time and emotions invested in their journey too, in addition to the main couple. I have my reservations of the unnecessary drama in the 10th and 11th episode (which we can talk later), but I loved quite a few other things about show. The show is your standard 12 episode, about 45 minutes each investment.

Torn has just joined university as freshman and is excited to reconnect with his senior Fan, who was his childhood friend. Fat has always been passionate about basketball and it was he who made Torn also realize and discover his love for the game. They made a pact to win championships together. Unfortunately when they were both disqualified after the school team (because of a coach's bias), Fah has lost his motivation, especially given how lackluster the university team is. Torn takes on himself to prove Fah wrong and takes on a mission to revive university basketball team starting by hiring a motivating coach who is patient and ambitious. Fah is inspired by Torn’s enthusiasm and agrees to join the team again. Fah and Torn train together every morning, rekindling their close bond as they strive for the championship title. And as you can imagine love follows along the way.

Lets talk about the two other couples: Torn's best friend Saen has a crush on senior Aii. Personality wise they are polar opposites. Saen loves attention meanwhile Aii is a shy quite focused kinda guy. Saen confesses his infatuation for Aii on the orientation day itself. Their personality clash is apparent in every interaction. Nonetheless, Saen doesn’t give up on his object of affection, and eventually wins his love by constant persuasion. There is a small hiccup comes when Aii gets scholarship to go to Japan, but they both make it work. And then we have our third and final couple. Dome (who is Fah's friend) is a relay runner and are looking to have a fourth member join the team. Enter Vee, who is Dome's girlfriend's brother. Dome and Vee naturally become friends. However, there is an obvious sexual/love tension between them , where both of them feel more than friendly feelings for each other. Both of them wrestle their feelings because Vee's sister in the mix makes the whole situation difficult for everyone. Of course, as expected they also eventually manage to do the right thing and get together by the end.

The show throws in pleasant surprise and soon got very engaging from all aspects. The three love stories were on point and they all had their distinct flavors and also it did focus a good amount of time on basketball. Thankfully the two leads Fah and Torn looked like they knew how to play the game and didn't look odd or weird playing basketball. Of course, it takes time to kick in as it happens with all Thai series where a lot lot of characters are introduced right at the onset and it continues. Besides the obvious love story, a lot of other topics get covered here. Two friends who had a dream since childhood, the politics in sports, the challenges, practice time at the expense of family and friendship. The show conveys universal themes that speak to everybody, such as career focus, sports injury, teamwork, ambition, and pursuing your dreams. Fah and Torn hare excellent chemistry. Actually thats true for all three couples. Saen, in the initial few episodes was annoying and I couldn't care much of his shenanigans but the episode when he visits his grandma and the night their love is sealed with Aii was perfect. The third couple Vee and Dome do not get as many intimate moments but their story was also interesting. The basketball sequences were all done well and seemed like players knew what hey were doing and the overall production quality was also good. My biggest problem with the show is that sudden 6 month time jump and how things turned out. Everything was going ok and then just to add drama, they had to ruin things between Torn and Fah. The sudden time lapse, Torn suddenly becoming self centered and making him almost a villain like character was just not needed. And what I don't understand is how can you live with someone but just not communicate. Their problems were not massive but neither of them had the maturity to talk things out. I mean Torn has loved this person and idolized him forever. I don't think anyone like that would just move out without informing. Sure, his complains were all justified but actions were not. The whole sequences of 10th and 11th episode ruined for me a show that as going so well. Thankfully it redeems itself in last episode and I did like the fact they ended the show in a similar scene like it all started and there was a brief recap of all three couples. 

Talking of actors, lets talk about looks first (because we are gays and are superficial). I don't know about anyone else, but I thought Torn was very cute, not hot, but kind of innocent, take-home-to-mama kind of boy, with puppy eyes and love for Fah, he stole the show for me. And for some odd reason, I was also very impressed by Dome's loss. He is tall, skinny and somehow something about him was attractive. Fah was alright and I guess was brought in for his playing skills. Saen and Aii suited their part. Although the less we talk about his acting skills, the better it will be. From acting perspective, none of them really stands out and I would say they were just slightly above average at best. Overall its a good show. Despite still base din a university, with sports and basketball as core to the plot, the show does offer us something new and different but the sudden time jump and erratic pacing at end spoils the fun. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
"because we are gay and superficial" OMG you cracked me up XD. Of course I plead guilty :p
Sadly I haven't been the best fan of this show. Not that I found it bad, I can totally see why people would like it but something lacked for me to connect. It has been some time so I don't exacly remember what, I think it was characters reactions and the way the romances build up. And that stupid time gap. I liked how Torn remotivates Fah but not their romance. Vee dome sexual tension in an impossible situation was quite engaging. And I like Saen Aii couple dynamics stereotype, just something was missing. The entrance scene when welcoming new students was on fire!! I wish I had one like this (mine was more like sotus lol)
Golu said…
yeah.. I totally see your perspective on all three relations and agree 100%.
and yes, what about the entrance welcome... what an addictive enthusiasm for welcome of freshers. And the fact that they ended the sho win a similar fashion, except this time the seniors were sitting on the floor was a nice touch.

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