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O Ninho (Portuguese Mini-Series) [The Nest]

I have mixed views about this 4 part mini series. At its core, the story is about a young man searching for his brother but in the process he rediscovers himself and explores his sexuality. But, the series feels rushed and without a conclusion of any sorts, slightly frustrated me by its end. It was more like watching a chapter of our protagonists life.

Bruno, a young military who has just run away from the army, travels to Porto Alegre in search of his brother, who he hasn’t seen in years. Unable to find him, he goes to a queer club and makes some new sexual fluid friends and ends up sleeping with two of them. The next day, the three of them are invited over by a very nice but old French neighbor for breakfast. This guy had met Bruno in the hotel the previous day. Bruno manages to find the bar, the last known location where his brother used to work and meets Stella, the co-worker. Together the duo visit a nearby beach to see the house where the brother, Stella and their friends used to have a lot of parties but feels abandoned now in winter. In the last day, he still hasn't found his brother , but he now has to return to military to face the repercussions of having ran away. But despite not finding the brother, Bruno does discover a new space, new friends and learns how to be free and be himself. He finds a new family.

Bruno's search leads him to his brother's old workplace, an old girlfriend and a group of hedonistic teens who bring him out of his socially accepted cocoon. He is shown to be this reclusive yet respectful person who is slowly learning to come out of his own shadow. There are a lot of subtle messages shown around in the show. Through the friends whom he meets and never for a second judges them, the show tries to give us an idea of the daily oppression of living outside the heteronormative social standard and what it's like to resist, every action, faithful to yourself in a world with so many prejudices by queer people. Various individuals draw the narrative's focus without sacrificing the momentum of Bruno's search, which begins in the physical and eventually turns inward. What's more, those that draw the narrative's focus are not only beautifully realized but beautifully diverse, in age, in character and in motivation.

The story unfolds organically and contains a bittersweet ending, after all, not always everything is as we want but life is perfect in its own way. We all have our nest in which we are safe and comfortable but we also have this whole world outside us which is just waiting to be explored. There is an artistic quality to the series which I really enjoyed and appreciated but some sense of collusion would have made me happier. (6/10)


ILHiker said…
You found it! I'm kind of impressed--I tend to watch what I've come across and am not great at finding something I'm actually looking for, lol. That's a great review and it all feels like just what I would want to say. A little while on from watching it I think of it very fondly and would watch it again in a couple of years. Strangely, it blends in memory with the other two feature length movies from these two directors, though the characters are all different, well-cast and well performed, particularly the memory of him lying on his back in the park with the two guys he would spend the night with and the Hard Paint guy lying in the park with his lover who was about to leave. Very different moments, so odd that they conflate in my memory. I was preparing to be just a tiny bit unsatisfied at the end of this miniseries, but the moment when he was in the bar and the camera just rested on him for a long moment and the expression on his face made me feel that it hadn't fully been his brother he had been looking for, but his gay self and his gay life and how to connect with it, and he had done so. That was really emotionally satisfying, though it took a little thinking for me to understand why. This morning from me it's the non-gtm Sebastian and the Sparrow, kids road movie from the Aussie 80s. I would have been so in love with both of the characters had I seen it back when, and wouldn't have understood at all why. I've always loved 70s and 80s kids movies and series for Saturday mornings. Have a good day, my movie friend.
Golu said…
Thats some great thoughts and yes I agree that more than search fo this brother, it was more about his identity,
I have a confession to mak though. While I was watching the series, I was so sure that the girl at the bar was actually his brother, who probably went through a sex change operation since he has been missing for almost 10 years. Alas! my theory didn't turn out to be true. lol
ILHiker said…
Holy crap, I had the exact same theory. I dropped it when he got the photo of his brother at the same age in that square. Weird.
Golu said…
Intelligent minds think alike
ILHiker said…
Just finished the third season of Les engages, retitled slightly to Les engages XAOC. I thought I had mentioned it in a comment here before, but my search skills failed me for the review. It may have been the long gap between seeing the first two seasons and this one, but I didn't feel as deeply for the characters until the end. It was also very focussed on political challenges and activism on different fronts. It really covered a lot of ground in three episodes. I have liked the whole series, for the characters but mainly for the sense of what advocacy and political activism is like. It's a lot of work, sometimes stressful, in collaboration with other people. It's not easy, and is essential. Sadly, the environment of the series, and of the world right now, feels much more like when I was advocating in the very dark time of the 1980s than a couple of decades ago when I was going to the monthly potlucks and being really nice to Illinois politicians to try to get antidiscrimination and marriage legislation passed.
Golu said…
Interesting. Actually I can't remember much about the show. I think I have seen only season 1 but I could be wrong
Thanks for the tidbits form your personal experiences from those days. These personal stories make ea huge difference when you ee something on screen IMO

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