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Wreck (TV Series)

This slasher-horror-comedy-thriller set on a cruise ship has charm and wit and had the potential to be a brilliant spoof comedy with its whacky premise, but ultimately Wreck lives up to its name – it’s confusing and somehow a little bit boring too. With a gay lead, I was hoping. This show will be fun (also since I am a bit biased towards British shows), but with each episode, the story keeps getting more and more convoluted and keeps moving from one daft plot to another. The series is 6 episodes of 45 minutes each.

We meet Jamie, who has signed up to work at a cruise ship to investigate disappearance of his sister Pippa. The parent company of the cruise ship is Valorum, who operate with minimal oversight and are protected by their dubious legal status at sea, told him that she jumped overboard and died, but he’s convinced they’re hiding something. Jamie becomes one of thousands of employees – waiters, cleaners, entertainers, so on – at the beck and call of the privileged holidaymakers calling the cruise ship home for the summer. It turns out Jamie has bought Cormac's identity (a guy who works on a ship) to do his investigation, who is now hiding away in Jamie's room in the ship. Jamie becomes friends with Vivian and eventually confides in her on why he is on the ship. They are both gay, and haven't told their respective families. He first uncovers some dubious drug dealings between two groups: one is the officers of the ship and the other is Filipinos on the ship, but apparently people got greedy. His first suspect is Pippa's ex boyfriend but when he also mysteriously dies, things don't add together. Enter Olly, a sweet boy working at a burger shop in the ship who shows love and affection wards Jamie and we have t heir love story going on while Jamie continues to search for what the real story behind the ship is. As more bodies start to pile up, the secrets when they are uncovered are extremely unbelievable and weird, but hey don't we all love a bit of surprise.

Wreck is a mystery horror following a new crew member searching for answers about his missing sister. It takes us through the new recruit being put through the ropes as they look to keep the passengers happy on their journey. While creating a mystery about why certain characters are being picked off. This creates drama, relationships and mystery, leaving us to want to know more. Unfortunately, the root of the problem for Wreck is that the ideas don’t fit together seamlessly. It all just seems a bit scattered, with each strand struggling to fully develop, whether that’s the central thriller plot or deeper relationships between characters. On cruise ships like these (since I have taken a few of these cruises), the class divide is very apparent and obvious and it’s something Jamie and his friends have to navigate cautiously. The cast of the show is all glitzy and glamour as you would expect from a show of this nature. Even though it may seem like a posh production, I bet the show was made on a small budget, mostly shot in interiors. The cast, though good looking is just about average when it comes to acting. Maybe it was design because to me it felt like the show was somewhere trying to be in between spoof, comedy and over the top drama, so its hard to say. What the cast lacks in talent it makes up for in enthusiasm. I wish more time was devoted in Jamie/Olly story, although I was also happy to see a lot of skin shots of actual Cormac who is hiding in Jamie's room. Also Sam, one of the officers, who is quite central to the show was pretty darn hot with an amazing body looking crazy hot in the uniform. I was drooling in very scene he was in. Another interesting character was that of Karen, the ship captain. I loved her accent. The eventual twist and the reason for death does seem like a plot inspired maybe from Squid Games, but hey in today's world, anything is possible. Rich people come up with crazy ideas for their entertainment, and if something ike this was real, I wouldn't be surprised. (5/10)


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