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Bwakaw (Filipino/Tagalog)

This little film from Philippines gracefully blends comedy and melodrama to make poignant observations around old age solitude, love and longing ness and an unexpected friendship with a cute stray dog. It may seem to be a simple look into the life of an old, gay, grumpy man but at its core is a story that has a lot to offer beyond its initial offering and setup. It may not be obvious at first glance but this is a very rewarding experience overall.

Rene is an older man who is doing to terms with his homosexuality very late in life. He is generally grumpy and angry with all his neighbours despite them trying to be friendly with him. He has given up on life and just has death to look forward to whilst buying his coffin, making his funeral arrangements and writing and rewriting his will. His only companion is a stray dog Bwakaw, who unceremoniously has become part of his life and his closest friend. When Bwakaw suddenly falls sick and is diagnosed with cancer, Rene's life goes for a turmoil. In the multiple trip to the vet, he finds an unlikely ally and friend and comfort with Sol, a tricycle driver who takes him to the doctor and they share meal together. For the first time Rene feels love and attraction towards someone, well knowing that the man is straight. One night in a drunk state he finally makes a move on Sol, who gets completely disgusted by it, shouts and leaves immediately. Meanwhile, Bwakaw is getting worse and eventually dies. But Bwakaw's death, even while it was still only imminent, has made a difference. Rene has found a new appreciation for life and what is most important.

This film was the country's official Oscar entry back when it was released andI can see why. There’s a certain kind of appeal to a film about a lonely old man and his dog. The actor playing the role of Rene is all heart and soul and his performance in the film is simply amazing. We see an older sour gay man who just enjoys putting other people down but he is also very loving to his dog at the same time. You see the sort of emotional opposite poles that you can expect from a person who knows he is going to die alone. Rene may come out as annoying at first glance but the film was able to integrate his character’s evolution right into its narrative seamlessly. Despite the dog’s affection, Rene’s love for the animal runs entirely one way: Bwakaw may not be able to provide Rene the love he desires from a human partner, but it can’t reject its master’s dotty affections. So when the dog develops cancer, it is a sad reality for Rene about his own half-lived life. As seriously as Bwakaw takes the issue of Rene’s own sexuality, it elsewhere treats the gay members of his small town as flamboyant and clownish. So, there is ample scenes which does a good mix of comedy and melancholy. The scenes where Rene visits his ex-girlfriend and is full of guilt also show his state of mind. His scenes with the dog are also so cute and loving and there are only. Avery few films that show such a nice loving relationship between a man and his dog.

The film does feel long and stretched at a few places, but a part of me was able to connect somehow with the lonely protagonist. There are scenes of genuine tenderness and affection, and there are moments of meditative beauty. The film doesn't try too hard and it is an interesting take on what guilt and regret can do to people after so many years. They are sometimes even conflicted whether they are really ready to go or there is a lot more to life. (6.5/10)


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