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The New Employee (Korean Series)

Yay! After sometime I am seeing a nice feel good show. From the very first episode, this office romance series remains refreshingly entertaining and adorably romantic. To be honest, this show is extremely simple and straight forward where not a whole lot of complications happen, nor is it trying to say something deep or profound. Rather it feeds us a fun romantic comedy about falling in love while struggling to enter the workforce with leads who happen to be gay. The angst is minimal. The obstacles between our two leads are quickly overcome. The communication is fairly straightforward. And this is exactly what makes this show a complete winner. Its after a very long time, that I had this smile on my face throughout out the show. With only 7 episodes of about 22 minutes each, it is a very easy watch and for the first time, I wished I could have seen more of this couple.

Freshly grad Seung Hyun has started as an intern in an advertising company. His supervisor is Jong Chan, a man known to be a workaholic with some high and strict standards. They do not hit off well on the first day, but despite that Seung Hyun does everything he can doing undone jobs as an office intern. When people from other department start to take advantage of his niceness to do any work, his boss Jong Chan steps in and asks him to not do anyone else's work. Over time he warms up to him and starts taking him to internal company meetings. In fact for one of their big clients, the intern comes up with an amazing idea and Jong Chan makes sure he gives full credit to the intern not just in front of his client but also his boss. Seung Hyun is slowly starting to crush on his boss and they both soon start a relationship because Jong Chan is equally interested.  But when he sees Jong Chan with another man, he is heart broken. Turns out this man is Jong's ex, who also happens to be the guy on whom Seung Hyun had massive crush on throughout university. Seung Hyun has been trying to get over his previous crush and doesn't know how to deal with this new information despite Jong Chan explaining him that just because an ex comes into picture as a friend, doesn't change the relationship between them. So they are back as a happy couple. There is some office politics which leads to Seung Hyun not getting permanent hired after internship and hence Jong also decides to quit the company and finally start up something of their own.

My favourite part of The New Employee is the attractive cast. The leads are handsome studs who look suave in their business attire. They both have this innocence yet maturity about them and they make a very very adorable couple. The love story starts and happens just as a matter of fact. Two guys are attracted to each other, confess their feelings and start dating. No drama or darkness or unnecessary side stories. Told from alternating points of view, viewers are offered the chance to experience love for the first time with intern Seung Hyun and love after many relationships with his boss Jong Chan. From starting their relationship off by doing everything wrong only to realize later they both could’ve handled it better, the show tells us the importance of communication. We have seen so many times that people make assumptions in their mind, but here, Jong Chan is a mature man and he makes sure that there is no kind of misunderstandings between the couple. Thankfully, adults are playing adults here with some great natural chemistry. On point to note is that there are twi prominent female characters here, who take their love story forward, they are both such positive characters and so adorable and I am thankful that the makers did not bring in yet another angry female part that is there just to bring dram Ian a gay couple's life.

This series showed us that simple sweet moments can still make a story feels real and so enjoyable to watch. Moments that we rarely see in bls anymore. Communication, simple kisses, holding hands, the excitement of saying each other's name, sharing hopes and dreams, and talking about your flaws. This is what falling in love is all about. It's realistic, mature and relatable. It's impossible to watch it without feeling their love and having a big smile on your face. And let me end once again by saying thatches adorable couple had the most amazing chemistry. The couple with techie simple sweet demeanor definitely is high up there is the list of my favourite couples (if I ever make one). I wanna meet them, be friends with them, hug them and just watch them love each other. Now this is a show that I would definitely highly recommend. This show is bound to bring a smile on your face. Thank you my friend, for recommending this. (8.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Thank you Golu, your review summed up perfectly everything I felt! I had a smile on my face during the whole series, and I wanted more than 7 episodes. No pointless drama, adorable (and handsome) gay couple, adults playing adults.
I'd say Seun Hyung being virgin when he is that hot would be questionnable but he plays so well the adorable innocent guy that it looks believable after all (and he didn't really play the frightened virgin either lol).
Please bring more BL like this one, I'd enjoy them anytime (something that "Individual circumstances" failed to do unfortunatley...)

Golu I have a thai Bl recommandation! (hide your joy ;p) "609 bedtime story". Suspensefull supernatural story with the last 2 episodes being 2 alternative endings. You may have to accept some "shut up it's magic" in the process, but I was hooked.
Miisu said…
I second to that - "609 Bedtime Story" was something different, not just for following the story but thinking back and forth as well. Sort of like "Triage", but without magical helpers. (Yes, I am cheap when time-magic is put in the center of the story, yes, I'm constantly rewatching "The Age of Adaline" and "Midnight in Paris", this series bought me at a discount :D ) The two alternative endings were also a pleasant surprise. Plus the kitchen pervert in me squealed a few times - at a Bialetti moka express coffee pot (I almost bought the same one a few years ago) and Ikea Melodi lamps (just like in my own kitchen :D ). The one thing that I didn't like was the character of Mint, the first sister-of-the-protagonist that I don't like. While everyone else had personalities, she seemed just like "oh, let's add some weathervane with no backbone whatsoever, just for drama".
Golu said…
Now that two of my fav people have recommended this series, I will have to add that to my list
Miisu said…
This series was pleasant from beginning to end - not too slow, not too fast, every character had a purpose and the technical execution was very professional. Add a cat for fluff and my heart is stolen :)

I liked the leitmotif of communication everywhere, in the office and between people. Like "you can take the person out of (a field), but you can't take it out of the person". It's interesting to watch the stories about people who know exactly what they want to do, who have a calling and enough proactivity to keep going. And like-minded people around them who believe and burn in the same fuel. Those two were all about communication, inside and out - exactly what I mean with my constant "give me a parallel world, where ... is possible." This time it was the world where people actually talk to each other instead of assuming, presuming and speculating, and it was so deliciously natural.
Golu said…
Like you said "This time it was the world where people actually talk to each other instead of assuming, presuming and speculating"; this series was a revelation

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