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Why You… Y Me? (Thai Series)

I can totally see a lot of people loving this show. Told from a fangirl's perspective, this is an interesting genre of storytelling to add. The protagonist is obsessed with yaoi and likes to ship imaginary couples in real life. Having said that, sadly the genre just doesn't work for me. And just like my friends here warned me that bringing the teenage girl inside me, out is not gonna be easy for me (they know my tastes well by now), they were right. I just could not get myself to enjoy this show at all. And trust me, I tried, I really tried. The show has 10 episodes of about 45 minutes each.

Namwah is a university student, who along with her friend is obsessed with shipping imaginary couples. Then we meet Gap, a lead singer of a boy band, who are struggling to promote their band, because truth be told, they are not really the best. After an accidental meeting for the fangirls, Gap stands in midst of cheering crowd and announces himself as a fanboy. Namwah and Gap become friends, because Namwah wants to use him to ship one of her favorite couples and Gap can use her to use her brother's song studio for practice. Her brother is a famous and rich music producer. When she meets all the band members, Namwah observes several suggestive interactions between the guys and starts mentally shipping a few of them together. The friendship between Gap and Namwah slowly starts taking an interesting turn with their feelings for one another, while a whole lot of time is also spent showing us various couple combinations within the band and with Namwah's brother. However, Gap feels guilty about deceiving Namwah, especially since he isn't a real BL fan. To be honest, at this point there were so many characters and so many couples being shipped; that I completely lost interest in the series and didn't care much for the characters.

Despite the show being high on production values, very cheerful and upbeat, I just couldn't get myself into it. The series felt silly, and I understand the target audience are the teenage girls, yaoi crazy fans, who are all about BL world. I secretly think myself of that world too, but a lack of coherent actual BL story; just didn't get me invested in this show. It came across as slightly frivolous, unable to transition from a childish comedy into a mature drama. The show maybe tried to show the thin line between being fans and crossing the line to obsession, but it doesn't do that very well. Stalking celebrities and invading their privacy is the wrong thing to do, but it never takes itself seriously. The fact that our lead girl would literally shove her camera on just anyone's private moments is just not cool. Also the so called straight guy Gap pretending to be gay, appropriating himself in a genre that he really doesn't understand also did not sit well with me. His and Namwah's relationship is built on deceit and opportunism. The side actual BL stories felt shallow and as I said, I had completely lost interest in the characters by then. I can see how and why there are and will be many many fans of the show.  It has a zany story, goofy characters, and good closure for the ending. But the BL drama is too casual and lightweight. I'm left with tepid feelings.Its one of the genres, which I categorize as guilty pleasure, and I have normally found myself like such teen shows, but somehow this time, its just too much even for me. (3/10)


Miisu said…
Exactly - guilty pleasure, not for getting yourself invested too much, just enjoy the scenery and production. And the soundtrack. I liked the storyline of the girls and Namwah discovering the betrayal. Cherchez la femme, eh. The ending was really good - am I the only one smelling a sequel?

It seems kinda trending topic lately, the idols handling their fame and fandom crossing the line. Plus the managers and companies expecting profit and setting rules. And I couldn't agree more, someone has to show that the idols are - first and foremost - human beings who 1) just work in the frontline of the showbiz and 2) for chrissake eat, shit and sleep just like the rest of us.

What I liked the most was the dynamics of the band. One of my best friends is leaving his band due to some serious issues and difference of opinions and thanks to this series I actually understand his current situation a lot better and hopefully I can be a better friend. It's painful to watch and hard to listen, but it will get better. AND when I told him about the series he actually went looking for Evening Sunday music videos on Youtube :D That's new. Found one and liked it - that's surprising. So, would the inner teenage girl of Sailor Maan please kindly accept our mutual gratitude for recommending this series :D
Golu said…
intersting parallles to your friend band story and this show :)
Somehow this time it wasn't my cuppa tea :)
Sailor Maan said…
Total unappropriate shamefull guilty pleasure on my side. Golu I'm just thankfull you kept your promise of not hating me suggesting this show. Because no, above 30 something gay men are not the target audience lol. But see Namwha fantasms and shipping all guys together had me laugh up until the end, and mostly Gap not getting the slighest of what's happening and yet proudly announcing he was a fanboy totally killed me. All the rest is expected/cliche but really cheerfull and with a nice ending. Like you Miisu I was surprised when I discovered Evening Sunday was a real music group! (thank you for sharing your parallel story, always interresting).
And since you liked this one you can try one of my favourite "teenage girl inside" BL series: Great Men Academy. Add just a magic unicorn and a wtf 1st episode and you're set. Golu needless to say you should skip this one lmao (I don't want me to hate me for real...)
Miisu said…
Are you trying to tell me there's another crazy series like "Why You... Y Me?" out there? OK, I've become quite used to wtf Thai style, but an actual unicorn? Well, this is getting interesting :D I thought that after I finish my long awaited "our daily dose of a sweet serial killer give us every day, or else"-series, I'd spend some time finding out what's wrong with the spirits in Thailand, why's everyone afraid of them. Like - bodyguards and other grown ass people. But since a unicorn definitely counts as fluff, I'll take the scenic road :D My sanity will remain intact after that, right - :D ?
Golu said…
I am never gonna hate you guys. Your comments, feedback, suggestions and thoughts, keep me motivated to keep going. btw: taking cue from your 'crystal boys' story; which I will start watching at some point, I am watching a show called "To Sir With Love"; long episodes and 17 of them, but major Chinese based Thai dram with central gay character but not BL. I have tor ay that the show is pretty darn engaging so far.
Sailor Maan said…
OMG I absolutely LOVED "To sir with love"! I hesitated to recommend it to you as it is really long (when you are already reviewing so many things), and most of all it's a soap opera so it clearly won't be for everyone, especially with that exagerated acting... Even if you thankfully don't hate us, you could have questionned our mental sanity lol.
Can't wait to have your thoughts on it!
Golu said…
As you said that the show is mostly a soap opera and long episodes, so it will be sometime before I can actually finish the show and write my thoughts on it, but I can safely say that so far it is engaging (you just have to remind yourself that you are watching a soap opera so the exaggerated acting is expected)

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