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My Tooth Your Love (Taiwanese Series)

Although this Taiwanese series may seem full of cliches, the charming leads ( at least one of them) and the sweetness and the everyday charm of the show keeps it floating at an above average level. This series combines an attractive cast, romantic banter, and vibrant chemistry to create an engaging story. Intermittently it ended up using some stereotypical hindrances on the way (like reappearance of an ex), which slow down the pace, but the incessant flirting between the leads another charm make up for all of it. The show is 12 episodes of 30-35 minutes each.

Bai Lang is an owner of a bistro bar who is suffering from toothache but he has phobia for dentists so he keeps hiding it. When the situation gets really bad, his sister forces him to go to a dentist who also happens to be her friend and junior from college. Of course, Bai Lang resists dentists interactions during appointment but consistent persistence from the dentist leads to successful treatment. At sisters insistence, the dentist visits Bai Lang at home for follow up and in return, Bai Lang prepares a scrumptious meal for him. Slowly, the duo start meeting more regularly and you can see them having affection for each other. In fact they also flirt with one another in their own way. One day a man returns from US, who turns out to be a man that the dentist loved when he was in school but he was rejected then. Bai Lang feels they must give each other a try and pulls himself back when the dentist confesses his feelings for him. But things gets clarified slowly and the lovers are back as a full on couple. The last two episodes have a bizarre twist where suddenly dentist is too busy to meet Bai Lang, but turns out that he was busy making his parents accept of him on who he is and his love and in fact was even beaten by the father till they all accepted. There are some side stories of another bartender and a young boy's love story, the dentists assistant's love story and in a nice twist, Bai Lang's sister and the dentists former lover's story.

The fist thing that stays with me even after the show ended was how handsome and charming and beautiful actor playing Bai Lang is. OMG! More on that later. Dentistry setting for a BL show was interesting and Taiwanese shows usually do a good job of production values, good actors and direction; which is all true here as well. The initial scenes with zany humor and snappy banter between not just the leads but also including office staff and bistro staff with one another keeps the proceedings very lively and fun to watch. Bai Lang is a vivacious protagonist who exudes giddy enthusiasm. He smiles brightly, talks rapidly, and fills each scene with a powerful burst of energy. The dentist, on the other hand is more reserved and earnest and take him to mom kinda boy. But man, you will not be able to forget the Bai Lang actor. Lot more of him, please! The only problem here is lack of coherent screenplay. The story really has nothing new to offer except the setting. Essentially its just two guys meeting, start flirting, fall in love and get blessings from friends and family with some hiccups in between like any other couple. So that way, stretching this for 12 episodes felt  long but I as long as it meant seeing a lot more of Bai Lang, I was ok. The show also does a great job of showing the courtship of lead actors and their flirting. You can feel and sense the slow build up from doctor-patient to acquaintance to friends to lovers.  Although the relationship takes a long time to advance, they eventually have an overload of affection and intimacy. And thank god for ample kisses and intimacy, especially when it seemed genuine and real and not forced or just peck on lips like many other BL shows. The other side love stories are all decent but seemed more like fillers. 

This show is not going to get any marks for originality in story and the flaws trying to create a rift between the lovers. But the show is very appealing because it features an attractive cast, vibrant chemistry, and adorable interactions. My main pleasure comes from seeing the hot guys (read Bai Lang) flirt cutely with each other. The actual narrative is an afterthought. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I loved it too. Both the show and Bai Lang lol. Boy, that guy's smile and energy could sway any heart. The show brings nothing new, just simple and sweet, but lovely done. I can go with that kind of show anytime.
Golu shame on you to enjoy a show only because you have a crush on an actor! (... now that you're all ashamed and reasonable and willing to let go of Bai Lang, he's all mine mouhahaha... Please make it my husband never reads this)
Golu said…
maybe you and I can share Bai Lang.. lol
I am all in for shows that treat a subject delightfully. There are only so many permutations of a BL story, but its sometimes the actors and the execution that can make all the difference.
Sailor Maan said…
Thank you for your very welcome proposal but... my husband insists on the fact I'm not the sharing type, and that he is not either (why but WHY did I have to jonkingly mention that message, doing such a rookie mistake pfff). Apparently you can have Bai Lang all by yourself now XD
+1 on actors and execution!
Golu said…
if you insist. I will have him for u as well. xx
Miisu said…
I had this series in the "after the Grand Darkness" sector of my list, but after reading your review I went to watch it. Glad I did. Although I've been spoiled rotten recently with cats and fluff and this series didn't have either of those, the overall vibe was... graceful and pleasant, despite many scenes at the dentist's. There was something to think about story-wise, and even if there wasn't, there were so many details to watch - the interior of the pub was beautiful (btw, best aprons I've seen so far :D ), the wall art everywhere made me pause and explore a few times, RJ-s diary entries looked really artistic and the world map with polaroids was interesting, too. The bed full of cuddly toys was genuinely funny.

Locations and production made the whole series feel really professional and sort of hid the clichés (luckily there were not many of those). Something felt different with the dialogue, like more impro, less memorized lines written by someone else. The text felt natural and it was clear the actors had fun while filming.
Golu said…
free with your thoughts, but I am amazed how you even manage to look into the details of apron and other production stuff. At leads that would make those production people happy for being appreciated
Miisu said…
I really do appreciate the work and dedication behind the end result in any form of visual art or text creation. Thankfully I've had a few really great art history teachers and loads of possibilities to go and watch stuff since I was very little - museums, cinemas, theater, nature, zoo... I'm the annoying type who can easily spend an hour sitting in front of one painting (think "Thomas Crown affair", Pierce Brosnan and "I just love my haystacks..." :D ) or watch how the pattern of the fur changes when a sleeping tiger breathes. The blessing and a curse 2-in-1 of being an INFJ, I guess (and wish someone had told me sooner). Luckily I only have a few pet peeves so this detail exploring has been mostly appreciation and pleasure, not annoying pedantic punctiliciousness :D But I can do that, too, when asked or pushed :D

Those Asian series have a lot to look at, even when the story itself is "like watching the paint dry" :D
Golu said…
thats a nice way to look at it. there is to much happening story wise, so might as well spend some quality time appreciating the hard work that production people have put in.

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