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Spin The Bottle

A delectable character study, I am almost sure I have seen this film before , but probably much before I started writing my blog here, so time to revisit and review it here. Back in the day, I am sure it was touted as a refreshing story and study of friendship, love, loyalty and sexual identity. With just 5 primary characters and setting of an allelic lake house in the wilds of Vermont, it was an interesting film, though I have to say that it felt very heavy on dialogues. Way too much talking.

Five old friends decide to have a get together after more than 10 years on the eve of another friend's wedding. The host Jonah has been MIA for 10 years since high school graduation and no one has seen or heard form him. Newly engaged Ted and Bev are the first ones to arrive, followed by Alex, a girl who seems chill and can't stop flirting with Ted and finally Rachel, a girl low on confidence who has just been dumped by her boyfriend. Everyone is shocked to see how handsome Jonah has become and all girls are immediately smitten by him. That night they decide to play spin the bottle game, remembering their old life and flirting with one another and almost everyone ends up kissing everyone. That same night Jonah ends up luring Bev into bed with him (despite her being engaged) and soon after he and Ted also hook up. We find out that Ted and Jonah have had a history before as kids and at some point Jonah was outed  and taunted as a kid for being faggot because of which his parents had to leave town and Ted did nothing to protect him. The sex with Jonah confuses Ted like crazy. The next morning, there is awkwardness in the room when Bev accuses Jonah of seducing her fiancé. Eventually she gives ultimatum to Ted to choose either being with he tor being gay. He choses latter. The other two girls leave for the wedding since situation at the house gets very weird. But just when Ted thinks he can be now with Jonah, Jonah decides to leave too. Ted is surprised and feels like Jonah is taking revenge on him for years back (which is partly true) , but Jonah's whole idea was to make Ted realize who he really is and live a true to himself life rather than a lie of love life with Bev when clearly neither Ted or Bev were ready for them being together.

I have mixed feelings about this film. A reunion sort of films, these films can be a hit or miss. This film could have been strong ran better with less dialogues and something more. Seeing five people constantly on each other's case flirting, talking, drinking, kissing and repeat gets monotonous after a while. Sure, the discussion they all have are some profound and meaningful, but somehow they all don't come together. Why were the friends estranged and how did they all manage to get together again is not explained. Why does Alex constantly flirt with Ted when she clearly knows he is engaged to Bev, who is supposed to be her friend. The only realistic character in my opinion was Rachel, who was dealing through some personal issues but talked very practically. Jonah. Clearly had a motive and even though he says he wanted to let Ted accept himself, there is no explanation why he would seduce Bev. This was clearly to have them break up, which means the whole point was revenge, however he may say it otherwise. The acting by most actors is unto the mark and they all do a good job pf whatever is asked them to do. Ted is charming, while Bev is the most annoying and angry for nothing kinda character. The film seems suited more for like. TV film, though, I am not aware if this actually ever released in cinemas. It is an old film and yes, it should be viewed keeping that in mind. Despite my reservations, overall I still though the film was a decent attempt. (5.5/10)


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