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Il Signore Delle Formiche (Italian) [Lord Of The Ants]

This film is based on Italy’s late 60's true events, Italian poet, playwright and artist Aldo Braibanti’s controversial imprisonment for homosexuality in 1968 after a four-year trial a quietly stirring portrait of institutional intolerance. What's interesting is the fact that homosexuality wasn’t strictly illegal then. That means Braibanti was tried on the antiquated charge of plagio — not the literal translation “plagiarism” but in the legal sense of psychological duress, effectively with brainwashing his partner in a consensual relationship between adults. I surprisingly found myself quite liking the film for the dignity and poise thatchy have made it.

The film starts with an older Aldo with his young lover Ettore being found together in bed and Ettore being hauled away by his mother and brother and shipped off to a mental hospital for barbaric electroshock treatment. The film jumps 6-7 years back where we meet Aldo, artist, a teacher and a poet who also conducts studies in myrmecology, the life of ant colonies. One of his student beings in his younger brother Ettore to this world, which fascinates him since he is inclined more towards art and literature. The older man expands his world, sharing his knowledge of art, literature and ants with generosity and passion. It is unclear whether at this point they are in a relationship or not, but clearly they are very close. Shrugging off local gossip about Aldo, Ettore travels with him to Rome, but distance doesn’t stop his outraged family from intervening. Back to present, where Aldo is arrested and an impending court trail will now happen. A reporter Ennio is assigned to cover the trial, who does his best to fight the writer’s corner in the columns of a paper that won’t even print the word “homosexual,” much less defend it. Accusations are thrown and in fact even Ettore comes to court and admits it was all mutual and Aldo never forced anything on him, sadly the court rules against Aldo and is imprisoned. We are later shown that Aldo comes out of prison for a couple of days when his mother dies and he meets Ettore one last time before going back to prison.

The most famous cases of similar nature os probably of Oscar Wilde, that the world knows of, but it was interesting to witness this story, especially since the charges are under the law of plague, which I had never heard of. The film is a bit long of over two hours duration, but the three leading men give noble and notable performances, and the impressive period costumes and sets give a nostalgic feel to it. The second half of the film that focuses on the trial, sadly feels a bit half baked. No strong arguments from either side are given which could sway the case from one end to other. Even the statements given by both Aldo and Ettore fail to give that gravitas that a film of this nature needed. Also, the role of journalist should have been lot more effective. He is a crucial piece to the puzzle because it is through his articles that this case gets visibility, there are protests in the city and eventually Aldo gets out of prison within 2 years instead of serving his whole 9 years. His own sexuality is never made clear so we are not sure whether his interest in case were even something personal. But despite these shortcomings, I quite found the film very fascinating. The early scenes showing bond between Aldo and Ettore feel loving and passionate. Was Ettore gay o not, probably not, because in one of the scenes where there is a big party going on, he feels uncomfortable and says "Why all the excess?" To which Aldo replies that its in places like these that homosexuals lose inhibitions for no fear of judgements. I am not like them but I am like them. And this even tis what I feel is the start of a beautiful relationship between two men. The film has been given a very artistic flavor, so as much as I wish there was more clarity and rawness especially around the courtroom scenes; the film is still a poignant telling of tale. A final farewell scene between the lovers summarizes the essence of poetry, literature and the romance that the film is all about. (6/10)


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