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Male Entertainer (Thai)

A documentary style film (split in two episodes), this was an interesting subject: tackling the underbelly of sex industry where young boys are forced to take up jobs like being escort and what does it mean for them. You see what lengths individuals have to go through, to provide for their families and themselves. The film is shot as if it is a documentary full of interviews and interspread scenes but its clear that it is a scripted film.

We meet a young boy Max, whose parents died when he was young and now needs to provide for his younger brother and his education. Through one of his friends, he finds out about male escort services and takes that up. According to him, he has all kinds of clients: old, young, male, female and he is open to doing pretty much everything that he can as long as he is being paid. His story is then told to us through two of his main clients. One is Part, an older emotional guy who is falling in love with Max. He meets him few times a month, buys him a house and pays for him every month because he understands his pain and need and wants to love him. But he never stops him from continuing to work, since you cannot bind anyone in love and he is just happy taking care of Max and Max giving him love in return. The other one is a lawyer, who does like Max, but also understands that it is a monetary transaction and he will not be able to buy Max's love and commitment for life, how much ever he tries. And then we have Max's relationship with his younger brother, who pretty much hates Max for the job he is doing and in fact is very nonchalant and rude to his brother. Life is just gonna go one like this till one day in a fateful accident Max dies and things will never be same again.

Even though the depiction of the film is in the documentary-drama style, the emotions and the story feel real, which is what I guess the purpose was to shoot the film in a particular style. It is to perceive humanity not as a collection of individuals but as objects; sometimes to be used and discarded as mere toys for our own pleasures. While scripted, the story is so organic that it felt true in so many ways with so many individuals of today. Max is pushed in the flesh trade, whether he really likes it or not, we don't know but he needs to do it so that he can continue to support his brother, no matter how many insults, disgust and anger his brother gives him back in return. Max weeps at the stabbing pain of rejection but maintains his focus on assisting his brother at any and all costs. Similarly, the two older guys who are presented as the more regular customers of Max, and in love with them, their reasons all cover up loneliness and an escape from the pain of having to live a secret life, not thought of as moral, decent, or acceptable. The film's subject is realistic and dark and from whatever I read and see through, is probably very very realistic too, given that young boys escorting is a huge industry in Thailand. But the film does show a ray of hope that some of the love we invest in others can bear fruit and make a world of despair bearable. Even though at places, the film may feel slightly amateurish, but there was something about it that kept my attention to it. Another reproof that you really do not need a 14 episode overtly stretched series to show your skills as a story teller. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Wait, all thai gay people are not living in a fairytail disney queer world (most of them in university)? Thai BL have been lying to us this whole time ??!!! I'm so shocked right now...
More seriously, it was a very nice short series. The style is pretty unique, making it as if it's a documentary. All of the characters point of view are interresting, and rather subtle and nuanced. Just maybe the clients are a little too much angeliquely portrayed? I wish they'd told us if it's based on some real interviews, that would have added some impact.
The brother's reactions are hard to witness seriously. But isn't it the fate of all parents with their ungrateful teenage children (can't wait to be myself in a dozen years... or not).
I didn't expect the sad ending and feel it was a little bit unecessary. I apparently watched a cut version on youtube so I probably missed some important moments, possibly the harder ones that could make this show even better. Thank you Golu for the recommandation.
Golu said…
You are very welcome and lets continue sharing our thoughts and recommendations

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