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Reminders (Thai Mini-Series)

A Thai mini series with only 3 episodes! For a moment, I thought I was missing something. I have surprisingly not seen 'Love Sick' series which was apparently quite popular when it came out. I believe this short series was made more as a promotional material for follow up seasons of Love Sick, keeping the main couple from hat show as the center here. The series tries to explore, in a quick way, life of three gay couples, going through romance, relationship issues and forging friendship bonds while navigating the pressures of school.

Son and Pin are a couple. While driving on their way to dinner, they meet a short accident with Noh and Phun and in the process end up breaking their guitar. At hospital, Son thinks this could be a good opportunity to learn guitar from Noh in secret to surprise his boyfriend. But in the process this leads to the boyfriend think that Son is probably cheating on him. In the meantime, we have another couple Two and Wish, who are also trying to navigate through their relationship. One of them is serious of becoming boyfriends but the other one takes his own sweet time to get convinced. Meanwhile, the insecurity of Pin gets worse when he meets Noh's boyfriend and both start wondering what's happening with their respective boyfriends. Anger and jealousy rises , but eventually through proper communication, Son tells Pin how he has been trying to surprise him; Noh and Phun talk about how they will have to work out their relationship with university almost coming to an end and finally Two and Wish deciding to become boyfriends. The series ends with a round of happy smiles and tight hugs.

I am not sure why the name, but my guess is to remind the audience of these couples who have featured in shows like Love Sick and Love By Chance (which thankfully I have seen). The acting is consistent with most generic Thai BL shows (depending on whether if you consider them good or bad). The three episodes are of 30, 40 and 13 minutes; which again I thought was odd, but like I said, if the whole purpose was more of an advertisement for an upcoming series; then the job was well done. Short crisp story that talks about love, jealousy, insecurity, communication; then it does handle all those aspects pretty well. What I just don't understand is how these couples are so frivolous that they get jealous so easily within a second and within minutes are even ready to break up, without even giving their partner a chance to explain themselves. The whole style baffles me, but hey it somehow works for the target audience, so who I am to complain. Its. decent filler show to kill your time if you are looking for something but otherwise this offers nothing new, so easily can be a miss. (3.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Oh this one brings back good memories! But for only one reason: it plays with the couples of Love By Chance and its sequel (and Love sick that I haven't seen either), but changes the couples dynamic. Or completely switching the roles for Two and Wish. And that had me laugh a lot back then.
I think that's the only selling point though, else it's totally avoidable.
Boy that makes me want to run LBC again that I loved so much when it was one of my first thai BL! See how I would consider it now.
Golu said…
I sometimes wonder if I went back and saw some of the BLs from 2018 or around then, which I liked, IU bet I would be able to fid 100 faults with those show. So take my advice, do not revisit those. Just keep happy memories. :)
Miisu said…
I watched this one in September I guess, preparing for the Grand Darkness and concurrent brain freeze. Nice one, definitely something to look at, but not much to think about. After seeing this I tried to start with the "Love Sick"... tried. Multiple times. First 10 minutes max, there was nothing that could hold my attention (and you know how nice audience I usually am, and my above-average sh*t tolerance etc). Maybe I'm spoiled by those films and series that have me at hello ( = intro/soundtrack). Maybe I'm still in brain freeze mode (snow and ice outside are not helping at all). Maybe I'm looking for more than just something to look at (I've got picture books for that). Maybe all of the above.
Sailor Maan said…
I'm actually a big fan of rewatching my favourite scenes over and over again. To the point I have good memories of movies/series because of that scene and it happened I tried to watch the whole show again and wonder if it has always been this bad lol. Or just want to watch the scene and end up watching the whole thing again... (happened with the movie version of Semantic error last week, nothing new but I just couldn't resit XD). Guess I'm too weak to follow your advise and stay with the happy memories, I'm craving for those best happy feeling moments!
Anyway Love by chance is not for right now, I have to finish the myriad of good BLs that all ended last week (My school president, Never let me go, History 5 and Moonlight chicken). A orgy of good ones so far, I'm having a tiny BL orgasm.
I've always wondered if I should try Love sick, but if even you Miisu couldn't handle it I think I have my answer ^^;
Miisu said…
I'm also guilty of re-watching films AND re-reading books :D I lost count how many times I was scolded because of "Die Hard", "Ice Age" and "Home Alone" every Christmas, "As Good As It Gets" on January 1st and some ancient Estonian cult films (or Soviet comedies by Leonid Gaidai) whenever they were on TV. "You already know all the lines by heart, WHY are you watching this AGAIN?!" Every single year the same battle, this December was the first time without that fight and I felt like singing "...war is over..." :D Tough childhood and wooden toys have definitely made a mark here :D

Some of the Thai BL-s are also re-watchable, and because there's no need to concentrate on subtitles any more some other details become visible. "Love by Chance" is one of them, "Love in the Air" (re-watched the whole thing again, skipped the triggers and counted Prapai's brooches - 12 :D ), "Manner of Death" and "Moonlight Chicken" (still speechless here...).

"Love Sick" aired in 2014, way too long ago, and that's probably why it feels too slow and meh. It was before the BL-avalanche, so maybe I give it one last try someday, and start from the middle (maybe only the beginning is slow :D ), but that's really the very last try from my end :D
Golu said…
I have been hearing some good things about my school president. Maybe I will pick that up next.
A quick hello from Helsinki airport (in transit) as I make my way back to New York from a short holiday in Bali.
Sailor Maan said…
Bali, awesome!!! Hope you had a great time and you have a nice flight back (and don't forget to wave if you fly over France lol). I wonder where your plane went from Bali to Helsinki while evading Ukraine and Russia though?
My school president is the only "mini short" series I could ever recommend so far. The beginning was magic for me. And I join with Miisu : "Moonlight chicken" is absolutely fantastic!
Miisu said…
What an actual... like - for real? First I didn't see you wave me when you flew over Tallinn and second - why didn't you tell me you were this close :D?! Seriously, 80 km here and there, Tallinn-Helsinki ferry line is already considered a public transport as most of the passengers are commuters anyway, I would have been there in a heartbeat. That afraid of me :D ? I don't bite... much... on weekdays :D OK, I'm actually glad you had a great holiday and managed to avoid the war zone (today we received the news that the damn war has claimed the first Estonian victim and that's scary).

The mini shorts in "My School President" are not that mini, lucky for us, "Hit Bite Love" cast wear much shorter ones and those create such clash with the story (the story you have to search for like a bloodhound since it gets SO tangled SO many times). Really, an inch away from being indecent :D

I have been trying to find something to describe the essence of "Moonlight Chicken" and "like someone pouring liquid amber straight into my heart" would be close, but still not enough. Enchanting.
Golu said…
Thanks guys. I am back home now. Seeing so much positivity around both these shows, I am actually now looking forward to seeing something interesting in next coming days.
Btw: rather than waving at you guys from airspace, you never know I may visit your countries at some point and meet in person. lol
The world is too small.
Sailor Maan said…
Golu you are more than welcome anytime in south east France :)
And maybe I'll come visit you in New York as well! That's our plan to go there in october and get our surrogate to join us, so you'll get to meet the whole "family" haha
Golu said…
Oh yay!! That would be super exciting. It would be an honor to meet the whole family

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