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Oh, Mando! (Filipino Series)

Pinoy BL series are taking over the Thai ones in similar genre. With high production qualities, really charming actors both in terms of looks and talent and innovative stories that are beyond university life. The stories and the treatment is what I look out for. And when you have Kokoy De Santos (Gameboy fame), of course, my anticipation was quite a bit high for this show. The show in its 6 episodes of about 25-30 minutes each does try to cover topics like gender identities, sexual orientations, and sexual expressions; and even suicidal tendencies. Sure that a lot to pack in a small series, but it does quite a decent job of it.

Charming but timid college student Mando is your typical hopeless romantic and dreams of a guy. One day he meets Barry, an out-and-proud basketball star who is practically a prince from a fairytale and looks similar to the guy form his dreams. Except Barry has a boyfriend. Mando gets cast in the role of Romeo in the college play where Juliet is played by Krisha. Mando decides to get past his feelings for Barry and before you know, Mando and Krisha are a couple. When Krisha takes Mando to meet her family, it turns out that Barry is her brother. Mando's suppressed feelings come back. Meanwhile Barry catches his boyfriend cheating on him and on a trip to cheer up her brother, Mando and Barry both give into their feelings. Soon enough they are having an affair without Krisha knowing about it. When Mando's friends confront him over this and remind him how its unfair to Krisha, Mando and Barry tell the truth to Krisha, who obviously feels cheated and fooled. Barry tries to take his life once again, clearly knowing that seeing Krisha happy is his highest priority. Mando comes out to his family and feel relieved. Time passes, Krisha has a new boyfriend which means Mando can start courting Barry once again, because the love and passion they have for each other is still very much present.

The story was simple, yet complicated showing confusion about sexual identity and how people still try to suppress their true nature just because of societal pressure and expectations. Mando's internalized homophobia because of his mother was something relatable from a story perspective. The characters of the three main actors were clearly etched out. The series doesn't justify Mando and Barry's affair just because they are gay and in love. Bisexual/fluid Barry got cheated on by a boyfriend but he also cheated on his beloved sister Krisha, who was in love with Mando. This is not acceptable and both Mando and Barry realize it. The stories of the supportive parents on both sides and Mando's friends were seamlessly incorporated into the story. The brief arc of trans woman coming out of the student's art professor seemed forced but quite relevant to the issues that the series wanted to highlight. In terms of acting I think Kokoy as Mando was quite good, though not as good as Gameboy. I felt he cried way too much in every episode. There are other ways that the remorse emotions can be shown. You don't have to cry at the drop of a hat every single time. Barry was extremely hot. I mean HOT. Thank you producers for a the real quick butt shot. I really wanna see more shows with him as a lead now. They had good chemistry. Luckily, the female character Krisha had a solid role and wasn't used just as a side prop. And she also did amazingly well.

An easy breezy series to watch. Story of love, friendship and being true to oneself with some gorgeous eye candy and very relatable characters. I loved it, quite a bit. (7/10)


Hedgehog said…
I haven’t seen this one cause my source of BL series as of now is Youtube. :(
Golu said…
I hope you get your hands on this one soon. I am sure you will like it (minus Mando crying in every episode)
Hedgehog said…
So he is total opposite of Gavreel in this series. More like cairo.
Golu said…
hahahahaha. True!!
luigi43 said…
Happy to be back , Golu . I've watched Barry under the shower :it's worth ! By the way his personal trainer outed him , so may be we wan't see him back soon, pity !
Golu said…
OMG! Where have you been my friend? I was worried. Hope everything is ok with you , friends and family
Hedgehog said…
Btw, the guy who played Barry is Bisexual. And the actor who plays Karl in Gaya sa Pelikula is gay.

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