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Color Rush (Korean Series)

This series was way too melodramatic than it really needed to be. With dialogues being constantly said in mind and not spoken, and a hurried yet slow screenplay, I felt that this series had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, personally I was quite underwhelmed by the whole thing. South Korea still has a lot of catching up to do to produce good BL content. This series is 8 episodes of about 15 minutes each.

The series is based in a world where few people suffer from color luminance. Monos, as they are called, see only shades of gray, black, and white. The only way Monos can see color is if they come into contact with their Probe. Probes are soulmates who bring color into their Monos’ lives, often sparking a dangerous behavior or obsession. Yeon-woo is a Mono, whose mother was the same and is missing for a few years. He now lives with his aunt. When he joins his new school, his meeting with Yoo-han changes things. Yeon-woo is overwhelmed by the unexpected rush of emotions he feels every time Yoo-han is near. Since Yoo-han always wears a mask, the first time when his face is revealed, a sudden rush of colors washes over Yeon-woo therebyrevealzng that Yoo-han is his Probe. The next few episodes go back and forth on Yeon-woo trying to be close to yy to see colors but also being careful to not get obsessed by him. We are later revealed that Yoo-han also suffers from face blindness where he cannot clearly see anyone's face, except for Yeon-woo since he has met him. Are the two boys meant to be together?

I have a lot of issues with this series, like the constant mood change and where is the show trying to go. Sometimes it get very melodramatic and suddenly gags are. Thrown in by a few of their classmates. It becomes soppy when Yeon-woo thinks of his mother and suddenly becomes investigative when his aunt is trying to find out what happened to his mother. And none of these is actually taken to a completion. Yeon-woo wants to be close to Yoo-han but is afraid of historically what have monos done to probes. Attempting suicide to avoid that ones out of nowhere. And then suddenly Yoo-han show sup in hospital and takes him away. IT makes absolutely no sense. This entire plotline is unbelievably problematic, both minimizing mental health issues, and glorifying obsession as a form of love. Some 3-4 episodes are wasted in just Yeon-woo seeing different colors. The chemistry between the leads is strictly ok. Their bright red lipstick is very distracting. I am almost certain that was not natural. This story could easily have been a story friendship but culminates as BL love when the two boys feel they are meant to be together to overcomes each other's challenged and seal it with a kiss.

The show has good production value, average acting and disastrous narrative execution makes this series a very frustrating watch that I just wanted to finish asap. (4/10)


Sailor Maan said…
A nice watch for me. I loved how they tried to create something unique. If you’re a mono and find that one person that can make you see colours, wouldn’t you be totally obsessed to the point of it being scary? I loved the visuals, the first « magic » scene where he gets to see colors was incredible. Aesthetically pleasing, I think korean dramas always have this very special way of filming that I learned to like. Haha that red lipstick was something though. Wait… with pale skin and black hair… that was Snow White in BL world XD !!! I loved the soudtrack too. However as you said, all the execution was a mess. They seem to begin so many things (especially the mom’s death) and it goes nowhere. At first the leads keep chainging their minds with no reasons, it was really disturbing to understand what they wanted. The lack of emotion was also frustrating at times, but I begin to be used to it for korean dramas and I consider this being a part of the charm of the culture difference. Thankfully the end with the soulmate thing was nice. They really need to learn how to fake a kiss though…
Can I strongly recommend you watch Kinou Nani Tabeta (what did you eat yesterday ?). Very good, more real, I found it had a very interesting look on homosexuality in Japan.
Golu said…
oh lovely! Let me add that to my list immediately

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