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Life: Senjou No Bokura (Japanese Series) [Life: Love on the Line]

After watching a few long BL series, this 4 episode, very much to-the-point series was like a breath of fresh air. There were no unnecessary side stories to distract you from its main protagonists, no forced comedy and all of the other actors had something concrete to add to the main story. The series uses age as time line to show the progress of love between two individuals , not just dealing with each other but also the society and family.

One day after school, the serious Ito Akira and the child-like Nishi Yuki meet by chance, as each endeavors to remain walking on the sidewalk`s white line. Soon Ito realizes he is drawn to Nishi in a way that is new to him. Ito decides to act upon his feelings and kisses a surprised Nishi, who agrees they need to walk side by side for a change. The sparks between them are undeniable as their relationship blossoms in high school when they are 17. At 19 they both enter university and are very much in love, although you can see that Nishi Yuki needs sometime for the sexual aspect of the relationship. Time flies and the duo are in mid twenties. Ito is an ambitious man and understands value of work but Yuki still prefers to be a free spirit and enrolls himself in a scripting class. With the realities constantly changing around them, and inability to come out of closet to face his overbearing mother, Ito decides to breakup with Yuki and marries a girl in hope to start a 'normal' family. Heartbroken Yuki doesn't know what hit him and he is quite low. Few years into marriage Ito realizes that this is not what he stands for and however hard he try, he will never be able to forget his first and only true love. He apologizes to Yuki. They are in their early 30s by now, confronts himself, his family in hope to be with his love, this time forever.

This short series bears witness to loving partners, whose unchanging feelings must co-exist within a world of changing realities. The actors very convincingly played 17 year olds and 32 years old with equal ease. They conveyed there emotions very well and there was no awkwardness at all. I could feel their love for one another through the screen. Using age as timeline, sometime you feel that you are losing out on how their relationship is growing and since. A lot was to be shown, I actually didn't mind it. What I did feel bad was about the way Ito breaks up with Yuki. Thats not just done on how you break up with someone. But having said that I can understand things that people are forced to do with societal pressure and family pressure. I have to say that this story is much more Ito focused than Nishi. While Nishi does get the screen time and important moments to demonstrate his character, his conflicts are less concrete.

The one is short and sweet and maybe a little bitter, but I would definitely recommend it. Loving someone is not easy and constant, especially when so much around you is changing. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Beautiful bitter sweet short series. The first episode was such a happy feeling one. And I loved the poetic metaphore with the lines all through the series. One thing that really bugs me is the supposed timeline though. Waiting 2 years to have sex, still hiding their relationship after living together for 11years... Replace years by months and I would find it believable. The way Ito breaks up with Nishi is so cold hearted, the reasons he gives are totally off topic for a long time couple too. However it gives a glimpse of social pressure in Japan, which is always interesting. Other than that, the cast does an amazing job. As you said, it's impressive they can play 17 and 33years old with so much ease. Time don't have effect on them, I'm utterly jealous lol. If you can go read the manga ending as it closes the whole story in a beautiful way (spoiler: when they die at an old age, they reunite on the line going to heaven)
Golu said…
I have never read any manga. I am not sure that's my thing. But the ending from it that you hav mentioned above sounds soooooooo beautiful and poetic considering how they met navigating the line.
Sailor Maan said…
You might actually like reading some manga since you've already liked some BL coming from them. This one is very easy and quick to read (there are far less things than in the series), I can send you the link if you want: You'll just have to adapt reading from right to left haha.

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