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What Did You Eat Yesterday?: Season 2 (Japanese Series)

The first season and the subsequent film version of this popular show "What Did You Eat Yesterday" has been one of my personal favorites. The focus on a different mouth watering recipe every single episode, while focusing on the continued growing relationship between a middle aged gay couple was something I totally enjoyed. So, naturally I was super excited when the episodes started coming out for Season 2. The show has 12 episodes each of 30 minutes duration.

Kenji and Shiro are still a very happy loving couple living together going through the grind of everyday struggles. Thee include financial management, growing age, health issue, healthy eating, their closest friend, a minor tussle and introduction to their respective families etc. But as they turn 50, they begin to experience different changes, but Shiro and Kenji are still gentle with each other as they move on to a new stage in their lives. Kenji is made the manager of the saloon while Shiro is asked to take over the law company. A couple of episodes also show us Shiro's parents worry about who will take care of their son as he grows old and how they make him understand that he needs to put his financial things in order. We still have the second loving gay couple who occasionally gets together with Shiro-Kenji for some scrumptious meals. My personal favorite is when the old lady from season 1(the one whom Shiro meets while grocery shopping and I snow an integral part of his life) finally gets to meet Kenji and they all have a meal together.  With its continued simplicity, this season allows us to just relax and take a break with some wonderful characters living their low-stakes lives. 

Most Asian shows are typical BL with mushy romance, so this show is a nice change, where we do get to see a grown up mature gay love story. The show continues to focus on every day nuances of the life of a gay couple while showing us some amazing recipes to cook with very episode. I can't tell you all amazing all of these recipes look and how envious I am that no one is with me to make these scrumptious diners for me everyday. Having said that, I do miss the fact that there is absolutely no intimacy of any sort between Shiro and Kenji. They barely even touch each other, forget getting thug or a kiss or anything like that. I was hoping that makes would have receievd feedback on this and will make some changes but again that doesn't happen in this season either. Yes, they are middle aged. Gay couple, one of whom is in closet at work; but I am sure there can be more intimacy than that depicted of a glorified roommate situation. Sure, the way Shiro shows his love is through his meals and silences, worrying about Kenji's health. Kenji's flamboyantly expressive demeanor adds the right pinch of humor. Gilbert (one of the guys from the other couple) I an absolute scene stealer. When we come to know of how they met was a shocker but also very cute at the same time. I also enjoyed the episode when Shri meet Kenji's family and how Kenji's sisters are a riot and naughty. Towards the end the show also talks about difficulties of getting old, gay partnership system and how people need to put things in order for the couple like this and others to get their rights.

Overall, the show gives you exactly what you probably expected of it having seen the first season and the movie. Delightfully relatable and humorously heartfelt, this series is a gem. My only issue is how nice it would have ben to see some sort of physical intimacy between Shiro and Kenji as a couple. But then, those mouth-watering recipes more than make up for everything. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Still as lovable as the first season. But... honestly I got a tiny bit bored after a while that the couple don't have any kind of intimacy. They do care about each other, and sometimes it melts your heart. But I still think a couple is not all about chaste caring. I like to joke saying a lasting couple is all about sex and food. Well they are 100% about food here lol.
Still many moments were memorable. The meeting with Kenji's family and how Shiro got accepted. The discussion about partnership, Kenji initialy refusing to get adopted because he wants a "real" union with his partner. It's also so nice to have discussions over middle aged gay couple situations (especially from a foreign country and see teh differences).
The cooking is a winner as usual. With that cute little music (just rememberiung it will have it play in my head all day now haha). I'm so happy it gave my husband some cooking ideas XD
Golu said…
100% agree. This show doesn't show any physical intimacy t all, no hugs or kisses or even holding hands. If that part gets added, this would be an almost perfect show.

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