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Gay Short Films : 108

When I'm Her (USA) (Documentary)
Michael was a ballet prodigy with his career ahead of him, but when life doesn’t go as planned, he finds refuge from trauma and liberation as his alter ego, Russian ballet instructor, Madame Olga. By slipping into this mysterious character, Michael discovers a way to both embrace himself as an artist and reconcile with the pain from his past. Through Olga, Michael is able to give aspiring dancers a place to flourish and can be the kind of mentor he never had for himself. 

Picture This (Canada) (Documentary)
This short doc follows the story of Andrew Gurza, a self- described "queer cripple," as he plans the second edition of Justify My Love-a sex-positive play party for disabled people. At the heart of the film is the uneasy dichotomy that disabled people face, of feeling either invisible or like a freak show, especially with regards to their sexuality.
Becoming Male in the Middle Ages (Portugal)
Mirene and André are a straight couple struggling with infertility. Carl and Vicente are a gay couple undergoing an experimental procedure to have a child. An exploration of gender, reproduction, normativity and the notion of family. A very bizarre futuristic film (not necessarily gay context though)

Límites (Spain) [Limits]
Jon and Adri meet through a dating app. After having sex in the middle of a field, Adri proposes a challenge to Jon. They will meet 10 more time and every time one person will dictate what they will do in sex and push limits. When one person admits defeat, that will be the end. Who knew this game (that pushes one's sexual limits) would eventually lead to finding love!

Facing Fear (USA) (Documentary)
It's the story of a young homeless gay man who is beaten nearly to death by a gang of thug skinheads. Years later, when the beaten man begins working for a center stressing tolerance, he meets up with an ex-skinhead who also works there to try to keep young people from following in his angry teenage steps. Their working through this together, redemption and learning to forgive and understand it the theme of this film.

Top 10 Places to Visit in São Paulo (Brazil)
On a Sunday, two photographers walk around São Paulo trying to connect with the city, and slowly fall in love with each other. It is a very random film, if you ask me. No proper build up and just a kiss between two guys out of nowhere.

The Archive: Queer Nigerians (UK) (Documentary)
There is no direct "archive" of Queer Nigerians, because by the time there'd be recorded history of Nigeria, what happened there had already happened...and any acceptance of them has substantially reversed. In this documentary, several Nigerian people in the LGBTQ+ fold, talk about their lives and understanding of the societies they've been a part of and are now a part of, creating a modern day archive which will never be able to be erased.

Inocentes (Brazil)
The innocents, definitely innocents, ignore everything, but the sand is hot, and there is a soft oil that they use to rub their back, and they forget. The voyeuristic path in Alair Gomes’ homoerotic work. There is no story as such, but a whole lot of still photography and videos of some real hot and good looking Brazilian men.

Gay for a Day (USA)
Released back in 1976, this is an amateurish home move of the 1976 Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco. The men are cute in a 70's way and the novelty is refreshing in a nostalgic way. All is fun and games until a bystander hurls an egg at Palazzolo's camera lens. It resumes quickly though. This was another one of those weird but good for historical archives kinda short.

I, Adonis (Netherlands)
Nicky's whole world revolves around fitness, with the goal of getting bigger and stronger. By constantly monitoring his food consumption and weight, he seems to have his body and entire life under control. But when hidden childhood memories emerge, Nicky starts losing control and his body obsession sets off in an unhealthy direction. Definitely not gay, but all male bodies.

1-1 (Sweden)
Ayman's sex date with Jonas gets disrupted by the friends Elmira and Sam which takes a positive turn. It starts out with Ayman and his friends pranking Jonas who is new to the group. The night evolves to all four of them having a fun time. This was a good lovely fun film.

3 Essais (France) [3 Times]
Raphael calls his best friend Adrien one Friday night to ask him out. Adrien is not available, but he tells Raphael about a mysterious application that can fill his current lack of affection. Raphael tries the application the same evening, seeing with astonishment that it works, he uses the following days this strange and mysterious application by becoming addicted to it, leading to something even more mysterious.

After Party (Croatia)
After Party is a documentary film that follows the last days in a love relationship of two men who decided to film their separation and work through issues left unresolved. The author and his boyfriend filmed their separation, using their emotions as fuel for the filming process. The goal was to document passion and eroticism of a love relationship in its final stage. Very weird.

And We Collide (China)
This film is an unpleasant love letter as well dedicated to the lost generation who have been forgotten and abandoned. An unexpected tropical encounter sparks a fragile romance between a wanna-be astronaut and a village farm boy. A rocket, two boys, and a brief but eternal romance. Decent short but could have been developed better.

Brother (USA)
With his wedding to Carlos approaching, Tony, a young immigrant to the US, invites his conservative older sister from Russia to the ceremony - a fateful decision that forces Tony to choose between his family and his freedom and happiness. Decent film that shows that some folks still have problems accepting they loved ones for who they are.


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