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I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Series)

This Thai BL shows is another one of those soap operas that are quite a deviation from the regular BL stories being churned out there. Set in a periodic historical setting, it tackles many complex themes, including class differences, womanhood, and LGBTQ+ experiences. Each fascinating storyline explores the past era and examines cultural nuances insightfully. The show is produced and made on a grand scale, a lot of parallel stories are tackled and given the respect and attention they deserve, while also making sure that the core love story between two men remains intact and satisfies the viewers. Of course, this means that this needs a lot of time investment from us an audience. The show has 12 episodes where each episode is 60-75 minutes long.

In present time, Jim is an architect in a relationship within boyfriend Ohm working on a bog house project but he gets vivid visions in that house. Soon Ohm breakup with him for another girl and a drunk Jom while driving gets into the sea and loses consciousness. Once awake, he feels odd about his surroundings. He finds himself near a riverside town in 1928. His inexplicable time travel confuses him. Jom tries asking the locals for help an now there is no way for him to go back home. A friendly guy named Ming becomes his friend. He takes Jom to his wealthy employer where he also works. Jim pretends to have lost his memory except his name. He gets introduced to Yai, the son of the owner who makes Joe his personal assistant. Slowly he meets other servants and members of the family and finds his sister form present life and even Ohm but as different people. His current sister is now Yai's sister who is a complicated marriage with a foreign husband. Unlike his family, Yai has a gentler personality and shows compassion. He stands up for the servants. Moved by his employer's kindness, Jom develops feelings for him. The attraction is mutual. However, their same-sex romance defies the conservative social norms of this period. The duo sneak times to make love and appreciate each other but truth eventually comes out. No one is happy about it but it is what it is. There are many other side stories with a lot of people like sister, servants, their lovers etc and they all integrate well. Once things get sorted, Jim starts to feel that it will be soon for him to leave this past world and so he tells Yai the truth about himself. Now the challenge of navigation begins. Eventually Jim disappears back to his present world, continues to build the house that he was originally working on and finds treasures from memories of his "past".

I haven't read much online about this show, but I am guessing that this is definitely one of the most talked about series in the country in last year. I think anyone who is looking for a well produced, invested period series with two eye candy for the leads, should give I Feel You Linger In The Air a chance. It takes its time building up the story, the characters and doesn't rush through anything. So, if you are the kind of person who likes something quick, this may not be for you. Also the soap opera-ish feeling may turn some people off; but believe me this series takes you in. A lot happens in every episode so I would watch only one episode a day an don't binge it, because I wanted to savor it. Right from an ambitious story and screenplay, rich cultural nuances, period setting, exemplary acting; and the passion filled love story of the leads; almost everything draws you in completely. One doesn't give too much thought into what beinggay could have meant almost 100 years ago, but this show touches on that wonderfully. Thankfully it's not doom and gloom, instead it talks about perseverance for love and hope for a better future. The show also brilliant portrays how women wer thought of and treated back in the day. This BL drama develops its female protagonists thoughtfully and amplifies their voices. The series also scrutinizes class differences, juxtaposing the privileges of the wealthy and the plight of the commoners.

I also appreciate how they slowly build the love story between Yai and Jom. From delicate kisses in the bathtub to passionate makeout sessions under the rain, each encounter highlights their intense chemistry. The series balances the tasteful physical intimacy with lots of cute flirtation. Now this is how a mature director would handle love. There are love making scenes but they feel realistic and natural and respectful, not forced at all. As actors, Yai and Jim both have gotten an opportunity of a lifetime and they both excel in their roles. They are both handsome, have a commanding presence and slip into their character very easily.  My only gripe is that the ending last 2 episodes felt very rushed. I am not sure what else the makers could have shown, but somehow it left me satisfied but wanting something more meaningful. It's hard to explain. The show also teases with a possible storyline for a next season. Let's hope that happens. Till then, enjoy this show. Yes, it will be a lot of time investment but the way this series incorporates time travel, BL, lovers form different timezones etc is worth investing time in. (8.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
So glad you loved it too! It has everything I crave for. Wonderful setting, amazing chemistry, good character build up (main and secondary), time travel which gives delighful reconstitution and great cultural whereabouts. Even if it's certainely romantized a lot, having the chance to watch other cultures in their past is always a blessing. The ending made me cry...
As you said it's pretty long and slow but so worth it. And the kindda soap opera format will not for everyone (not as OTT as in "To Sir, with love" though).
They released a special episode not accessible to foreign countries yet and a season 2 has been somewhat announced (but not confirmed). I'm already so impatient to watch it.
I just think Jom was a little bit too what I would call simple minded at times. Just a little. But mostly my biggest and main complaint : when you have Mister Universe (James) playing in your series, please put him shirtless. At least once. You are wasting half the potential of the series lol.
Golu said…
it was indeed a good show but needed lot of time.

I had no clue that James was a beauty pageant winner. It ended would hav ebeennice to see him shirtless. Waste of a great opportunity.

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