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Smiley (Netflix Spanish Series)

I have to start by saying that besides the rushed climax, I absolutely loved this Spanish Netflix show of 8 episodes. This funny, heartwarming and emotional romcom takes all the usual tropes you’d expect in an LGBTQ+ situation and is full of love, emotion, drama, comedy, romance and everything in between. The central couple is a gay couple (Are they a couple?), but essentially the story is equally about their friends in Barcelona, who navigate hesitations, hangups, and missed connections as they search for the true love they have been missing.

The plot is simple yet complicated. Alex is a hot muscular and charming bartender, who wants to leave an angry voice mail to the strange the had a fling with for not calling him back, but that voice mail gets sent to a stranger Bruno, a nerdy architect, who is passionate for movies. Bruno calls him back after some hesitation to tell him that he got wrong number and the to start to relate another things and decide to meet blindly without knowing what the other person looks like. Their first face to face meeting is filled with insults and magnetism. They make it clear that they cannot stand each other yet they have passionate sex the whole night. But neither of them wants take the first step of asking the other for hang out, or possible date or anything at all. These miscommunications or no communications only get worse over the next few weeks. They both eventually get into different relationships (Alex with hot muscular guy and Bruno with a colleague in office who always had a crush on him) and despite their partners being the seemingly perfect fits, Álex and Bruno vie for each other, but the feelings are buried by their preconceived notions and previous experiences of hurtful relationships. Of course, the show ends on a happy note, otherwise what's the point of a holiday rom-com.

Apart from Àlex and Bruno, there are other characters with their own romances. There is Vero, Alex's best friend and colleague at bar and her partner Patri. Vero is offered to move to Ibiza for a job but has hidden this news from her girlfriend and the duo are also dealing with their seven year relationship issues. Then we have Núria and Albert, Bruno's best friend and colleague. They have been married 10 years and have 3 children but Albert feels bored with his job. He wants to "find himself," and his relationship with his wife is sailing on rough waters. Àlex's mother finds someone from her past, and the same man gets attracted to Javi, Àlex and Vero's friend and co-worker/performer. And then of course we have the two love interests of both Alex and Bruno. Each of this relationship goes through its trials and ups and downs but eventually all of these relationships get sorted by the end, not necessarily in a happy space. Some couples end up staying with one another, while some break up, recognizing that they do not have real love between them.

Right form the beginning the balance of humor and drama in this series sis absolutely spot on. There are as many laugh-out-loud moments as there are genuinely touching segments in the whole series that will hit you in the right spots. Every single love story resonated with me and I was very much invested in them as much as I was in what's going to happen to Alex-Bruno. The shows follows the age old pattern of boy meets girl, or boy meets boy, fall, in love, tensions, happen, misunderstand, they get back together etc etc,. But here the memorable characters and some exception visual styling and direction makes this show stand apart. It was funny to see how after their first night, both Alex and Bruno feel so strongly about each other, yet neither of them wants to take the first initiative to say it because believe it o not, we all have our insecurities and sometimes we want to prevent ourselves from being hurt. Through short imaginations, we are shown plenty of times of what their heart really wants to be doing but they would not actually do it. And that is fun to watch. Besides these two, all other couples get their time and moments to shine and share. Albert, as Bruno's friend is. the perfect friend one can ask for. Despite his own personal life crisis, he is always there for Bruno, checking in on him. I also like the whole Alex's mother past story and how the new guy ends upping the ointment for Javi, an older performer who very truly talks about how at his age its difficult to find love. The lesbian story was also done with dignity and respect and thankfully none of these stories used the stereotypes. The two boyfriends who Alex and Bruno get are good choices since they seem so perfect on paper snd a perfect match for them, yet you know there is this magical invisible red thread that clearly binds Alex and Bruno and will somehow keep bringing them close.

The casting of the show is a masterstroke. Its a sentimental affair with right balance of comedy and emotion and all the actors, every single one of them, brings their A-game. They are good-looking and perform with conviction. Ultimately, you don't mind spending a few hours of your time with them. Of course, as leads Bruno and Alex in particular do a great job with their performances, lending significantly to the heartwarming and often tear-extracting capabilities. All other actors do a wonderful job of there character. Its really hard and a it unfair to single out any one of them them. Its suffice to say that these wonderfully written, string character roles and their analysis is what makes this show an absolute winner. Ramon and Ibra are two important characters who shape Bruno and Alex. Ramon is a talented and kind architect who tries his best to make Bruno love him. Ramon’s happy vibe and his efforts were beautifully shown. Ibra, who is a macho man, denies dating at first and then all of a sudden raises his bar. Yes, people change and realize things later, but in Ibra’s life, you decide whether it is soon or late. Albert and Nuria's story was so realistic and when in the end Albert confesses his love again, it was a very emotional moment. I'd even go to say that as character Albert was my absolute favorite. The series is set in holiday period with Christmas and New Years background in plenty of scenes and hence it make sa wonderful watch in December. Usage of split screen as a way to show multiple scenes with similar them tor intensity was brilliant. I really enjoyed that I thought it was brilliantly done.

Watch it to see why the show is called Smiley, and how for many its Justin emoji, but for the show, it is so much more. It's a sign of love, emotion, love confession and much much more. This show is an amazing watch and so much fun. I am deliberately not talking about about the hushed climax and how and why suddenly Alex feels like confusing his love, because guess what, we all want happy ending. The journey may be familiar, but it’s one you’ll definitely want to jump into before the year is up. Watch this one on Netflix now. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
What an awesome series. You summed it up perfectly Golu, I can't add anything better. It had us laugh out loud on many occasions and awww on many others. They strangely take the ennemies to lovers on another level. Sorry thai BLs, you're not the specialists anymore (... I'll stil love you anyway).
The straight couple story was superb. I loved the older guys story as well. We just found the lesbian story a bit tedious to watch after a while (the last twist in the last episode was too much, and Vero's character was too inconsistent, selfish and enerving for us).
Just loved how they portrayed the "love happens when you expect it the least, and not always where you search it". Ramon and Ibra are indeed perfect matches on paper, but can't fight against the invisible red thread.
All of that perfectly synchronised with current Christmas times, what more do you want!! A season 2 for next Christmas maybe? ;)
Golu said…
A season 2 for Christmas... Yes please!!
it one of the better done shows for sure without any tropes. and a good combo of laughter, emotions and drama. Loved it!!

December has turned out be a good month for me with some exceptional viewings.
Dennis said…
Hello, for a second year your suggestion is spot on. Just what I wanted, a simple heartwarming romcoms for the holidays. Being a native Spanish speaker I enjoyed very much the wonderful and crisp dialogue and music from Spain from olden days. Thank you and keep your reviews coming 👍
Golu said…
Thanks for your wonderful feedback. Please do keep posting your thoughts here often.

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