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The Eclipse (Thai Series)

Where there are rules, there will naturally be those who want to break them. At the core, this is a story about tradition and authority vs modernity and individuality, keeping a few BL stories at the center of things. The premise of the show was quite interesting. Sadly, the build up of an intriguing drama mixed with revenge plotting etc turned out to have a shallow story behind and such an easy quick solution that left me wondering what was the hoopla all about. On a bright side, at 12 episodes of 40-45 minutes each, I managed to watch the whole thing without rolling my eyes too much (at double speed).

Suppalo is an all boys school with over 100 years of reputation and is known for its very strict rules and protocols. Akk is a senior student and prefect whose responsibility includes making sure the rules and protocols are followed. He takes this job very seriously and his teacher advisor Chadok thinks highly of the prefect's abilities. Recently the school has been rocked by constant protests backed by three students opposing the schools dress code and pressed sexuality norms. Anytime a protest happens, some mishap happens and everyone talks about Suppalo curse because according to an urban myth, anyone disobeying the school will face grave misfortune. This odd phenomenon intensifies during the eclipse. At this time, a new student Ayan joins the school and Akk and his friends believe that he has some motive and could be behind these protests, since he is a rebel and refuses to wear school uniform. Ayan is mischievous and likes to tease the very serious Akk. Also Ayan has a secret mission. His uncle was a teacher in this school, well loved and respected but he committed suicide and he wants to find out the real reason behind it. For some reason, Ayan aggressively flirts with Akk. Over a period of time the duo do become close , but with his duties as school prefect, Akk is always confused between his love and his duties. Eventually when the whole secret is revealed behind the curse, how it started, why did Ayan's uncle commit suicide and everything, you see it all coming from a mile and magically the school agrees to listen to its students and start making some changes to modernize themselves. We also have a parallel love story of the head of the class and his friend and how the two shy students eventually become lovers.

At the surface the show is trying to talk about power dynamics , especially as school teaching and board authors v/s students, but sadly in my opinions, the story and screen play is a big miss here despite having an interesting premise. A nephew's investigation on trying to find reason's for his uncle's death turn out to be a case of depression (not trying to trivialize the issue, but the way series was heading, it felt there will be some sort of murder mystery angle, which it wasn't). And then the reason for protest was so lame - not wanting to wear a school uniform. I mean, really? A lot of school globally adhere to uniform, so firstly students protesting that is lame, and what is further weird is that school authorities making such a big deal out of it by being dictators, rather than just sit out and have a meaningful conversation. The whole curse of Suppalo could have ben interesting but no background is share don how the myth started and why would any student partake in such activities. Coming to the love story of Akk and Ayan. It does start interestingly. Arch nemesis turning lovers can get interesting sometimes if treated differently. But nothing here is new besides the usual BL tropes. If Ayan hates Akkk's guts so much, why does he keep flirting with him and is so interested in him? One second, they are fighting and arguing and very next second, Ayan is looking into his eyes like a puppy dog and shamelessly flirting. The character of Ayan was all over the place. In contrast, at least Akk was sure of where he stand sand what he wants. There is only so much someone can push back on advances being made so of course, he gives in. But sadly, there is no organic development in their relationship besides the cliched BL tropes. As actors, Akk does a god job, but Ayan started to get on my nerves because every minute it seems he had a different agenda. So, probably not the actor as such, but a badly written character of Ayan is the big problem here.

The sudden revelations of the curse, history of Ayan's uncle and the school teacher Chadok comes out of nowhere. And even then it doesn't have the desired impact. It just feel stupid to say the least. The protests by just three people and their motivations and all also seem half baked. The secondary love story does evoke some sentiments, but forcible there is also an angle that this student is scared of his step father, but that area is never explored or explained to us. The series's intention was good. Exploring the idea of power, politics, privilege, combined with BL romance good have been interesting; but sadly a contrived story doesn't come to a powerful conclusion. When the build up is high, the reasons and premise need to be equally strong and not just some half baked lame ass situation. I feel sad to say that despite all my efforts to really like the all fun banters, flirting and love; the show just ends up being a shallow, formulaic usual BL show that tries to be different with its story but can't help itself being consumed by the stereotypical BL tropes, making it frustrating to watch. This is especially true, when you feel the premise had so much potential but the makers have to sadly give into the audience demand. At best I can call this show just an above average and with everything you expect out of a BL show in the presence that we are going to make a very significant social statement. (6/10)


Miisu said…
Well, at least they tried... not very hard, but they tried to make something different. Since everyone in Thailand seems to be afraid of all kinds of ghosts and spirits, I was so hoping for something interesting in that storyline. It got so lost behind and under other stuff that was going on all over the place - and the fact that the "curse" is merely a human invention became clear too soon. The point was good, execution left too much to be desired. The positive surprise for me was the leads who proved they can do more than supporting roles. Although Akk was better, indeed. Sometimes watching him felt like watching Croatian national soccer team play - I don't care what the other team members do, I just want to see Luka Modrić SMILE. Seeing Akk show a tiny hint of Mona Lisa smile felt like winning a lottery :D

Finished "Manner of Death", btw. Only had one #whatanactualeffingshitisthat moment and since I was focused on finding the murderer, I figured it out in E6. They tried to make me change my mind later, though.
Golu said…
Nice... I am in middle of the ghost show that you guys recommended. :)
And yes, I agree that at least the makers attempted to tell a newish story but somehow execution faltered at places. The cute leads are always a plus.
Golu said…
@sailor mann.. i am not sure why your review is not showing up on this page. I have noticed this issue a few times before also, but just not sure what the problem is. Anwyays, You wrote
""without rolling my eyes too much (at double speed)". Golu you killed me with this one XD
I too have very mixed feelings about this one.
On the positive notes, Akk and Ayan vibrant chemistry is the main selling point. Just loved how Ayan began the agressive flirting with the too hung-up and conservative Akk just to annoy him (and of course Akk reacts just as expected) and then it slowly changes. Ayan got caught at his own game. The second couple was lovely too. I also liked the truth about Chadok story, even if you see it coming a mile away.
The rest was just poor writing imo. It started with an interresting plot (I would have loved if there had been an actual curse) but quickly degenerated. The worse being probably the Suppalo curse and opposing protests. I studied in an "university with rules" like Suppalo, and if a doll with protestants face would have been burnt or a car was set loose to drive on them, I don't think scary or brutal would even describe it. But here, the manifestants reactions were so ridiculous and irritating that I actually wanted to bury them alive myself. It killed all the interresting topics it tried to deal with.
There is even worse: Thua outing everyone in the end, and I don't remember anyone telling him he is the worst. And just after that Ayan presents himself to Akk's parents as his boyfriend without even asking him?!! Ok guys, please just go watch "Love,Simon" and learn how outing someone is so wrong...
Can I share a funny thing about the tiny BL world: the actors playing Akk and Ayan also played love couples in Not Me and Tonhon Chonlatee, both in love with the same actor Fluke. So now we have the truth: they may pretend they have Disney "lived happily ever after" love stories, but in the end they are just sluts like the rest of us!! (At least, now that they all did each other, their next series will be a threesome, quite new in the BL industry right? :p)"

And I couldn't agree with you on all of these things. By the way, its amazing you can remember all the actors names and what show they appeared before. My memory is so bad that all I can remember is that I have seen this actor somewhere before but god forbid if I can remember anything else beyond this. lol
Miisu said…
@Sailor Maan: Now I'm sure the "thing" behind the thing not being a thing is poor writing :D Just my karma. About 10 years ago we discussed about programs and subjects in our universities and found the strangest things, like there was a 2-point subject on how the lecturer did volunteer work in Africa, or a pearl from my own university - "the global and regional economics of information society". Ended with a written exam. Don't ask :D But we all reached the ultimate laughing point when someone mentioned the subject of creative writing. What's there to teach in the university, its place is in the middle school, if a university student doesn't know how to use their imagination and vocabulary and has no stories to tell, it makes one wonder how they got in in the first place etc. And after that discussion the examples of "desperately need a course on creative writing" just #evilgrin at me everywhere :D The Eclipse could have been so much better with an actual curse. (Made me want to re-read Preussler's "Krabat" again).

Maybe someone of importance finds this review and decides to rewrite the script :P Because they do read the reviews and blogs for sure - in a few newer series the topic of consent has become the latest fashion :D Let's keep complaining :D
Golu said…
I won't say complain but us calling out things as they are and how we would rather see it. :)
Hopefully people are listening,
Sailor Maan said…
Thank you for the re-post Golu :)
To be honest I read the funny fact about the actors on the internet, I'm also lost on who played with who (especially on the sub roles with so many redundant actors)
And yes I'm sure they hear us out!(wishful thinking)

Wow you have been reviewing a LOT of good movies recently, uurg I've got to find them! (and accessorily the time to watch them...)
Golu said…
You are right. I have to admit that my last few days have been very lucky and good for some really nice ones. More to follow

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