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In From The Side (UK)

I can count on my fingertips on how many sports based gay films are out there. The Shiny Shrimps & The Pass that immediately come to my mind. This film shares a similar gay sporting confidence and takes it one level higher, while also presenting to us a unique love story in the backdrop of a gay rugby team. There is nothing about coming out or anything. These men are out and comfortable with who they are, and little attention is paid to their sexuality and the film takes us into the lives of a group of friends and team-mates who play together in a gay rugby team.

Our central characters are Mark and Warren who are both part of Stags club. Warren is in Group A, the more solid team, whereas Mark is in Group B, an upcoming group with Mark as their best player. After a match, and a drunken night, the two men have a drunken one night stand, following which the next day Warren leaves telling him that he is in a relationship with John, another team-member. It turns out that mark also hid the fact that he is also in a relationship with a rich guy who travels a lot. The duo soon start having an affair. Even though Mark has an open relationship, he starts breaking its rules as he falls deeper for Warren. They can't keep their hands off each other and even take a Christmas holiday together to Mark's family (the only time we see them bond when they are not ripping each other's clothes off). As their behavior becomes increasingly more reckless, the two men take chances that could easily result in their team-mates finding out, and find out they do. At a party when truth comes out John beats up Mark but Warren just stands there and does nothing shocking Mark. Its time for a reality check for both of then regarding the relationship between the two and also their respective relationship. Mark's partner also finds out the truth and asks him to leave the house. Meanwhile, for reasons not told to us, Warren and his partner continue their relationship. Overwhelmed by everything that has happened, Mark decides to quit rugby, till finally his friends and Warren convince him to join for one last match of the season, which thanks to Mark and his amazing team mates they win. 

Lets start with the positives. The story is so unique and special and the direction is top notch of this very well made gay sports film. The dialogues are very natural, in everyday lingo and its refreshing to see conversations and language that is relatable to today's times. There is no hysterical over the top reactions from either of the guys' partner when they find out the truth. The whole situation has been handled almost how you would imagine would happen in real life. And while, the centre of the story is these two leads, the screenplay does a very good job of etching out some of the other characters of the rugby team very well. We have Henry, Mark's best friend who also has a crush on him, who is sinking away himself in alcoholism, Pinky, the most reliable and friendly for everyone and the Gareth, the team bully who stirs up shit. We also have Jimmy, the team captain who always gives them a prep talk. All of these actors convince us as an audience that they are a real squad of rugby players and the film has some very well choreographed match scenes. And talking of the two leading men, their chemistry os off the charts and they sizzle as a couple. Their affairs, secret kisses in the toilets, sneaking away, fear of finding out, ripping each other's clothes; all of these scenes have this raw nervous sexual energy. My god!! It is sizzling to say the least.

The problem with the film is that its a little too long and a chunk of this time is spent watching Mark and Warren in hot, can’t-keep-their-hands-off-each-other scenes (which I am not complaining), but we never get to see to their real emotional bonding. The family trip is the only time we see some actual connection but besides that it almost feels very carnal. Also, we are really not told the nature of complicated relationship that Warren and his boyfriend have, which would have helped us understand more about Warren's lack of courage to stand up for Mark when he needed him the most. Keeping these things aside, I still very much enjoyed the film and I can't remember how well and seamlessly a gay sports drama have been combined in the film. The film offers a glimpse into the life of a group of friends who play rugby together and happen to be gay. With an amazing screenplay, two extremely hot leads, well etched out supporting characters, I really hope the film gets all attention and acclaim it deserves. Sure, it has its drawbacks, but I felt a connection to the characters, leads and supporting) and thats saying something. Only if they could somehow edit the film to a more manageable time, this film would have created wonders. Highly recommended. (8.5/10)


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