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My Policeman (UK)

After dilly dallying for a few weeks now, I finally managed to se this film on Prime Video, which has been on my list even before it was released. A poignant tale of love triangle and unrequited love set in 50s is something I was really looking forward to, especially because of Harry Styles. Set in the times of British postwar guilt and repression, you may think the film doesn't really have anything new to offer when it comes to storyline, but its the setting both in terms of location and time and the tragic consequences of jealousy, unsatisfaction and oppression that this love has for everyone involved in it that makes it worth watching, in my opinion.

The film starts in 90s setting where Marion and Tom are a couple in Brighton. Marion has invited an old friend, an ailing Patrick, who is recovering from stroke to take care of him. It’s been many years since the trio were together, and tensions are high. Tom doesn't want to even see Patrick but Marion is in no mod to listen. She find Patrick's diary and then we are told story through detailed description in his diary. The film goes back in 50s during the younger days of all these three people. Tom has just met Marion and has started courting her. He happens to also meet Tom, a museum curator. The duo have a strange sexual tension between them. A confused Tom about his sexuality is soon having an affair with Patrick abut also very clear that he will one day get married and have children. The trip son become very close friends and hang out all the time. Tom even convinces Patrick to share him with Marion whom he wants to get married to. Marion starts suspecting when Patrick crashes their honeymoon and she actually sees them kissing but is escalates exponentially when Patrick invites Tom to Venice to "assist" with some museum stuff. When he comes back home, he is caught by cops for homosexuality and sent to prison where he is beaten brutally and jailed for a couple of years. A scared Tom doesn't want to do anything with it and even when Marion asks if he loves Patrick, he refuses. Circa back to present times, Marion finally confesses truth about how Patrick ended up being in prison and why she cannot continue to pretend to be in this marriage when clearly Tom still loves and cares for Patrick.

Though it’s Tom’s dishonesty that lights the match and destroys everything for everyone, its eventually Marion’s jealousy that burns the whole thing down (which we find out later). Her efforts to repair things, forcing Tom and Patrick together at the end of their lives, seems too little too late, and as we switch back and forth between her youthful fear and misapprehension. Both Tom and Patrick have changed drastically over these years. Older Tom is bitter and avoids his wife by taking long walks with his dog; a far cry from cheerful and youthful innocent Tom, played by Harry Styles (who by the way looks dreamy, but thats the obvious thing to say). He is that cipher, who is unable to be possessed by either Marion or Patrick and on one single scene in the end where he cries seeing happy gay couple, you realize how brutal homophobia has hardened Tom and also robbed him of love. Similarly a gentle and caring Patrick has now lost all sense of politeness even after his stroke , who still wonders why Tom doesn't want to come see him. In my opinion, sometime when you love someone so much, it hurts to see them, be close to them, especially when you know what you mean to them. Its the years of guilt that both Tom and Marin are dealing with in their own way and they both have to do their part. Marion’s actions go beyond mere jealousy, resulting in incredible trauma. We are most consistently aligned with her point of view, even as we watch her essentially become a villain before our eyes (although I totally expected that twist). The premise is complicated, so the ending feels bit rushed, too neat and hollow hand-wavy types, but I don't know what else could have happened. Did these people never interact in between these 30-40 years? The modern-day parts of the film are not fully realized, despite the film doing a good job of showing us the hypocrisy of being in closet, discretion etc in Britain in the 50s.

All six actors give a wonderful restrained performance and say whatever, the film will be evaluated for Harry Styles taking on a such a complicated role so early in his career. His sweet innocent beauty and native character role makes him perfect for the part. Despite its screenplay issues and a weak ending, the film is still a finely made poignant tale of unrequited love. Talking of intimate scenes, neither of the two actors has shied away in showing their passion whether it comes to kissing or having sex. I think my money was made seeing the sexy ass of both of them. lol Jokes apart, the film deals and shows all this with respect and dignity that to deserves and not just for thrills. The pacing is slow, but I wanted to like the film and I actually did. Maybe you may even feel for the characters, it all depends on whether you have ap personal story that you could relate to with certain aspects of the film. I had and I did. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
It's poignant, it's beautiful, it's sad, it's endearing. We loved it.
I usually have a hard time watching this type of movies (closeted gay living a straight life with a lover with his wife discovering it) because I usually end up feeling more for the wife than the gays. But here it was different. Mostly because the balance between the 3 characters was perfect for once. Incredible how you can't really blame any of them and yet switch between love and hate for them. Marion final revelation changed her character completely. She goes from the perfect wife that still accepted her husband to the one who stayed because of guilt.
Many scenes were memorable. Especially Patrick crying after seeing the modern gay couple is heartbreaking (and had my husband lose it...). Of course the classic "we are lucky we are born nowadays" always work wonders.
"I think my money was made seeing the sexy ass of both of them" Golu shame on you... ... please take my money too?
Golu said…
I agree with your comments on both accounts. Some of those scenes were heart breaking. These days things are so easy for us, that sometimes we take everything for granted.

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