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Young Royals: Season 2 (Swedish Series)

Season One of Young Royals was a surprisingly very good show and something I enjoyed a LOT. So needless to say that I was super excited about watching Season 2. The originals Eason had so many ups and downs and same could be expected of this season as well. Even though personally I would have loved more focus on Wilhelm and Simon story, I did enjoy the fact that they sort of gave depth to other characters as well. No one is outright bad, they maybe grey and have reasons behind their motivations. I absolutely loved and enjoyed season 2 as much as I did the original one. And something about watching it in the original language, they way they speak is nice. Sometimes it feels like Crown, sometimes Heartstopper but the show stands out on its own.

After having left their relationship at an awkward junction in season, we see the students return back to school for the new year. As the new crown prince, Wilhelm feels pressure all the time and he doesn't know how to navigate with Simon now. He can't be seen in public and make his relationship with him public which just irks Simon and he is not ready to be the second fiddle. Simon briefly turns to someone new, a boy named Marcus, while Wilhelm surprisingly hooks up with his best friend, Felice. They both have awkward dances wanting each other but neither having the courage. Given Simon's behavior, Wilhelm is even more hell bent on taking revenge n August and he tries his best to make August's life as a prefect miserable and question his authority, which eventually leads to his ouster. Meanwhile, Simon’s sister Sara starts to live on campus and is strongly attracted to August, despite being aware of his heinous activities. We also see Felice continue being that strong emotional support for Wilhelm is this time. After teasing each other briefly, Wilhelm and Simon finally kiss in episode 4 at the school party. But when Simon finds out that it is August who leaked the video and that Wilhelm knew about, he wants to go to cops with this info. Wilhelm tries to reason and eventually Simon agrees to be his boyfriend even if that means going back to closet. The ending is surprisingly, when Wilhelm publicly announces that it was indeed him in the video with Simon.

Just like the predecessor, this season is also gripping, pacy, filled with teenage pangs of love, angst, fear, despair and hope. I liked Wilhelm's new hairstyle and that all characters are slightly older now. Wilhelm gets more to his character. He is grieving loss of brother, is under immense pressure being crown prince and he no longer has Simon on his side. The tricks he plays to hurt August is also something you wouldn't expect the previous Wilhelm to do. He has grown, but still yearning for love and compassion. Simon tries to move on or at least pretends so he can make Wilhelm jealous. He finds Marcus who madly adores Marcus and is the perfect guy , but somehow just not for Simon. We then have Sara, a problematic yet very real character again. She is innocent yet smart but not deviant. For the first time she has feelings for someone, a hot hot guy like August and who surprisingly reciprocates her feelings. And finally August, who by the way is extremely hot and good looking and I am glad he showed his bare chilled abs and shirtless in more than. A few scenes. He seems to be genuinely repentant for what he did but doesn't know how to correct it, until a surprise opportunity as backup plan for royalty comes his way.

Like Skam (one of my absolutely favorite shows), Young Royals feels painfully real at times, capturing all the drama and awkwardness that sums up everyday life as a teenager. Watching Simon and Wilhelm stumble through their pain, desperate for physical comfort, rings very true for anyone who's suffered a devastating breakup with their first love. Their kiss in episode 4 during the ball outside in open has got to be one of the most passionate kisses on television. You could so feel their love and passion, the resentment and longing that swings between from scene to scene is palpable. I was worried how the season would end and the last scene when Wilhelm breaks with tradition and announces his love for Simon to the world was almost perfect.A few of their scenes have been shot with beautiful intimacy. My one complaint, if I have to, is that the show doesn't have enough of gay stuff between Simon and Wilhelm, because they gave focus too other characters as well and truth to be told, I am actually glad it happened because it make the shoe overall rounded. Sara and August are good but awkward and socially at different levels and it works. It comes across exactly what you think the real situation would be.

The show is trying to set a benchmark on what teenagers actually look like, and what teenagers go through, how they feel, and what they do when they feel some things like love, resentment, friendship, relationship and how it goes in life when you’re a young teen and you’re in love, or when a friend does something stupid and you get really upset about it. And now that Wilhelm is open about his love for Simon, I am super excited for the Season 3. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Like you I was super excited about season 2 and enjoyed it but not as much as season 1. It's always nice to witness teenage struggles with all their flaws and insecurities and learning life. My main problem would be Simon. I'd say he is fit to be a queen given how he acts like a princess... And Sara with "her" horse is totally ridiculous. On the other side witnessing Wilhelm face all the unbearable pressure and unfair protocole is heartbreaking. August is a very interesting character. It's like watching a human still in the grey scale slowly but definitely turning evil.
I love how you feel the repressed love between Whilhelm and Simon when they look at each other. Although I found the final declaration too much, it opens new and interesting possibilites for a season 3!
If you want my husband's opinion, we had a funny conversation after episode 3: "you know we're too old to watch this right?", "Yeah maybe... would you rather watch thai BL with me instead then?", "Ok so young royals it is!!" XD
Golu said…
Love the banter with your husband and poor thing, of course, he will pick this over Thai BL. What choice does he have.

Its only a fe woo us who can handle those Thai BL shows. lol

Back to Young Royals, I quite still enjoyed it because I felt every character got a little more depth. Simon did get on my nerves a few times because it was like he wasn't even trying to understand Wilhelm's position. But in a weird way, August is still the most fascinating character of them all.
Miisu said…
This. Was. SO. Worth. Waiting. For. Holy bagpipe... The hints in the interviews with the cast promised „drama“ and I was seriously afraid, forgetting one fact: it’s Scandi, not Thai :D Phew...
Positive surprises:
*The traviamento-journey of both Simon (with Marcus) and Wille („with Felice“) that 1) did the job it was supposed to do with the audience and b) made them realize that their story is not over.
*Changes in Wille’s attitude. I remember being almost angry with him after the S1 ended – I know he’s not Italian, but everyone knows it’s against the etiquette to be all nicely apologetic do-gooder after a vendetta. Chrissake :D, why do you have to be so SWEDISH?! Nice to see he used his Christmas break to come up with a better plan. The Italian drop of water in my blood was purring and enjoying everything he dished out to August. And the way he dealt with the queen’s demands – good to see the „snälla mamma, let me come home“ was over. Using the queen’s request to start therapy against her so subtly it was almost invisible at first... purring some more :D
*The frog snowglobe... Whoever came up with that idea – amazing. To make one simple ornament carry so much meaning is just... well, amazing.
*Queen’s issue with Wille as the heir to the throne. The S1 gave only a few hints that him being gay is no problem (hey, this is Sweden), being intimately involved with a commoner is way worse. This was my „I knew it!“-surprise.
*Felice getting more screen time and depth – nice. Although Madison with her wicca-magick should have gotten more. I hope she practiced her cursing skills on August and it was just not shown :D
*Sara – this is probably the best portrayal of an Asperger person I’ve seen. Attachments, fixations, idealism, dead serious honesty... S2 even better than S1.
*The lyrics of Simon’s song – WOW. Wille not getting the point without Simon telling him – OMG (seriously, baby prince, is Swedish not your native language?!) :D
*Redeeming of the a$$hole-trope – almost working. Until the „hey, bought the horse for you“. FFS, it was never the question of selling the entire estate to pay the tuition at Hillerska – August had enough liquid assets to turn into cash just like that. Yeah, he’s a broken child in a broken family and... yada yada yada, this is Sweden, everyone’s had a tough childhood and wooden toys there, that’s no excuse. On the other hand it’s captivating to watch Malte GÃ¥rdinger play the complex character.
*Everyone’s gay-trope starting to show too much – Stella is secretly in love with Fredrika, Nils is discreetly gay, Rosh has a girlfriend... Snälla, nej :D
Utter respect for those who created the ending – so Scandi :) Like a game of chess. Although I have very little knowledge about the actual game, it was fascinating to watch from the moment Wille heard August say how the champions plan seven moves ahead, that’s why they’re champions – and the expression on Wille’s face. Realizing that Simon is the pawn that became the queen during the game and using the psychologist as his castle to lean on, he as the king, second weakest figure on the board, decides to carpe diem and make his move by publicly admitting the truth about him being in the video with Simon. Check-mate... or so it seems. ’Cause there are more than two players playing this game and Sara has not made her move yet... This is getting more than interesting :D
Golu said…
Those are some amazing views my friend and I agree with most.
I do have my reservations for the ending, since it feels a little too comfortable and quick, but lets see what does season 3 have in store for us.
Sailor Maan said…
August is definitely a fascinating albeit horrible character.
OMG thank you Miisu we had totally forgotten Sara was Asperger. Suddenly I feel bad I judged her as a non believable character...
And Whilhelm getting a tougher attitude was really nice indeed.
Mentioning BL, I've just finished the korean "Roomates of Poongduck 304" and I really loved it :)
Golu said…
adding to my list :)

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