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Love Stage!! (Thai Series)

The original Japanese Love Stage adaptation from the manga was not great in the first place. It was strictly below average, so I was kind of surprised to see why a Thai remake of it was made. Maybe there is a huge fan following of the original, but this remake had absolutely nothing new to offer. The story is sort of silly and a bit amateurish, but the charming upbeat tone is a bit of a savior. The series has 10 episodes of about 45 minutes each.

University student Anda comes from a family of celebrities, including his elder brother who is lead singer of a band. He has no desire to be famous. IN fact he has severe stage fright and all he dreams of is drawing for mangas. When he was a child, he was made to dress up like a girl since the original actress didn't show up and his co-star was Ryou for a wedding commercial. Anda left a strong impression on Ryo, who harboured a crush for many years. Yet, Ryou has no idea about Anda's actual gender. Ryou is now a very popular celebrity. A decade later the company wants to redo the ad with original cast. Reluctantly Anda agrees to participate but the secret is soon revealed that Anda is actually a boy and not a girl on whom Ryou has been crushing all these years. Ryou is and and Anda wants to apologize and after some initial hiccups, the journey of friendship and love start between the two. In parallel we also see the laid back love story of Anda's older brother and his manager. Although this doesn't come to full front until like 7th episode. The two couple date secretly because they are all worried about celebrity popularity if truth comes out, but love will always eventually win.

My theory is, if you make a remake , at least make some changes and improve upon some of the feedback on the original. So, in this version despite having a good looking and able casting, there were still so many loopholes that are hard to ignore. Firstly, Ryou kissing Anda while he is sleeping an anon consensual was just wrong and I don't like that even in 2022 stuff like this is promoted. Also why did the makeup folks have to put so much lipstick on the two boys. It is so glaringly obvious with their dark pink (almost red) lips. The whole love triangle where a friend of Anda secretly likes him was just not needed and few other added gay tropes. A couple of scenes showed some promise where some comedy elements were added but they were very few far in between. My two favorite scenes are when Anda sings and he is such a bad singer. I wish, the brothers relationship was also more touched upon and went a bit deeper. Coming to the love story between our leads, I am still not sure how did it all start. One minute Ryou hates that Anda's a man and hates the fact that he has feelings for him, and then with the flick of the wrist, he's flirting and pretending like he didn't just assault Anda in a bathroom that left his tooth chipped and manhood exposed and it just flies off to the extent that a few episodes just go one with nothing much happening. On a plus side, it is a solid production with a bright and vibrant aesthetic. 

Despite some positives, the Love Stage series is significantly flawed and doesn't improve my opinion of this woeful franchise. If you have seen the Japanese version, this is easily a skip, because this is no better than that (which was itself no great series to begin with). (4/10)


Miisu said…
So it seems we watched it together :D Holy bagpipe :D Basically, sounding like a broken parrot again: you've written my thoughts here. It seems to be a very Thai thing to leave some rather long blanks in the story that make you feel "meh?" for quite a long time. Like the thing with from disgust to #loveofmylife. Maybe us mere Western mortals are just lacking some skills (mind reading? script decoding? basic unscrambling for beginners?) that Thai people are born with - ?

"Love Stage!!" seems to be sort of a collectible, like other series or films with several remakes (Skam...Eyewitness...) that even though you know there can't be much difference in the story, you still watch it 'cause you want to have them all in your collection.

What is it with those BL series and sleep abuse, seriously? Plus they sleep with the lights on, that's almost a one-eye-open-sleep - how can they sleep so deeply they don't feel being French kissed and touched? Borderline mysticism, indeed. I liked the "who's the girl in the commercial" guessing game, 'cause Anda DID look amazing as a girl. And the hedgehog was lovely :)
Golu said…
u r so true about sleeping with lights on. And how can one not know they ar being kissed. lol
One day I am going to write a post about all random BL tropes that we see in these shows, especially Thai ones.
Miisu said…
Now THAT is a day worth waiting for :P Who would have thought watching (Thai) BL-s could be soooooo educational :D
Sailor Maan said…
Can't say aything better than your review thank you Golu. An ok one with some good moments and some horrible ones. In the good ones I liked the funny parts when Anda sings and draws. Also how Ryu can't resist being in love, that was cute. I loved the parallel love scene with the newly couple and the experimented one. They made it so you can totally feel the difference. Ok maybe because they added too much of a pink filter for the virgin couple (but that was to match with their lipsticks XD). In the horrible parts please applause the kissing while asleep abuse! (with lights on, you both killed me haha) Seriously...
I feel there is a fascination I don't get around Love Stage in japan with many derived products. Like something that becomes part of the mass culture of that country, but that other countries won't get (don't know if you see what I mean). I'm just assuming here, but I remember seeing big Love Stage posters in Japan and I think there were having shows based on the manga. And now that's the 3rd series based on it when it's actually pretty old!
The manga is very funny though, with lots of self mochery and perverted archetype characters that make the stupid plot reach real comic levels. Too bad it seems impossible to translate in series... I still enjoyed this one a little bit. Not sure I'm ready for the japanese or anime version though ^^;
Golu said…
Anda singing and drawing scenes were absolutely hilarious. Someone needs to make a full on show on self mockery of the leads.
Besides the Japanese and Thai version, which one is the third adaptation of it?
Sailor Maan said…
It's the anime version, so still japanese but in manga style. Haven't watched it so I don't know if it's good.
Golu said…
I am def not a huge fan of manga, so I am gonna stay away for sure.

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