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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korean Series)

This 8 episode Korean series (of about 30-35 minutes each) was surprisingly a warm, charming and engaging watch. It had occasional cheesy humor, some real slapstick comedy but also love story that felt real. The love between the two leads didn't happen just out of the blue, but there is a natural progression of their friendship and relationship over a period of time. The title of the show comes from the apartment address where our leads live as roommates.

Ji Ho Joon is the son of a rich and wealthy chairman of an industry. One day he gets an ultimatum form his father that he needs to learn to survive and make a life of his own and start as a team leader and show some profit in the company.  He gets kicked out and starts looking for an apartment. But he is very particular about  water pressure. When he sees an ad for roommate, he sees the house and likes everything and becomes roommate of Jae Yoon (the landlord). Next day in the office it turns out that Jae Yoon is actually an intern in the team that Ji Ho Joon is leading and it starts making for a very interesting dynamic. One os the boss at office and the other is landlord at home. For almost 3-4 episodes, we see their constant bickering, fights, teasing, one man upmanship to survive and make life difficult for other. But when they start working on a serious project, Ho Joon realizes how talented the intern is. They eventually become close and good friends and Ji Ho Joon also starts caring for him. One night Jae Yoon gets drunk and kisses Ji Hoo Yoon. After a few awkward moments the next day, they talk it out and are glad that they both feel the same way for one another and a secret romance starts and this happens by episode 7. But Jae Soon soon finds out the reality of Ji Ho Joon and is sad about being not told the truth and tells him that he may have rushed into the relationship and asks to break up. He quits and goes to his village. When Ji Ho Joon finds out truth, he follows him and convinces him of how truly he is in love with him and bring him back home. The show has a positive ending where Ji Ho Joon comes out of his father's shell and decides to start a new company with Jae Hoon.

As mentioned above, This was a charming and very believable series. Lets talk about some positives. The chemistry, constant bickering and fights and their role reversal between home and office played well and I enjoyed it. They have good chemistry. The office romance was fun. I really enjoyed the other two employees of their team and their slapstick dialogues and comedy. It was funny. Also the characters are supposed to be 27 and 29, and they looked the part (unlike some Thais shows where they look kids and are supposed to be CEO's of some companies). I also enjoyed the couple of scenes of Ji Ho Joon with his father and their fun banter. You could see the father mis frustrated with the son but their interactions were all light and laced with humor and I liked that. The makers did not make it all dramatic and serious. The show mostly works because of these light moments and their chemistry. Having said that, I do wish the series was better is some other ways. The romance doesn't happen until the second last episode. I wish it happened sooner and we could see more of that (but having said that, maybe it would have diminished the fun part). The whole angle of Jae Hoo being used by a childhood friend of his was stretched beyond the need. Sure, it is a critical piece because thats the beginning of how Ji Ho Joon starts caring for him, but there are a lot of those scenes where the friends is trying to take undue advantage of the simplicity of Jae Hoo and it becomes boring after a while. And then, just a random observation. I couldn't help but focus on Ji Jo Joon's teeth. Something was off and they just felt fake, every time he smiled (and he did smile a lot). I know I am being silly, but hey, what can I do!

Overall, its fresh, witty, funny, sometimes cheesy, but overall a good time. The plot is simple, and the drama was kept somewhat uncomplicated with a bit of rushed ending. I enjoyed it. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
One of my favourite Korean BL drama, I absolutely loved it! Especially the beginning where they fight and tease each other. Reminds me a lot of Rak Diao as they have the same boss/tenant dynamic. Then the progression in their relationship was greatly done. Many parts were so funny (that kick in the face OMG...). Jae Hoo was adorable and I liked he got an evolution of his character with his childhood friend (I know I shouldn't but I wouldn't have mind that punch in his face haha). I just felt the last drama with Ji Hoo Joon true identity was a small let down. Probably because I just wanted more! As a whole it was such a nice happy feeling drama.
Golu said…
A happy feel good drama. just what the doctor ordered
Golu said…
and thx for your recommendation to watch this one

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