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My Ride (Thai Series)

I was thinking of a word that can describe this 10 episode 45 minute each show 'My Ride' and the word that comes to mind is adorable and warm. Sure we have associated these words with some other shows before, but I think these words describe the should of the show best. Most of the characters, especially the leads exude this warmth (like a hug on a chilly windy day) and the chemistry evolution feels very natural.

Tawan is a young doctor, who likes to push himself at work because he is very helpful and caring. Tawan has had a crush on a senior doctor Por ever since he saw him five years ago, but since Por was with someone else then, nothing happened. Now that Por is single, he shows a lot of interest in Tawan and pursues him relentlessly which is like a dream for Tawan. They soon start dating, however owing to Tawan's busy schedule, and somehow unwillingness to get physical with Por, the relationship is not going too smooth and Por starts distancing himself from Tawan. One day to go visit Por, Tawan meets a motorcycle rider names Mork who is crying since his girlfriend just broke up with him for a rich guy. Tawan consoles him and before you realize the duo meet a few more times and a friendship soon develops between the two. Mork settles as Tawan's regular driver, his designated person for navigating the city. Mork soon develops an attraction for the kind-hearted Tawan, but he feels crushed after discovering the doctor already has an accomplished boyfriend. But Mork is the first one to find out that Por has been cheating on Tawan with his ex-boyfriend, and by the time Tawan ind out, he now needs to re assess his life. It is a beautiful beginning to Mork and Por relationship that grows strength to strength, when Mork finally confesses his love for Tawan. We have few more parallel stories also going on where a senior medical student is pursued by his resident junior. They become stern enemies, but their relationship slowly improves over time. Then we have another girl doctor friend of Tawan and her relationship with a coffee shop owner.

Before going into the details of some of the glaring issues of this show, I want to start with some endearing positive vibes that I got from this show. Starting with the two leads. Neither of them thankfully shows any sings of the typical BL tropes that we are used to seeing in typical Thai university BL dramas. They develop a cute and cozy romance that is pleasantly down-to-earth and bring so much genuine warmth to their roles. The are really the soul and perfect for their parts. Both have kind hearts, humble personalities, and sensitive temperaments, making it easy to root for them. They are decent guys who don't act problematically or display toxic behaviors. The Tawan & Mark romance is appealing because of its purity, portraying two sweet-natured characters who fall in love. Their relaxed chemistry, adorable interactions, and emotional bond solidify this wholesome relationship. If not for these two actors, who hold on to their character and well written parts, that kept me wanting more of them. I am not sure of the whole Por-Tawan relationship. Por was shown a great guy in the beginning and was later made. Villain who is like a serial dater who eventually always goes back to his ex. Also , the whole cheating angle was dragged on way too long when easily, Por could have come clean to Tawan and that way we would have had more time to enjoy and savor the growing friendship and hence relationship of our leads.

The other thing I really enjoyed and liked was the constant love fights between Mork's uncle and his partner. They added a bit of seriousness and genuineness to the story which is a bit hard to explain. Their exuberant energy was quite enjoyable and they sort of become guiding angels when Mork struggles with the fact that how can he suddenly be interested in a guy when he has always been into girls. Also the short love story between the female doctor and the cafe owner was good. For the first time, I was actually interested din knowing more on what would happen to them. What this show did not need was the whole other story about this other senior-junior doctor. Almost 10 minutes minimum are spent in every single episode on them. Neither their love angle is exciting, nor the actors and also their story adds absolutely nothing to the overall show. At least all the other characters interact with one another. You can literally remove every single scene with the parallel doctor love trac and it won't have a single dent in the overall narrative flow of this show. Seriously!! Why do the makers insist on having multiple love storylines if they can't make it even a bit of interesting.

The last few episodes has all the much needed love moments between our lead couple that the show needed. This show would have been rated extremely high in my books, if not for the unnecessarily stretched triangle part and the very boring parallel story of the other two doctors. I would still recommend watching the show, just to admire two very normal and charming leads, who are also just good people and sadly we get to see very few 'good' people in such shows. Everything else about this show is still debatable. (7.5/10)


Miisu said…
Natural and tender without being too fragile - loved it, even the parallel storyline. I guess I have developed a weakness towards... a certain actor, there's no other explanation really :D It was also lovely to see so many small acts of caring, one awww after the other. And the bridge as an important point was used really well; other locations were amazing and gave something new to look at. I really loved the ending when Mork goes to university and upgrades himself and his life. Thanks again @Sailor Maan for recommending, this series qualifies as a therapy session against Grand Darkness here :)

P.S! No mention of Mork's dimples :D - ?
Golu said…
Absolutely +1 to dimples..
There wer many decent things about the show like I mentioned if not for the over stretched trio angle.
Sailor Maan said…
So happy you guys had the same happy feeling!! Probably one of the most sweet cotton fluffy candy ride, that will make you smile so much your cheekbones will hurt.
And... that's about it. The plot is basic, the other couples are nice but not memorable (and you're right Golu I have the same feeling the other doctor couple is totally disconnected from the show!), some situations were questionnable at best (the "terrorist attack" feels lame). Triangle is too stretched and to be honest, I might be an hopeless romantic but I don't totally blame P'Por whoops (Tawan was a bit irritating with constant "P'Por"). Yet the warmth and positive vibes that radiate from the leads and to an extent from the LTR gay uncles is more than enough to ignore all the flaws. To watch by a fireplace holding pillows/covers/lovers... Ok, contrary to the series you'll probably end having sex with the lover but that's beyond the point here. +1 in dimples team!!
Golu said…
Amen to having sex with your partner dude.
More power to you. Bring it on.

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