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To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories (Korean Series)

This sequel to a decent simple original show was not needed. But if the makers really wanted to cash in on the popularity of the original one, they should have come up with a better story line. The plot is basic, with no explanations provided whatsoever and things just randomly happen. I was so bored out of my mind, hoping that something would happen, but sadly it never does. With 10 episodes of about 22 minutes each, the series takes forever to come to whatever point it is trying to make. 

From original series, we saw that famous star Seo Joon and the ordinary chef Ji Woo eventually fell in love and started living together. The sequel starts off from there. It turns out that Ji Woo has left his boyfriend and has disappeared. Heartbroken, Seo Joon is unable to move on and with help of his talent company he is able to track down Ji Woo, who now lives in a remote village running an Italian restaurant that is not doing well. Seo Joon comes back in his life trying to woo him again and really understand why did Ji Woo leave in the first place. Its never made very clear, but from what I understood, it was the very busy schedule of Seo Joon and the loneliness which led him to take such action. Seo Joon tries his best to use his influence to make the restaurant turn better, but eye's cold and sub attitude still perplexes Seo Joon because of which he can't even focus on his current project. A twist come sin form of eye's ex-girlfriend whomever back to the same village hoping to rekindle the romance. Some drama happens. Ji Woo randomly comes back to his senses and there is eventually a happy ending.

There is absolutely nothing here new in the story. Breakup, re-appearance of an ex, main love interest chasing the other stubbornly have all been seen before. It would have made sense if there was a legit sane reason for Ji Woo to suddenly disappear. That too leaving ox Seo Joon's birthday with just a note to break-up! What mature relationship ends things this way? I don't get it. Sure Ji Woo feels a bit insecure in front of Seo Joon and by his popularity, but its not like these things can't be talked over. We do see that Seo Joon is doing his best to spend as much time possible with his boyfriend. Eye's character graph completely shocked me in this season. He can across as a brat and heartless person and literally just abuses Seo Joon, who still very much loves him. I just couldn't connect with absolutely anything going on in the show. No justifiable excuse for the breakup is the biggest culprit. The plot is neither realistic nor idealistic. The actors do a decent job but even that can't save a messy plot to begin with. All the other characters came across as annoying (but probably because by this time I was so mad at the makers). To be fair, the little neighbor girl was cute and probably the only decent thing in the otherwise very messy show. Also, whoever did the job of editing needs to be fired. It was almost impossible to tell whether a particular scene being shown was from the past or present. The first 8 episodes are almost a waste of time and if anything, whatever little happens, happens in the last two episodes. This sequel was a huge disappointment. (3.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I was a bit disappointed too because I really loved 1st season and I was expecting too much maybe? Main problem is many tiumes I couldn't understand characters reactions. Like there was hidden messages in dialogues or behaviours that I couldn't get, maybe cultural differences? Most of all I couldn't understand why Ji Woo acted like such a jerk. It was intriguing at first and I was waiting for the big reveal but ultmately I feel it never was given a proper explanation. He was so hard with Seo Joon (who has a solar personality I love him). Too bad because the atmosphere in rural village was really interresting, and the last 2 episodes returned to the lovable feeling of 1st season (as soon as they put music from the 1st season actually) and had me smile all through the last one.
If I can advise a thai BL I was immensely looking forward to and didn't disappoint me, go watch Kinnporsche. It just finished airing and I loved it from beginning to the end.
Golu said…
lol. Its so funny that another person commented on another post about KinnPorsche. I have seen 12 episodes so far, so I will be posting my review on it soon in a a few days.
Sailor Maan said…
And I totally agree with him, Kinnporsche and Triage are really unique and good. I wanted them to finish to recommend them as well. This July was really full of good BL! Looking forward to reading your review about KP :)
Golu said…
Give me a few days and it will be up soon. I hope you are not disappointed with what I will have to say. lol

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