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KinnPorsche (Thai Series)

This has to be the first time when I was recommended to watch this show by a few people and also probably one of the first BL shows that I did end up watching weekly, rather than binge watching at the end. I mean, the pressure was too high to keep up with a show that was so much taken about in almost every forum or website or even some of my friends here on my blog who recommended me to watch this asap. Sure, it took me a couple of days to gather my thoughts around and write my review here because whatever I saw will be scrutinized. The thing that you notice in the very first episode is the extremely high quality production value of the show. No money is spared in making the show larger than life (which is exactly what was needed given the concept). The sets are lavish, the clothes are rich, the personalities are proper, even though the makers couldn't help but bring in some typical BL tropes. More on that later. Also, I am very sure that by now, we are all desperately waiting for Thai shows to move out of the standard university love scene and bring this to some real life examples just like this one.

Kinn is the son of a big mafia family and is running away from an attacker when he meets Porsche, a bartender by profession who agrees to help Kinn for money. Porsche's martial arts skill impresses Kinn and on insistence by his father, the head of mafia family, Porsche is brought in as the body guard for Kinn. This happens after initial rejection and when Kinn realizes that he needs to make money to support his younger brother. His relationship with Kinn socialites in a love-hate way and moves between playful and sometimes strained, till eventually half way through the series they do fall in love (after some terrible events). Then we have the minor family, head by younger brother of the father, whose son Vegas is the main anti-hero of this series. Vegas only has one purpose to destroy the main family and take over the whole mafia. There are a lot of other characters, primarily among them being two of Kinn's brothers. One of them is flamboyantly gay and spends all his time watching BL series. Some of his scenes are actually funny. And another brother, who has trust issues for his father and who eventually discovers Porsche's younger brother and falls in love with him. And finally we have Pete, one of the many bodyguards in the house, who eventual relationship with Vegas raises a lot of eyebrows. This 14 episode show goes back and forth on many sub plots primarily of what is Kinn and Porsche's ever changing love-distrust relationship. Then we have secrets about Porsche's past, his parents, family history and what's the connection with Kinn's father. Why did he want Porsche as the body guard in the first place. A random love story between the third brother who is a singer and Porsche's younger brother (this love story wasn't needed at all) and of course the Vegas angle. Oh! And we also have a few episodes where Kinn's ex-lover who is presumed dead comes back and becomes one more reason for distrust between Kinn and Porsche.

Even though the plot is actually straight forward and nothing much to speak of, its the execution that makes the whole difference here. The fight sequences and combats, which are in pretty much every episode are very realistic and don't seem fake. The danger is real and so is the treatment. Love story between Kinn and Porsche takes its time to develop and you see the genuine growth. It does feel weird at first though, especially from Porsche's point of view who has never considered himself gay. I also liked the fact that no one raises an eyebrow about anyone's sexuality here or even make a smallest of comment. Being gay here is as "normal" as being straight. In fact, it did feel like every single character was gay and only the father was  straight. It feels like an alternate reality of a world where love between same sex is considered normal. Ok.. ok.. I know I am digressing now but I did think that it was interesting how every single character was gay. Overall there is a lot going on the show thanks to its multiple sub plot sin addition to the basic love angle between the two main leads. You may agree or disagree to some of the stories like I do and I have my opinions about it, but one thing you cannot ignore is the fact that none of the stories or the arcs are taken lightly. There are way too many characters here and keeping a track of all of them becomes tiring, but I think the screenplay has done as much justice as it is possible to all of them. The makers have tried to give a story and an arc to character, even though sometimes from an overall story it didn't make sense. Like the whole thing when Kinn's ex comes back had no bearing at all. Those three four episodes could completely be eliminated. But then we wouldn't have a couple who keeps breaking up and coming back together very few days. 

As a character Kinn loose on his ear. It was so odd to see him believe just about anyone. Pretty much anyone could come and say anything to him and he would believe him. In the shot period of this series, I can't even remember the number of times Kinn and Porsche break up only to come back stronger. The good thing about it is that we do get to see some passionate love making scenes between them whenever it happens. Porsche on the other hand is a guy is a very instinctive and wild guy who is all about being in the moment. He doesn't care or think much about future. But his goofiness and likability give the much needed comic relief and many light moments in the show. Of the two brother of Kinn, the BL obsessed brother was great. His comic timing was good and added good fun. The third brother story was not needed at all and him and Porsche's younger's brother love story could be completely eliminated. As a character, I also hated Vegas, as I am sure almost all of us did. It was funny that he would want a relationship with anyone that Kinn has a relationship with. Within seconds he will want Porsche, then Kinn's ex boyfriend and then whoever would come in front of him. He definitely had some issues. But the whole love angle (Stockholm's syndrome) between him and the bodyguard Pete makes it very interesting and a but humane. The makers did try to give some arc to Vegas' character and why he does what he does, which I am glad they did. I still didn't like the character but as audience it at least made sense to me. The father was another annoying character in my mind, who just would spur lie after lie after lie. Eventually the series does reach a point where it feels like events are properly built up and connected to an overarching story- towards the end. When the mafia stuff is put aside and it focuses on the death of Porsche’s parents. Only if the man had been truthful about past and everything that had happened, a lot of killings and the drama could have been avoided. (But then how would we have got this series). 

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: The intimate scenes and kisses. I have to say this is one of the very rare times when I have felt the passion and energy when the two guys are kissing. Every time they kissed, it was like they mean it and even their sex scenes be it in the rom , or terrace or the swimming pool had passion in it. There was no awkwardness at all and I really really applaud the actor for being so comfortable doing those. I think the choice of actors, especially the leads was a good one. They both are hot, good looking, extremely charming and have a great body. Porsche definitely is the more likable character of the two with a smile to die for , but thats cos Kinn is confused between wanting love and being the head of mafia family. You can see the conflicts he has to deal with. We have already talked about great production quality and cinematography. Now, I won't lie and say this BL is a 100% in all areas because there are certain places where you genuinely need to put your logic aside to appreciate it but on an overall, I give it a pass because of what the series does in so many other areas and what is successfully achieves. Despite its many flaws, this series is still a must watch for every BL lover like me. There are many hits and misses here but you cannot ignore how much love, and hard work must have gone just to make the show and get it the attention that it deserves. I can't imagine anyone disliking the show given the sheer magnanimity this story has been given. Overall, I really enjoyed the characters (at least some of them), their wild & funny interactions, The comfort level with sexuality, kisses and sex scenes and some top notch action sequences for a BL show. But story-wise I'm sort of in between liking the drama for what is was, and being disappointed that it wasn’t what it attempted to be. I enjoyed every bit of it, but somewhere it failed to emotionally connect with me, but thats my problem. (8.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Thank you Golu for this perfect review! And sorry we are putting so much pressure on you with this one hahaha (actually relieved you liked it too lol).
I absolutely loved it from beginning to the end. I'm totally aware it is flawed and might not be for everyone, but I got totally addicted. For sure, after you first meet Tankhun, you know you won't be watching a gay version of the Godfather, but rather an alternate mafia in a BL world. I can't add much, you said it all, except I loved Vegas character as a vilain. He does a superb job at being the manipulative nemesis (especially during the ex boyfriend arc, he got me too). And Pete definitely has Stokholm syndrom, making me question my own sanity because I think they were cute in the end. Too bad Kim/Porchay story seemed a bit cut off the rest because they had great moments too.
Now as a fan, I went reading the novel it's based on. I'm only halfway through, but for now all I can say is I'm really happy the show got delayed because they wouldn't totally stick to the novel. Where the series is borderline, the novel is totally beyond the line, and not in a good way imo. Kinn and Porsche actors did a fantastic job adding to the characters too. The funny moves Porsche makes are priceless. Their chemistry is undeniable. And yes they are hot (real life model + have the charm to back it up? life is unfair for us commoners lol). I'd happily take another 2 years delay for season 2 if they have to do it again. Because yes, the producers are teasing a season 2, I don't need to tell you how excited I am. And forget what I've just said, please don't make me wait 2 more years...
Golu said…
I am very sure that with the press and great publicity that this season has got, the makers would want to cash on it and will come up with a sequel soon. Are you enjoying the novel now?

I think the show tried to cover a lot and it makes sense because the beauty of a series is to show how many different arcs can actually be covered and they do successfully do a good job also to a certain extent. I admire and salute the hard work that must have went into the production of the show,

And yes. for us commoners, life is unfair. Some people get the looks, the body and the charm to go with all that :)
luigi43 said…
I loved the Serie just for the magnificence of Kinn and Porsche bodies. By the way , they were cousins!
Golu said…
Yes they were cousins but adopted sister... so I guess we can safely choose to ignore that . lol
Sailor Maan said…
The novel has so far been interresting for bringing other perspectives and character builds even if it has this dominant/dominated relation common in some Yaoi I'm not really fond of.
What killed it for me was the first time that is absolutely horrible. It was already wrong in the series with a drugged but willing Porsche. In the book -spoilers-, drugged Porsche doesn't agree to bottom and begs Kinn not to do it. Yet Kinn rapes him all night long, to the point Porsche has to go to the hospital the next day because he bleeds anormaly. When a few days latter Porsche, feeling so bad, confronts him about that, Kinn answer is "Why do you still overthink about it, it has already been done and we can't do anything about it anymore". In the same time he is proud because he knew Porsche was straight but he was still able to "get" him. I don't know how more wrong it can get than that and how a healthy romance can come out of it. Kinn is slowly realizing his error and that Porsche means more to him than his usual toyboys he treats badly, but I'm still dubitative... That's why I said I was so happy the series toned it down. I don't dare to imagine what it will be for Vegas/Pete in the novel ^^;
Golu said…
OMG!! I can't believe what I just read. Is that really how it al starts between the two men? This is wrong in so many ways that I can't even begin to start. Glad the series toned it down because the show would have lost me after this scene.

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