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Love, Victor: Season 3 (Series)

The third and possibly the final season if this famous Hulu queer coming-of-age series ends on a positive note for all its protagonists. Although at certain places it did seem rushed, bit overall I had a sense of satisfaction seeing that every character was given importance, they were all given substance and they got a touching (maybe not realistic) happy ending thatchy all deserved. Romance is fickle in this teen drama, yet not without its merit and relationships at Creekwood High seem to come and go at rapid speed. Lets analyze that later.

The season 2 ended with who will Victor choose at the end between Benji and Rahim. It turns out he does visit Benji and he cannot get him out of his mind, but Benji has drinking issues and in order to get his life in order he needs to go to rehab and break up with Victor. As expected Rahim is upset by the way Victor handles the situation but trie friends can't remain apart and soon they are friendly. A new romantic interest is thrown for Victor in terms of Nick with whom he gets into a "fun" vibe and nothing serious but it makes Victor realize that how much more he is into Benji and that he can never get over him. Thankfully a charming love is also introduced for Rahim and they actually make a good pair. Victor's best friend Felix continues his flirting and affair with his sister Pilar and its something that Pilar wants to hide from her over protective father which puts a strain on their relationship. The effervescent Lake is confused about her sexuality. She feels attracted to Lucy and finally they become a couple but she still is struggling to navigate the whole situation with her mom. Also Lucy has other plans from her life. And finally we have Mia and Andrew. Mia's dad moved to west coast leaving Mia and Andrew to go on their own voyage of discovery, as Mia contemplates her future living situation.

The third season is full of positives. It’s sweet and touching, delivering an emotional and fitting finale. Forget that all these high school teenagers actually behave and act like full blown adults and you are like, Teenagers are not supposed to be this way, but then thankfully you overlook this fact and embrace yourself to try and enjoy the show to the fullest. In essence it stays true to its first two seasons, with being sassy, full of jokes and serious issues being addressed at the same time. But at its heart, the show is still about Victor, who he really wants to be as a person and who he wants to be with and why. And the sam holds true for all the other characters who must determine their best choices moving forward. And when Victor gets the bravery award in the last episode, it makes everyone think and as a result things feel a bit rushed in an attempt to quickly wrap things up and tie them up in a pretty creative bow.  Yes more episodes would have given more gravitas to handle all these 6-8 characters in depth, but despite that as audience I was still quite smitten by all of them. Victor is still charming and you want things to work out for him. But he is also a teenager so whether he wants to have "fun" or be in relationship is something he will figure out on his own. The short lived love triangle between Benji, Victor and Rahim was also quite interesting. In fact, I have to say that Rahim's character actually ended up being my favorite of this season. We get to see a bit more to his personality and his background and his background I think a spin off series focusing on his character could be a great idea. IN contrast Benji gets a raw deal this season with his character being very bland and completely uninteresting, where I found myself yelling at Victor as tow hat does he see in this guy that he can't get over him. But this is all my wishful thinking. 

Season 3 also has some missed opportunities in parent-child dynamics that could have played out longer, having a greater impact. But maybe that wasn't supposed to be the focus since there was already so much that needed to be sorted out for its main characters. Many problems are thrown at these inordinately mature teenagers and they somehow all manage to overcome them. They make be unbelievable but it’s hard to deny its charms, as guileless and blindly optimistic as some of us may still find them. The finale happens at the winter carnival, pretty much the same spot where the journey began for all it characters. Overall I enjoyed the season and the series as a whole, even though I remember I was quite judgmental of its first season. Now just give us a spin off on Rahim and I will be a happy camper. (7.5/10)


Miisu said…
This is by far one of the most thorough reviews in your blog - thank you for that :) When I saw the trailer for S3, I was very sceptical, to say the least. I started watching from S1E1 and that way the S3 blended in rather organically. I'm grateful for the creators showing the parents with their own issues (although every single protagonist having parents with serious problems was too unreal) - it was probably meant for the parents who watch the show, for them to see what happens, when parents do childish stuff and the children have nothing else to do but take on the role of adults.

Interesting to read that the character of Benji gets on so many viewers' nerves :D Mine, too :D I don't even know what exactly is wrong with him that gets on my nerves, but there's definitely something. While your favourite was Rahim (I liked him, too), my absolute favourite person from S1E1 has been Felix. Such an amazing friend, smart and has a way with words. Absolutely adored the scenes with him.

I wish I had made a bet about the final scene being on the Ferris wheel - I would have been rich like a troll by now :D And the person who made the trailer for S3 should seriously consider another job :D
Golu said…
Felix for sure is an absolute charmer and a friend who we would all be so lucky to have. I have no doubts about it.
You are right that its hard to pin point exactly what's wrong with Benji, but just his way of speaking, changing his mind every few seconds, taking Victor for granted and his hair style are definitely some (if not all ) things that annoy me about him.

I really want a spin offf series with Rahim. someone please !!
Sailor Maan said…
I definitely has so much charm. Yet, the way too fast pace and twists and change of minds hurt it. They talk seriously one episode, then go 180° the next, leaving us not really care about them as they may and will change their minds in the bink of an eye. And many situations is too convenient to be relatable. Had my husband quit after episode 2 (Benji getting on our nerves too...). Yet they had a lot of great moments. My favourite: when the parents realize their daughter has a boyfriend just because she is nice without a hidden agenda; I can so much picture ours being like that latter given how she already has us wrapped around her finger lmao (or maybe I shouldn't be laughing at that, oh my...). Felix and Rahim are sooo much fun. And the "bravery award" dilemma gave me a lot of thinking too, and I'm still not decided honestly.
+1 for a "Love, Rahim" season1 now! XD
Golu said…
I was also conflicted about the whole bravery award, and could see the point of view from both sides perspective

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