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The Windy City Incident

WTF was this film? A trailer trash campy film that has no reason to exist. In its 75ish minute run time, its just sequences of our leading man having dreams, meeting men and then engaging in some sex. Unless there is a hidden, very deep philosophical meaning to all this, this film was an absolute waste of time (minus some good looking twinkly men and their penises)

Channel lives with his boyfriend in Olympia, Washington. In his dreams he is ordered by a drag queen to visit Chicago and visit drag bars. Despite opposition by his boyfriend, Channel follows his dreams to the Windy City where he wastes no time in whoring himself out for living accommodations. He visits drag bar and there he gets into some kind pf trance where his past mystery life collides with present. But now it's too late, and a vengeful apparition named "Ant" has already taken control of Chanel's body and mind. At the house he is staying, he meets another guy and the trio start a journey of sorts following whatever Channel sees in his dreams. In between all this, we have an obese drag queen randomly showing uo our screens with whole lot of fluff that doesn't make any sense.

This film has absolutely nothing worth writing about. It is so called mystery film but it was so sleep inducing with some real bad acting. There is absolutely no purpose behind making this film. Even if you keep your brain aside and try to enjoy and not make sense of everything unfolding in front of you, even then it really doesn't make any sense. As I mentioned in the beginning, the only decent thing is some good penis shots and thats about it. Avoid at all costs. (1.5/10)


ILHiker said…
Dang, I was excited when I read the title. Clearly it won't go into my "Chicago" gtm collection. Unfortunately, I can't even recall what is there. Blackmail Boys, I think that one may have been there and, while not great, wasn't completely terrible. A Reunion I think ended up there after the road trip, but spent little time in the city. Adventures in Babysitting (please don't correct my memory if it wasn't really a gay teen love story). Arrgh, Chicago, Chicago, Chicago gay movies...I'm so glad I don't get OCD about these things, lol. I don't keep thinking all night to try to remember them all.
Golu said…
Why the fascination with the city?
Unless you actually have folders for some important cities and the gay films filmed or set there. If thats the case, Thats a very innovative way of keeping records. :)
ILHiker said…
Thought of another one - If Dad Only Knew. Chicago, because I grew up about 70 miles from there, though it seemed like a foreign country in my little small town which claims it was the world's largest inland grain shipping port in 1950.

I actually do store my media collection in odd folders such as Mythic, Dangerous Children, Mental Illness, Saturday-ish (the kind of kids movies or shorts that were on when I was growing up) and in my GTM folder I separate out the happy from the sad and the German from the Espanol. I have a 70s TV folder. It's surprising how some films can be connected in an odd way and make sense in a folder together. I have had trouble separating films out of the Virus versus the Zombies folder, or Before the Apocalypse folder versus the After the Apocalypse folder. It's just one of those little things my brain enjoys doing.

I like to fall asleep to the TV as it works better for me than appropriate sleep hygiene. Often it's House--familiar, not too intense, not annoying, vaguely interesting but I don't feel the need to turn to look at it. Lately it's been the newer movie "Out of Body." It's weird, I watched it because Jason Gaffney was so great in The Perfect Wedding, then I liked Analysis Paralysis but couldn't warm up to the rhythm of it. This one I thought was unspectacular but not bad. Turns out it's a really good go to sleep movie. Both House and Out of Body are currently on Amazon, and they don't offer a folder function other than Watchlist. That's probably just as well as my brain might start working on it and I won't be able to get to sleep.
Golu said…
Oh! I hav eto say that this is one of the most innovative ways to keeping your folders organized. believe it or not, I do not have a personal collection of movies at all. I started doing that few years back but realized that there are so many movies (and now so many shows) that keep showing up every year, that I may barely have time to revisit some of my favorites.

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