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Saneha Stories 4: Thanon Sai Saneha (Thai Mini Series)

I am guessing that this show is about true stories or something like that. This one specific story is real life anecdote of Nicky. We do see the real life guy in between the dramatized version and its interesting when you actually put a face to the person whose real story is being told, it does make a difference , at least in my mind. Running at a total of about 90 minutes, this 2 part show is almost a full length movie.

Nicky is a young boy whose parents run a resort. But his decision to go and study in Bangkok doesn't sit too well with his father who wants him to join the family business. In the university, he has his childhood friend Saibua who is also now his girlfriend. But as he makes new friends, a guy Phat catches his eyes and before you know Phat makes him realize that Nicky might be attracted to men too. For a few days Nicky tries to maintain a dual life till Saibua catches two men in action. Nicky breaks up with Phat and professes love to Saibua promising to change. Four years later, Nicky is now a model with a substantial portfolio, and it feels he has warmed up and accepted that he is gay and is happy with his life. One one shoot he meets a guy Em and the duo son fall in love and move in together. When Nicky's mother gets sick, he rushes back home but his father is even more furious now because of his sexuality. There he meets a girl Cherry, who despite knowing about Nicky's sexuality, flirts with him and even proposes marriage. Since she is getting old and Nicky's parents want him to have a family, he agrees to the situation. The film ends with Nicky and Cherry meting Em and explaining him the situation that even though Nicky is marrying a girl, it's Em , whom he really loves.

The film is strictly ok. I don't think there is a message or anything here but it is more like a snapshot from the life of a guy, who and how he dealt with his coming out situation. Many parts of the show were relatable. For a person who may have not have his sexual inclination towards same sex, sometimes all it needs is one experience that can change things. And I personally know many people in this boat. So I am not surprised that it is through Phat that Nicky realizes his own sexuality. I would have liked to understand what happened with Saibua and Phat though. The second part was a bit confusing. Sure Em and Nicky are in love but the whole premise of a rich, well studied and seemingly intelligent girl wants to knowingly marry a gay guy is beyond me. Maybe this has to do with some local customs and traditions where being married is important for women even though it is an unhappy marriage. The actors all did a good job and I have to say that the actress playing Cherry is probably one of the better actors I have seen in the many Thai BL shows so far. She seemed far more natural than the usual slight over the top acting that we normally see. Also, how can I not mention the actor playing Em. (His P'Dean from the other show is still so fresh in my mind and every time I see him, that's all I can think of and I struggle to just take that image out of my mind). Jokes aside, this was strictly an ok story, with no great shakes. (5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I finally decided to try the Saneha stories and I must say this one was interresting, given it's apparently based on a true story. On the bad sides, everything happen too quickly to empatize with the haracters and really consider it a series. ON the plus side it feels more like a documentary with the real MC making comments. I could feel cultural differences, mainly how filial piety is more important than in my culture. One thing that struck me is his mother's reaction. His dad would get furious. She instead would cy and you would think she would be more understanding. But she just asks Nicky to come back being a good son. From my point of view that's even more cruel.
I would have wanted to watch the real wife and boyfriend point of vue, that could have added a lot.
Can I say Nicky is living my dreamed bisexual life when I was younger and lost in my sexuality ^^ And it conforts me on how I thought it was wrong (for my life, no judging at all on his).
Golu said…
Bisexuality in younger days? are you sure, not now? :p
Sailor Maan said…
I know, don't remind me of my past mistakes, I was young and stupid lol. I'm afraid I still have a glaring weakness with boobs though. I never learn :p
Golu said…
I mean boobs are nice to look

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