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Young Royals: Season 1 (Swedish Series)

I pretty much chanced upon this series totally by accident. The name sounded interesting and I was on a lookout for a new show to watch. Knowing absolutely nothing, I went into the show with minimal expectations but boy was I waiting to be surprised. As the name suggests, its about royalty in Sweden showcasing teen angst, friendship, social divide, sexuality, coming-of-age. The show is a cross between The Crown and Elite (a Spanish Netflix show, which is another total guilty pleasure of mine) and you have a show waiting to be seen.

Prince Wilhelm, the younger son of the Sweden royal family get embroiled in a fight controversy, who is then sent to the prestigious Hillerska boarding school as a punishment. Its the same school where his elder brother Erik, the crown prince studied. Erik/Wilhelm's cousin August is final year student, who rules the upper-class men of this boarding school. Initially awkward Prince Wilhelm finds himself to be lost till he meets Simon, a commoner who is studying in the school along with his sister. Simon is proudly gay and before you realize a romance starts to blossom between the two teens. The rest of the show is focused on just these two important characters but also on what's happening with August, Sara and other students of the school. When a tragedy falls on the royal family, Wilhelm suddenly becomes the center of attention, thereby jeopardizing the relationship between him and Simon. The series beautifully encapsulates, how Wilhelm has strong deep feelings for Simon, a commoner; but with his royal status, the turmoil that the is going through inside is something no one can ever truly empathize.

Some people may discard the show as another try to showcase the lives of rich and famous but that doesn't make it wrong. I have enjoyed shows based on teens and their lives (Skam, Elite etc) but as long as they have story to say and of course a gay angle always is an added attraction, but this show offers a lot more than that. We see social class divide and how families still have to deal with their own set of issues. August comes out as that bad guy initially but he is dealing with his own insecurities and challenges and he really doesn't know how to deal with those. You start to understand his viewpoint. Sara's need to be close to the rich girls with her ADHD history is something you can empathize with. Similarly about Felice, the girl from the richest girl in Sweden who wants to seduce the prince but realizes that's not meant to happen. And of course lets now about the lead couple Simon and Prince Wilhelm. The way their romance/friendship starts and continues with its own ups and downs is just so beautiful to watch. I really really enjoyed the fact that the two were grown up enough to know that communication is so important in such relationships. I sometimes felt that Simon Never truly appreciated how difficult it must be for Wilhelm to be openly with someone who he truly loves, another man and that too a commoner, but eventually it makes sense. He doesn't want hide for anyone and be someone who he is not, which gets very clear. The actors playing these roles just for perfect. Simon is absolute cutie ie and their chemistry with each other is to die for. Its like you can feel butterflies in your own stomach when the two teens are just beginning to explore each other's lips and love and bodies. August's story takes a substantial time from the show, but eventually it’s Wilhelm’s irresolvable tension between royal life and civilian love that comprises the most engaging element of the series. It will be very easy to compare this show with plenty other shows out there, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one and binge watched it in one single day. 

After having seen so many Asian teen gay love stories, it is very refreshing to watch something different yet very lovable story that touches you at various levels. A young romance that is pure and genuine and very very warm. I really hope that they come with Season 2 of this show. I know I maybe a bit biased while giving this show such high ratings, but what I can say. I really really enjoyed it not just for the gay angle, but also all the other important teen issues that get raised here and everything else that follows. You must add this to your list right now and be ready to fall in love with Simon and Wilhelm's story. (I purposely have tried to stay away form too much plot details here for a change). (9/10)


luigi43 said…
As usual , You are perfectly right! I plunged in a fresh , easy , understandable story . Obviously it's an up-to-date Wallis and Edward 8 story and they passed away long time ago . I simply loved it.
Golu said…
I am not familiar with that story? Any series or film on that?
luigi43 said…
This is the real story of the King of England and Emperor of India that was deposed to marry his love in 1936 .
Sailor Maan said…
A gay version of The Crown in a Skam/Elite world, what's not to love! What I appreciated the most was that they didn't go too far in the "spoiled bad rich / good natured poor" (compared to Elite or Gossip girl). Simon has something magnetic and would make for a superb queen lol.
Golu said…
My vote for Simon, the queen. He was soooooooooo adorable.
Miisu said…
Just as the Finns have a special talent for metal and hard rock, the Swedes have a talent for TV series. "The Restaurant" is superb, and now this... Talented actors, the pleasantly moderate pace of the events (not too fast, not too slow, just easy enough to follow). Plus the locations! A good thing to use for procrastination and slowing my heart rate after "Eyewitness", indeed. Thanks for the review!
Golu said…
You are welcome. What the "Restaurant" and "eyewitness" about? are these shows?
Miisu said…
"The Restaurant" (Var tid är nu) is a Swedish 4-season show about a restaurant in Stockholm. It has always belonged to the Löwander family and follows their story. There's a gay storyline, a refugee storyline and a lesbian storyline in there as well.

"Eyewitness" (Oyevitne) is originally a Norwegian crime show where two boys happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and they witness a triple murder. But they can't tell the police because then they'd have to tell that they are gay for each other. The same format has been bought to US/Canada (Eyewitness), France (Les Innocents) and Romania (Valea Muta, Silent Valley in English). I've seen all of them, except the Romanian one which has had very bad reviews. The American one (starring James Paxton and Tyler Young) is the best in my opinion. The French version has Jules Houplain ("Hidden Kisses") playing one of the protagonists, also worth seeing.
Sailor Maan said…
I strongly recommend you add eyewitness to your reviews too! Also watched the 3 versions and I prefered the norvegian (original) one.
Golu said…
I will have to find this series asap. Its not on Netflix US at least
Miisu said…
;) Check your e-mail ;)
Golu said…
Thanks for that Miisu
Dennis said…
Hello, I just loved it, sooo refreshing to see actors that look the age, pimples and all.
Golu said…
yeah it was good to see that actors are not like super hot models or anything

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