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The Family Tree (Panama)

This film seemed like a very low budget, made for TV kind of a film. I haven't seen any gay themed film from Panama, and interestingly this was all in English. The storyline seemed interesting , so with very low expectations I started watching the film.

We meet Victor and Alina, who have decided they are better off as friends. To cheer her mood during Christmas celebrations, Victor hires a singing telegram to boost her spirits. We meet Roy, doing. This odd job. The trio hang for a while and When Roy leaves, he is attacked by a homeless guy. Victor notices him on the ground when he comes out to drop off Alina and brings him home. He later finds out that Roy is a British national, who came to Panama behind her girlfriend who dumped him and as of that night , he was both jobless and homeless. After some thinking Victor proposes a gay civil union between the two to keep him in the country legally. After an initial utter shock, Roy agrees and they get married. They even have sex on their wedding night but Roy is very clear this is not gay. The come to an agreement they will always be there for one another as a couple minus sex. Life starts to get better for the till Roy starts falling for Alina slowly and they soon become a couple. Roy confides in Victor that Alina has accepted his marriage proposal and he is sorry to break Victor's heart. The duo get married but next we find out that Roy has some medical problems and he cannot conceive a child. They ask Victor to be a surrogate but instead of donating sperm, they ask him for a threesome to conceive the baby naturally. Tragedy strikes at delivery time, when sadly Victor is left all alone with the baby.

The first initial bits of the film show us around Panama, which reminded me of my trip back there few years ago. Even though the story is very interesting and unique-ish, the concept had some merit; but sadly the execution is completely flat of the film. At any point you don't really connect with any character at all and you can feel they are acting. The film needs better screenplay, better dialogues and overall a better direction. There are way too many moments of nothingness and silence which are really not needed in a movie like this. Also, I don't know what was up with the voices, but the sound of the film was really bad and you had to focus really hard to hear what's going on. Some people can even think that the film's story does go all over the place. We never know was Victor always gay? Will Roy feel so indebted to anyone that he will be ok having sex with another man? The whole threesome and surrogacy angle seemed to be put in just to make it more complex, which for some people could feel absolute weirdness and you may just laugh off at the absurdity of it.

The film has a bot of honesty, or at least it feels like that was the intention, but dealing with things just at the surface level, without really investing in your characters makes this film a very forgettable and very slow and boring experience. (4/10)


Miisu said…
You, kind sir, are way too generous with your points here, I'd say. This is by far the weirdest story I've ever seen on screen or in a book. Probably because I don't watch soap operas or read Harlequin paperbacks very much :D After the film was over I tried so hard to find a point or something useful to remember, but got myself a headache instead. And it wasn't easy to forget, I had to drown myself into a few Christmas books and 10+ better films afterwards, before this thing faded from my memories. Overall it felt like a live oxymoron - how is it possible that a film that has so many elements and events crammed into it is still so slow and emotionally empty... Unlike "Lazy Eye" where basically nothing happens (two men sit and talk), but it's so full of details that keep you thinking, thinking, thinking even a few weeks later.
Golu said…
"Overall it felt like a live oxymoron - how is it possible that a film that has so many elements and events crammed into it is still so slow and emotionally empty"
This is so true. To be honest I barely remember much. My ratings are more for potential to be better :)

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