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The Boy Next Door (Korean Series)

This is exactly the kind of show I needed right now to watch and just de-stress myself. 15 episodes, each of barely 5-6 minutes keeps this series very crisp, focussed and most importantly very light hearted, breezy, something you can laugh and giggle with and just not take it too seriously. Some people get offended just by a mere idea when either someone pretends to be gay or people misunderstand them. But, trust me, this show is in no way offensive at all. It has ben approached with a sensitive yet humorous way, while keeping a concrete storyline in every single episode. Thanks Sailor Mann for the recommendation.

Kyutae and Gijae are two awkward neighbors, who don't really get along well with each other. They have a friend Minah common between them, who is currently dating a guy, who turns out to be closet gay eventually. Back to the two boys, an accident in Kyutae's apartment, forces him to start living with Gijae. Gijae is a very messy person while Kyutae likes everything clean and neat. With every episode, the two of them, keep ending up in some hilarious awkward situations where people around them start believing that they are actually a gay couple.

Neither of the boys are gay, but they slowly start becoming friends and hang out with each other a lot. But its their general awkwardness, that creates these hilarious situations where someone or the other walks in on them in an intimate moment of sorts. A lovely love triangle was also created at a point where Kyutae starts to have feelings for Minah, without realizing that Minah used to date Gijae. And the way situations arise, each of the boy likes the girl and meanwhile the girl thinks that they are a couple. It’s just a situation that is ripe with hilarious moments. Of course, the two boys actually started to become friends, which was cute to watch as well. This show creates some funny moments by making a parody of some typical rom-com films and sort of teasing everyone. Adding an actual gay couple, from the guy who was closeted and dating girl was a good angle to the story. The series is not judging anyone or mocking anyway. Its just trying to say things as is. The two actors and their goofiness make this show really enjoyable, especially Kyutae. I think Gijae adds to the glamour part since he is very good looking and also quite a good actor. Their chemistry made the show truly enjoyable and worth watching. 

Yes, this is not a BL, very much a bromance where two guys are always misunderstood to be a gay couple, but this is absolutely a must watch and very much deserves to be on my site. This is perfect when you want to chill and have a fun relaxed time and have a beaming smile on your face. Some shows don't go round about. They are to the point and do the job, they are meant to do. And this is a perfect example of it. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
So glad you enjoyed it! Had me laugh so much watching it and how they twisted the usual rom-com tropes (can we talk about the love song?!).
Thanks for the review, and you know I'm the one craving for your recommandations ;)
Golu said…
Thx for the kind words and please continue to send more recommendations.

btw: I watched first one and a half episodes of "Word of Honor" and have NOT liked it at all so far. Does it get better? Its a huge investment with 36 episodes of over 45 min each, so I wanna make sure. To be honest, as it stands now, I don't feel like watching it. What am I missing?
luigi43 said…
Try " Nobleman Ryu's wedding" an historic Corean short serie !
Golu said…
Noted. Will watch that asap
Sailor Maan said…
Sorry I haven't watched "word of honor" so I can't help here.
It's probably already on your list but "I promised you the moon" (the sequel of ITSAY) had just finished and is amazing imho
Golu said…
So much to see and so little time. I will add this too.
edward said…
One of my favorite Korean shows, I can re-watch it and laugh every time.

As for Word of Honor, it might not be to your taste. Chinese martial arts costume dramas are not for everyone, and the BL relationship is muted by the government censors. In fact the Chinese government is trying to ban any new BL shows.
Golu said…
You are absolutely right my friend. I started watching it and its not my thing at all.
I dontmind costume Chineses drama but when B is so muted, it just frustrates me

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