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Love, Victor: Season 2 (Series)

One of the popular series from last year, I wasn't aware until very recently that the makers had decided to come up with Season 2 of this show. And after having binge watched it, I am so glad that they not only made Season 2 but also actually developed character graphs for lot of other teens besides Victor, which was one of my primary issue with Season 1. Personally, I feel this season is a huge notch up that the predecessor.

As expected, show focuses on Victor, who is now with Benji as a high school gay couple. The show addresses a lots of ups and downs that happens with Victor. The issues addressed includes Victor coming out to his parents, him finding the courage to come out in school and how his basketball team mates react to the whole gay issue. O course a large chunk of this is devoted to how his parents react, who are separated now. The father is shown more supportive and even joins PFLAG group to understand the situation better, but his mother is dealing with a lot of issues and it's not easy for to come around those, which, amongst other things, stars to get a strain in Benji and Victor's relationship. A new character Rahim is introduced as Victor's sisters friend who starts looking up two Victor after he publicly comes out in school. Being from a conservative muslim family, Victor helps him accept who is and eventually come out to his family. Over the course of season Rahim becomes an important part of Victor's life. The season also focuses a lot on Victor's bets friend Felix and his personal situation with his mother and girlfriend Lake. Victor's sister ends up crushing on Felix and soon their close friendship is tested too. Of course, we have Mia, Victor's ex-friendship who is trying to nurse her broken heart but finds solace in the arms of the hot basketball captain.

So, there is a natural progression in the story after Victor comes out focusing on how all this affects his family's reaction but every episode deals with some very very interesting topics. I LOVED the fact that one enter episode was dedicated to fear of sex. Most of these couples and individuals were looking forward to relationship but also very scared of what sex would be like for the first time and that was shown so beautifully and with good maturity. The way the Benji/Victor relationship was handled was very nice. Actually the biggest surprise for me this season was Felix and Lake. The way they both mature, handle their relationship and be there for each other was very impressive. Lake's character was written very well. In fact, I believe writers have done a fantastic job this season and have given individuality to each character while still trying to bind the whole story together. Introduction of Rahim was. Master stroke. He brings a very positive and fun energy to everything and he is definitely hot. Plenty of homophobic issues and teenage issues are dealt with. I can't even remember all f them, but as and when I was watching the episodes, I had a constant smile and was happy that the maker son the show chose to focus on some very important things which under normal circumstances are brushed under the carpet. One of my favorite scenes was when Mia tells Victor that she is happy Victor finally realized and accepted who he was but she is upset that she is not even allowed to get angry at Victor for treating her the way he did, since him coming out is the single bravest thing anyone could do. And Iw as like, Oh my go! I never thought of it t his way. I was also glad they continued to focus on the parents and Victor's sister was given more prominent time this season. The only negatives IMO were Benji, as a character. He was very bland, too goody and pretty much either always saying yes to victor or always complaining. Something about him was annoying. And secondly the character of Mia. Now I don't know if it was the character or the actress playing the part , but I really felt like fast forwarding all of her scenes (which I did not) but they were not just interesting at all. A surprise cameo by Simon was a masterstroke in finale and I loved it.

As expected, the makers have left the ending vague as to who will Victor finally go for and I totally expected that, because that gives viewers a hope to look forward to more seasons. I wanna applaud the makers for upping the game with Season 2 and I hope they can keep up with the issues and address them with viewers and show the audience that how everything is changing for better. (8/10)


luigi43 said…
So happy You commented this lovely second season , very seldom one second season is better than the first ; the rethoric question is whose bell is ringing Victor at the very end ?
Sailor Maan said…
Even better than the first season that was already very good. Please keep making good lovely ones like those! Which will probably happen, as the end is a good tease for a 3rd season *fingers crossed*
Golu said…
AFAIK, there hasn't been an announcement on Season 3 yet, but I am almost certain that it will happen asap.
luigi43 said…
I do hope is Benji's bell.
Golu said…
I am actually hoping its Rahim :)
Benji (as a character) is very flat and boring
Sailor Maan said…
Threesome. They are young, they must experiment ;p
Golu said…
you crack me up but hey, I do like the idea very much :)
Dennis said…
I really hope to watch it soon, just finished Young Royals and I really want to watch it as it is not available yet in my country.
Golu said…
I hope you get to watch it soon. I just heard that this show has been renewed for Season 3 now.
Dennis said…
Well thank you, hope it is great, I have not watched Élite that you mentioned, so quite interesting to look Forward to, be well.
Golu said…
There have been 4 seasons of Elite so far and they are all my guilty pleasure
Dennis said…
Got it, sooo much eye candy 😁😁😁 but had to use the spanish subtitles 😁
Golu said…
A little too much eye candy.

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