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His (Japanese)

On the surface of it, this film may feel another gay love story, but this is so much more. Instead it was a tender exploration of identity, love, forgiveness, prejudice and community centered around the custody battle for a bubbly, head-strong 6-year-old girl. Gender-preference did play a big role in plot and character development, but the underlying themes felt more universal. And this is what Maes the film exciting.

We saw the prequel, a mini series, that I reviewed a few days back. The film starts with Nagisa and Shun living together in university but out of the blue Nagisa asks them to break up leaving Shun surprised and heart broken. Many years have passed since and now Shun lives a live of aloofness and anonymity in a very small town. Suddenly one day Nagisa shows up with his 6 year old daughter at his doorstep. He informs Shun that he had met a girl, fathered a girl, has been extremely happy but now the couple is getting a divorce. Initially confused, Shun allows them to stay with him, because you know that deep down he still very much loves Nagisa. Two men living together raising a small girl raises a few eyebrows and gossip in the town, but when Shun decides to take matters in his hand and declare publicly that he is gay. To his shock, the town elders take it really well and stand with him in support. A good part of the second half then is devoted to the child custody trial between the parents. The mother wants her career but also the daughter and questions are raised whether a gay couple raising a child is the right thing to do. The end is quite heart warming to say the least.

Nagisa and Shun share a very special relationship. Their love is spoken through kisses and their eyes and not high octane dramatic monologues. I was initially upset why would Shun let Nagisa stay with him when it was Nagisa who broke up with him many years back for no reason. But later we find out that it was actually so that Shun can get his dream job without having to face the discrimination of being gay. Nagisa meeting a girl and starting a family seemed reasonable but I liked the fact that Nagisa confesses that he could never stop being gay. He tried many men but eventually realized that he can only be with Shun. Shun, on his part was so scarred that he didn't look for anyone else. The older guy who makes friend with Shun was amazing. Their relationship of mutual respect was just so cool. It was a really small role but made a difference in the way Shun thinks and gave him the courage and importance of being true to himself and come out to the town. The little girl accepting the relationship between the two men was very heartwarming. This is how it should be, but unfortunately the world doesn't see things as simple as children do. Some people mayn't enjoy the prolonged court room scenes but they were important, especially since the parenting issue soon becomes an issue of sexuality and who's more capable. All the actors fit their part very nicely. You feel their pain, their loneliness, their struggles and each actor does a marvelous job. Special marks to the little girl She was such a cutie.

The characters in this film are allowed to struggle, learn, and take a step forward to their growth as humans.. We all make mistakes and learn from them. As the old man says in the film "meeting someone and being influenced by him is one of life’s great treasures." I have been reflecting on myself thanks to this. Watch the film (not for being a BL) but for something that's truly heart warming, beautiful and hopefully will make you kinder. (8/10)


luigi43 said…
You commented , as usual , at the top ! Really I admire You. May I just add that Japanese films are very close to the timing and the taste of " western" movies .
Golu said…
Yeah they are definitely getting much better. There was a time I used to think that the acting used to be a bit off , but last few years, Japanese films (gay or others) are really up-ped their game
Sailor Maan said…
A gem, that moved me in a lot of scenes. What I liked the most was the evolution of the characters. When you consider the first withdrawn Shun, selfish Nagisa, bitter Rena, and compare them in the last scene all playing together, it really is heartwarming. You can also feel the pressure of japanese society over homosexuals, that is very different than what we experience in western countries (the reaction of the elders were priceless though).
If you like countryside simple stories I can recommend Restart after come back home, I think you will like too :)
stephen lim said…
I love your comments on this movie. Such wisdom of being kinder!!! A simple story with a heart warming ending as what the little girl has foreseen possible, being together spending time with her, Papa, Mama and Shun-kun as one family.
Golu said…
@sailor maan: i will add that movie to the list now. Sound interesting
@Stephen thx for the comment and yes the little girls dreams finally comes true to see all her loved ones come together, mostly for her but in parts for each of themselves individually.

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