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Gay Short Films From India : 2

Gray (Hindi)
Nandini is married to Rohit, who is gay. Zoel, Rohit's partner, is aware of Nandini's suffocation. When Rohit tells Zoel that he is planning to have a kid through IVF, so that Nandini will get busy in her life, Zoel felt disgusted with this thought and discards Rohit's intention of managing his life between him and Nandini. If it was a sacrifice for Rohit to get married against his gender's choice for the sake of social integrity, it was a crime to Nandini also whose dreams of a married life devastated. 

Pencil Box (Hindi)
A young boy Appu lives in a village with his family. They are hiding a secret which is soon revealed to the entire village when a group of eunuchs come to take Appu away from the family. At this point, another struggle begins for the whole family. The struggle of saving Appu from society. Struggle for family’s own space in society and moreover, struggle for Appu’s present and future. The story shows how Appu faces all these odds and leads us towards a beautiful journey of his childhood.

Saving Chintu (English)
A sensitive tale of an Indian-American gay couple, Sam & Oliver. It narrates how they come all the way from New York to illegally adopt Chintu, who is suffering from HIV. Sam himself is positive  and so to navigate the beauracracy, he fakes marriage with his best friend which tests the emotional relationship of the gay couple. Present day, Chintu is grown up, successful and is looking to adopt two kids himself. Films shows the implausible situation faced by queer parents for adopting a child in India. 

Khol (English) [Open]
An estranged son, Vijay, must return to his small hometown in New Mexico after ten years to confront his family after his father's sudden passing.

Kohraa (Haryanvi) [Fog]
16 year old boy, Ronnie lives in a hamlet in rural Haryana, struggling to find his sexual identity within an extremely rigid, patriarchal society; finds solace in the arms of his childhood friend only to see it get snatched away.

Chunni (Punjabi)
A man dresses up as female to make ends meet for his family. Being ridiculed by his wife, one day he musters up the courage to show his son what he does for a living.

Bling (Hindi)
Rohan and Tiara have a deal that Rohan will sleep with Tiara's ex boyfriends after she dumps them. Misunderstanding occurs when one of the guys shows more interest in Rohan compared to Tiara.

Wig (Hindi)
Artika believes herself to be modern & liberal. An encounter with a transgender sex worker opposite to her house, questions her beliefs. Will she fall into the same prejudices that she has been fighting against?

Compartment (India)
Short story of a closeted gender fluid guy, afraid of the rigid society who keeps hiding behind a façade until a fantasy unleashes the actual self of the person.

Miss Man (Hindi)
After being shunned by his homophobic father and his lover for not being a woman, Manob finds himself travelling to the city for a sex change operation. As he struggles with his identity, he faces challenges and questions he may not be ready to confront yet.

Compass Needle (Malayalam)
A video portrait that tries to retrace the coming out of a gay Muslim man in Kerala, whose conservative family has largely accepted him.

Hai Taubba: Black And White
This is a very simple story with nothing new to say. A guy engaged to marry meets a guy out of the blue and before you know the two are madly in love. But the guy feels socially and morally responsible to his grandmother and cannot muster the courage to choose between his love and bride-to-be. Its the climax and ending that sparks a surprise with not a happy ending.

Un.suitables (Hindi)
A misunderstanding turns devastating in the otherwise blissful romantic lives of Karthik and Imran, who following the death threats from their respective communities escaped Kashmir hoping to find solace and love in one another.

Compartment (India)
Short dialogue free story of a closeted gender fluid guy, afraid of the rigid society who keeps hiding behind a façade until a fantasy unleashes the actual self of the person.

Hai Taubba 2: Blues (Hindi)
A story from anthology series, this is story of unrequited love between two men who could never tell each other about their feelings. When one of them passes away, the other his left with having to close the chapter and find answers. H needs to trace back where it all started in Goa. This 45 minute short beautifully emphasizes on the significance of love over gender in relationships. It also tells the importance of self-acceptance, including one’s sexuality and the frivolity about living in denial.

The Song We Sang (Hindi)
Two girls, Krishna and Alia, meet for the first time on a festive night of an Indian dance festival. Romance blossoms between them as they walk the night exchanging mythology trivia, food and experiences of life only to realize it could lead to more.

In My Own Skin (Hindi)
A teenage boy trying to come to terms with the fact that he likes to dress up as girls and put make up on.

Sunday (Hindi)
When the middle-aged Kamble makes his weekly visit to the neighborhood barber shop, it's not just for a shave. He can't wait to be touched by Jaan, the new barber-boy he has a crush on.

By The Beach (India)
After a campfire night with their friends, Sanjana and Mohit sit on the beach and talk about their dysfunctional relationship only to reveal that Mohit has eyes for somebody else.


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