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Detroit Evolution

I read that this is a fan made film bu some very dedicated fans of some video game, who decided to take a few characters from the game and make a feature length film out of it. Pardon my ignorance about video games, and not knowing anything about it, I have too say that production quality, acting and anything else about this film is no less applause worthy than any film. I mean there is no way you can say that the film is Mae by amateurs (I am not sure if they are really amateurs)

Set in near future, the story focuses on two people: Detective Gavin Reed, who is constantly at war with himself and his past and RK900/Nines, who is a freed android and Gavin's work partner helping DPD. Nines is trying his best to get past Gavin's walls. The mutual feelings between them only seem to drive them apart as neither thinks they are worthy of the other. Soon. The city is troubled with a case of missing parts from various androids and Nines figures out that there is more to what meets eyes. They take help of an experienced Android who heads the community. The rest film sabot identifying and resolving the mystery of this, in addition to addressing the growing gay love between a human and an android. Its time they tackled their feelings for each other and address it.

Now, yes this is a low budget film with actually pretty amazing production quality, but that doesn't make the film interesting. The characters remain stubbornly two-dimensional and the plot line is wafer thin. You can guess where things are headed. I was more looking forward tp the chemistry and relationship between Gavin and Nines but not much time was devoted to it. I am sure the idea was to make thriller with gay protagonists but hey, it doesn't hurt to expect more from a love angle also. What's shown to us of their relationship is sweet but very lukewarm. The two guys look handsome, act really well as the character demands and have a good chemistry. Sadly same cannot be said about any other actor or the film overall, which drags with little to no action and way too much talking. I salute the effort but overall as a film, it leaves a lot to be desired. (4/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Actually I think this one is likable only if you have played the game. They did a really good job, with a lot of references and keeping the whole movie very true to the game (that is good too btw), and many scenes bring a smile just for this reason only. As you said, you cannot guess it was made by amateurs (except for that ridiculous fight scene). They have my admiration and thanks for bringing a gay storyline to the game :)
Golu said…
Have you played the game? Are you familiar with it? If yes, I am very curious to know more context and what are your views?
Sailor Maan said…
I've played the game twice and liked it a lot : dystopic future, robots gaining feelings and trying to fight for their rights at the risk of being exterminated, and multiple endings depending of your choices (this is actually the main selling point of the game). Of course the "world" is a lot more developped, fascinating and dramatic in the game where it is only scratched in the movie, but they could't really show destroyed droids and futuristic towns, could they? Still they somehow managed to recreate the feeling thanks to lighting and music. However where the movie truly shines is in its fanservice. It shows a possible and credible future to the game with still unresolved things, but most of all mentions what happens to main characters or to some important places, and uses some visual codes of the game (chip on the temple, skin removal, inner conscience of robots as space filled with nature...). For example I was happy to see what happened to Jericho, here an important structure when in the game it was the last (desolated) shelter for awaken droids. Last but not least: inspector Gavin Reed. You encounter him several times in the game, where he serves as a fierce example of humans hating robots. Seeing him finally fall for a robot himself is all part of the charm of the movie. So I think the movie loses a lot of value if you don't have the background of the game. Don't get me wrong, it will never be the best movie, but as a fan made film I was quite amazed and pleased.
Golu said…
I can already feel the excitement in you reading your comments, so I can imagine very easily how for fans of the game show, this could be a nice homage to the game and the fans love.
And yes, just as a fan film made, it did not feel amateurish at all. Its just for people like me with no prior context, the film limits its audience.

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