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His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta (Japanese Mini-Series) [His - I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love]

Continuing the trend of good BL stories, this 5 episode mini series of about 22 minutes each is a very welcome addition to the list of BL stories that can be added to the recommended list. The series is very endearing, to the point, with very little to no distractions from what the makers really want to say. Sometimes you feel , certain characters are added just for the sake of it, but eventually they all end up having a purpose in the bigger picture and I loved this the most about this series.

17 year old Nagisa lives alone in a seaside town. A huge fan of surfing, he does part time jobs to survive, including a hostel and surf board rental store. He is also friends with daughter of the owner Chika, who secretly likes Nagusi. Enter Shun, another teenage boy visiting his father, who unexpectedly has to leave for a business trip. When Chika causes Shun to lose his keys leaving him unable to re-enter his dad’s apartment, she invites him to stay at her home with her parents and hence ends up meeting Nagusi. The usually shy Nagusi invites Shun to join him for surfing and will teach him. The friendship between two boys develop in a strong bond and clearly Nagusi is more interested in Shun but we don't get to know Shun's feelings until much later. Meanwhile Chika is trying to pursue Nagusi and another friend of hers and Shun are also becoming close. Neither of the boy has the courage to admit their feeling for one another. Unsure of where things should go from here, Nagisa and Shun slowly begin to realize that above all else, the relationship they have is truly special. Thanks to the efforts of the two girls who eventually figure out the truth, the two boys are able to confess their true feelings.

The actors alleviate this show. They are young, not perfect, have their flaws and unique personalities but neither is over stated. Its al realistic and very subtle. In fact, even the parents of Chika add a very nice realistic and fresh touch to the proceedings (very different from what I have been used to in BL shows). Their quite chemistry is endearing to watch. You can tell Nagusi has feelings for Shun but Shun liking him bak can a surprise to me, to be honest. All through the show there are no indications that Shun likes Nagusi till he finishes reading the book Nagusi gave him. That is the only one flaw that I can think of. Every character was well developed , including the two girls. I did feel bad for them and how they get treated, but in the last 10 minutes of the series, when Nagusi explains his past to Chika, suddenly everything makes sense. He explains the rationale for his actions, why he did what he did and so on. That scene was a perfect example for me to not judge a book by cover. Even though I felt odd as to why would Nagusi play with any girls feelings just because he cannot get Shun, but the reasons later made all sense. Thankfully, the girls were not just mere props. They were strong,  both girls respect themselves and their crushes and never try to ‘sabotage’ or ruin the others life. In fact, they act as an integral part in the boy’s friendship and relationship. The casual chemistry amongst all characters and realistic cast made this series one of the most enjoyable and beautiful series I’ve ever watched.

I am amazed, but maybe just ignorant, but I think this series deserves more attention and viewers than it probably has. Highly recommended. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
A simple yet subtle one. It's true you have to wait until the last episode to have everything explained. It's beautiful even if that's maybe the biggest drawback. I wished they had it developped just a tiny bit more as it left me with a feeling of unexplored relationship, not so romantic in the end. But really it's just a sign I wanted to have more! The rooftop scene was amazing. The girls were too good to be true, and the parents hilarious. Now go watch the sequel movie :-)
Golu said…
The parents were definitely very cute and funny. I loved their arc.
Watchung the movie is next in my list. Hopefully soon !!

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