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HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (Taiwanese Series)

Here I am again with the third in series of HIStory focussing on LGBT theme. This specific series is actually 10 episodes of about 48 minutes each, but for whatever reason they chose to cut each episode into two parts and number them 1 to 20. Make Our Days Count tells the story of a group of high school boys and how they navigate life, love, friendship, and plans for their future. The focus is on two main couples but we get glimpses of their friends and how they handle certain things as well.

 Xiang Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu are high school students.  Xiang Hao Ting is a rebel who frequently gets into trouble. He is intelligent , only if he focusses on studies. Yu Xi Gu on the other hand is a book worm without friends and studies hard so that he can get into a national university as well as receive scholarships for his high school studies. His parents died when he was young, so he works multiple part time jobs so he can ease the financial burden on his aunt who raised him.  Xiang Hao Ting has no such issues given he has a loving and a well to do family. After a few misunderstandings,  Xiang Hao Ting finds himself falling for Yu Xi Gu. He doesn't understand what's going on, and asks his close friend Sun Bo who is also gay. Sun also works in his cousin's gym and is a very emotional boy. He has a huge crush on Liu Zhi Gang, an older guy who runs a cafe where Yu Xi Gu works part time. He also likes Sun Bo, but given their age difference and him being just a school boy is very apprehensive of their relationship. We see the lives of these two couples in parallel. Eventually  Xiang Hao Ting convinces Yu Xi Gu of his feelings for him and soon start dating. By the time  Xiang Hao Ting's parents find out they are furious and forbid them to meet. Yu Xi Gu comes with a proposal that if he can make  Xiang Hao Ting focus on studies and get him into a national university, the parents should allow them to see each other again. Eventually it happens. But not everything has a happy ending. One couple gets a happy ending while the other gets a lifetime if grief.

The one thing I really liked was that the series was focussed. Unlike Thai shows where there is a lot of fluff for no reason, this show had no such issue. I mean, they did show a lot of fun banter between  Xiang Hao Ting and his friends but it was all so much fun and was more to show the comfort that the group shares and how close they all were to each other. Young kids do and say silly things. We will talk about the ending of the show later, because I am sure a lot of people will have very mixed feelings about it, but lets focus on some of the positives and good things about the show. Firstly, Yu Xi Gu fit the character really well and did a great job from from a physical and emotional perspective. Somehow  Xiang Hao Ting was not the right choice of actor for this role IMO. Something was lacking and I could never connect with him. Sun Bo was one of my favorite. He was  meant to be a dumb, naïve and impulsive teenager who is kind of falling in love and he portrayed that really well. Liu Zhi Gang was the cutest of them all but very sugar sweet one-dimensional. The slow progress of love between the main couple was done really well. How eventually Yu Xi Gu also falls for the hunk. I really appreciate the fact that more than a couple of episodes were dedicated to the whole sex part between the guys. It felt very real. The fear, uncomfortable, inexperience; and the fact that they talked about a lot of things rather than just make it implicit gave the show a new perspective. The friendships between the group and how they were always there for each other was also portrayed really well. The slow burn love of Sun Bo and Liu Zhi Gang was shown real nice. Did I say before Sun Bo was my favorite and the most real of them all. 

Talking about the elephant in the room, the ending is indeed controversial. To be honest, given the title of the series, I was expecting something drastic to happen but when everything seemed going good till episode 9, I thought maybe I was wrong. But sure enough last episode gives you a jolt. It wasn't shocking even then but unexpected, yes. I think the decision was taken to add more of a shock value, because believe it or not, unexpected endings are talked of much longer than happy endings. Also it felt very abrupt, so clearly there is a lot more to the story than what we viewers will ever know. Despite all this, as expected HIStory series has not failed to deliver to its promises. When fresh stories, good production and mostly great cast and acting, this series is definitely making a difference in the portrayal of LGBT community in Taiwan. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Once again, Taiwan delivered a very good BL. The first 9 episodes were so good. I don't know what they tried to do with episode 10 but it felt random and unnecessary for me. They could have shown the "a few years latter" and still have Xiang Hao Ting big evolution. Still very good as a whole.
On a side note, I read some really funny comments on the explicit sex scene between Liu Shi Gang and Sun. Apparently some BL fan girls were not really ready for it lmao.
Golu said…
There should be a whole series on girls who are into BL stuff.. Would be fun
I really appreciated how they tackled sex in this series. Right from, oh shot! I won't know where to start for a teenager, to pain, to pleasure to actually doing it (Unlike Thai shows, where even getting a kiss leads to P'Dean kind of reactions :)
Sailor Maan said…
"where even getting a kiss leads to P'Dean kind of reactions" OMG, Yes hahaha!!!! I've even seen there was a youtube video recording BL thai kisses with tongue, like it's the most sexual thing we can ever get from them XD

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